April 25, 2016

Members Present: Betsy Moore, Ted Bartlett, Gene Gissin, Dan Kuper

Members Absent: Scott Shannon

Also Present: Robert Kent, Kurt Wendler, Jamie Wheatcraft, David Muraco, George Williams, Jim Huftalen, Laurie Oman, Noel Manion King, Dave Porter, Adam Walburger and John Ninos

T. Bartlett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


T. Bartlett: Does anyone have any comments or changes of the minutes from the March 2016 meeting?

D. Kuper: I make a motion to accept the minutes with corrections.

B. Moore: I second it.

T. Bartlett: All in favor?

Minutes approved 3-0 (Gene Gissin arrived after minutes were approved)


T. Bartlett: Gene Gissin, Betsy Moore and I met with Sphere Holding LLC in regards to the possible annexation of Route 20 and a possible Aldi’s Store. The HPC members present gave Mr. Wendler several suggestions on the proposed Aldi’s Store. Sphere Holdings LLC will be presenting tonight with their changes and for more input from the HPC.

St. Peter’s Church on Mill Street will be replacing their roof with cedar shingles in kind with what is currently on the roof. This is a repair item and does not have to be reviewed by the HPC.

The shutter replaclements on the Lincklaen House is in progress. CPF and HPC have approved rehabilitation of the Lincklaen House Sign.

Lakeland Park Master Plan is available at the Village of Cazenovia Municipal Building for review.

Due to illness, Scott Shannon will not be here to present his application for 5 Emory Ave. He has asked to be placed on the May HPC agenda.

Bob Kent from Teitsch, Kent and Faye is retiring. Tonight is his last application to be brought in front of the HPC Board. The HPC congratulated him on his retirement and wished him the best in the future.





The property at 56 Albany Street is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic District.

Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code.

The application includes:

1.  Moving current foyer entrance forward closer to Albany Street

2.  New 36” door in to the Real Estate Office

Architect Bob Kent presented the application. They would like to move the current foyer entrance forward closer to the street. The entrance will still be slightly recessed. The lights and windows will be similar to what is currently there. The trim will be standard brick. A new 36” door will be installed for the real estate office.

A brief discussion occurred.

D. Kuper: Made a motion to accept the application as submitted.

B. Moore: I second it.

The proposed work falls under the Rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.

This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.

T. Bartlett: Any further discussion? All in favor?

The application for 56 Albany Street was approved as submitted 4-0

T. Bartlett: Your next step is to see Zoning Officer, Bill Carr. You will need to ask Bill Carr if the new door has to swing in.




The property at19 Hurd Street is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic District.

Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code.

The application includes replacement of two windows.

Jim Huftalen presented the application. The two windows that will be replaced will be replaced with Marvin Integrity Windows. The trim will be the same as currently there. The storm windows will be removed.

A brief discussion occurred.

D. Kuper: I make a motion to accept the application for 19 Hurd Street as submitted.

B. Moore: I second it.

The proposed work falls under the rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.

This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.

T. Bartlett: Any further discussion? All in favor?

The application for 19 Hurd Street was passed as submitted 4-0.

T. Bartlett: Your next step is to see Zoning Officer, Bill Carr for the building permit.




T. Bartlett: After looking at the building plan and location of the proposed work, the HPC does not have to review the application, because the porch and windows are not visible from the street.

The Kings were advised to see Zoning Officer, Bill Carr for a building permit application.


2364 AND 2390 US ROUTE 20


T. Bartlett: The Village of Cazenovia Planning Board has requested guidance from the HPC in the preliminary review of possible development at 2364 and 2390 Route 20 (Caz Motel). This is not an application at this point-only a presentation.

Adam Walburger from the Village of Cazenovia Planning Board and Trustee Dave Porter were also present to join the discussion on the proposed Aldi Store.

Jamie Wheatcraft of APD Engineering and Architecture resubmitted exterior revisions and elevations for the proposed Aldi Store. A discussion occurred with APD Engineering and Architecture, Sphere Development, the HPC, Trustee Porter and Planning Board Member Adam Walburger. Several changes were suggested to be made before the May 9, 2016 meeting. Sphere will re-submit Aldi elevations with revisions for comment prior to May 9 meeting.




Ted Bartlett recused himself from this application. Betsy Moore took over as chairperson.

The property at 3 Emory Ave is located within the Cazenovia Village Historic District.

Work proposed for the exterior of the buildings and site is subject to review by HPC for a Certificate of Compatibility per Section 180-32.7 of the Village Code.

The application includes repair to front portico porch. It includes repairs to the base of square columns, replacement of deck trim boards, replacement of masonry piers and installation of new skirting between porch piers.

A brief discussion occurred.

D. Kuper: Made a motion to accept the application as submitted.

G. Gissin: I second it.

The proposed work falls under the Rehabilitation standards as found in the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as referenced in Section 180-32.6 of the Village Code.

This application is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 617.5 (c) 10. The approval of this application will not have any significant or adverse effect on the environment. No further SEQR action is required.

B. Moore: Any further discussion? All in favor?

The application for 5 Emory Ave was approved as submitted 3-0-1 (T. Bartlett abstained).

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Dady

Deputy Clerk

Village of Cazenovia