Response Letter

Dear Professor Stephen Cutler, Editor-in-Chief

We really appreciate you for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript “Permeability of novel 4'-N-substituted (aminomethyl) benzoate-7-substituted nicotinic acid ester derivatives of scutellarein in Caco-2 cells and in an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier”(Ms. Ref. No.: MCRE-D-15-00662R1). And also we appreciate the reviewers for their helpful comments and valuable suggestions on the previous draft.

The manuscript is revised submissionwith some grammar and spelling errors has been corrected. The relevant corrections and regulations had been made according to the comments of reviewers, and the revised portions were marked inblue in newly revised manuscript (MCRE-D-15-00662R2). We also responded point by point to each reviewer comments as listed below. We hope the above amendments will make the manuscript more acceptable for publication in Medicinal Chemistry Research (MCRE).

Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.

Best regards,

Ph D and Prof.Xiao Zhong Fu

EngineeringResearchCenter for the Development and Application of Ethnic Medicine and TCM (Ministry of Education), School of Pharmacy, GuiyangMedicalCollege, Guiyang 550004, Guizhou, China


A list of answers according to comments of the reviewers

  1. In the text Introduction you are giving the abbreviation ROS but it never gives the expanded version. Please provide


According to comments of the reviewer, we providedexpanded version“reactive oxygen species”of ROS in introduction section of the revised manuscript (MCRE-D-15-00662R1).

  1. In the text in all the pages some words are presented after “,” it comes “and”

Example: when it reached colon, and was then …., Like this most of the places comes. Please verify the words.


According to comments of the reviewer, we revised the inappropriate expression of “…scutellarin was firstly hydrolyzed into its aglyconewhen it reached colon, and was then absorbed as scutellarein” to more reasonable expression of “This indicates that scutellarin is hydrolyzed in the colon to scutellarein, which is then absorbed”, like this most of the places in revised manuscript (MCRE-D-15-00662R1).

  1. In all the text you are using the word “Physiochemical” Is it correct?

In your references all the places it comes as “Physicochemical”, Which one is correct? Please verify the same.


According to comments of the reviewer, we revised the wrong word “physicochemical” into correct word “physiochemical” in all places in references in newlyrevised manuscript (MCRE-D-15-00662R2).

  1. In page 4 line 24 highresolution - it may comes as high resolution


According to comments of the reviewer, we revised the wrong expression “highresolution” to correct expression “high resolution” in revised manuscript (MCRE-D-15-00662R1).

  1. Page No. 9 line 59 your are giving 37 C – it may be 37C


According to comments of the reviewer,we revised the inappropriate expression of “37C” to right expression “37C” in revised manuscript (MCRE-D-15-00662R1).

  1. In the reference Biegel – in vitro may be italized – in vitro


According to comments of the reviewer, we changed the font of “in vitro” in the reference “Biegel D, Spencer DD, Pachter JS (1995)” into italized“in vitro”in newly revised manuscript (MCRE-D-15-00662R2).

  1. These are some minor typographical errors. Correct them.


Thanks for the constructive comments of the reviewers, and according to comments of the reviewer, we revised some minor typographical errors in previous draft.

1)In abstract section, we revised inappropriate expression of “3.7-fold times higher than…”to appropriate expression” 3.7-fold higher than…” in newly revised manuscript (MCRE-D-15-00662R2).

2)In reference section, we changed the inappropriate expression of journal names of “ J Pharm Sci.”, “Int J Pharm.”, “Eur J Pharm Sci.”into appropriate expression of “ J Pharm Sci.”, “Int J Pharm.”, “Eur J Pharm Sci.” in newly revised manuscript (MCRE-D-15-00662R2).