/ 4Report to Transport Panel 15February 2005
Author: Mike Younghusband 01707 356551
1.Purpose of Report
The purpose of this report is brief the Panel on the Watford Junction Interchange major project and seek endorsement to the making of a planning application for the scheme.
The Watford Junction Interchange Scheme is a key element of the South West Hertfordshire Transportation Strategy (SWHTS). The problems and opportunities which act as drivers for the scheme are:
- the need for improved access, inter-modal interchange and improved station facilities to reinforce Watford Junction’s role as a key transport hub north of London
- the completion of the West Coast Main Line (WCML) upgrade works and commencement of faster services on the route generates a requirement for increased parking capacity to encourage usage of the station as a “parkway” for longer distance travellers.
- road traffic congestion and delay on the strategic and local road network
- delays and reliability problems for bus services serving, or passing the Station
The Scheme is being developed by a core partnership, established in 1998, between Hertfordshire County Council, Watford Borough Council, Network Rail, Virgin Trains and Silverlink Train Services. A Heads of Agreement has been agreed between all the partners and they are committed to bring this scheme to completion. The associated partners to the agreement and partners in the project are Department for Transport (DfT) and Strategic Rail Authority (SRA), given their national transport planning and asset management responsibilities. The Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) is represented on the project steering group.
The design of the proposed scheme complies with the requirements of Watford Borough Council’s Development Brief for the Watford Junction area. Following extensive consultation on a draft brief, the Council adopted the brief as Supplementary Planning Guidance in April 2004.
3Objectives for the Scheme
The scheme proposed has developed over the last few years through joint working to achieve the optimum solution that best meets the objectives set out by each individual partner. The primary objective of the project and the partnership is to reinforce the importance of Watford Junction Station as a regional rail hub. This will be achieved through the provision of a high quality accessible interchange that will support enhanced levels of service.
The following detailed objectives are recognised as aspirations of one or more of the partners:
i)reinforce Watford Junction as a transport ‘hub’ north of London
ii)improve access to the station for all modes of transport, including the creation a new station entrance on the eastern side of the railway.
iii)enhance facilities for bus/rail interchange, with the aspirations of increasing the bus mode share for all access to local rail services.
iv)developing a more attractive, safer and fully accessible environment for passengers both in and around the station.
v)improve the environment for local residents
vi)resolve certain highway congestion issues associated with access to the station.
vii)establish the station as a high quality gateway to Watford town centre.
viii)increase parking capacity to compliment the enhancements to the WCML
ix)development of the area around the station consistent with its important location within the civic realm.
4Scheme Description
Schematic layouts of the scheme are included at Appendix 1.
The scheme delivers an enhanced western forecourt area acting as a ‘gateway’ to Watford, mainly for the use of pedestrians, cyclists, local buses and taxis with public transport facilities upgraded.
The removal of private cars from the forecourt area is facilitated by the construction of a new road link, connecting Colonial Way (to the east) with the A412 St Albans Way (to the west).
This new link allows improved road access to the ‘rear’ of the station and once complete, the existing ‘subway’ access from the front of the station will be closed to private vehicles. The provision of this new road link offers a more direct connection to the motorway system and primary road network thereby alleviating existing traffic congestion in the immediate vicinity of the station and within the wider area. This will benefit bus operations at the station as well as on the approaches to it.
A new passenger interchange will be constructed for those accessing the station from the eastern side. This interchange will include facilities for longer distance passenger transport services as well as disabled, taxi and private vehicle ‘drop-off’ points. A new passenger facility will also be constructed on the eastern side such that station users do not need to cross to the existing station facility to purchase tickets.
Car parking facilities will be increased with the construction of two new car parks, one to the east of the Abbey line and the other replacing part of the existing surface car park. Both these car parks are currently planned to be two level (ground and first floor), but will be constructed to enable further floors to be added should further expansion be sought by future development proposals. The provision of increased parking capacity will encourage a “parkway” facility for longer distance travellers and reinforce Watford’s role as a transport hub north of London.
5Planning Application and Land Acquisition
The scheme partners are now working closely together to advance the design to the appropriate stage required for the planning application. This work involves the production of an environmental assessment, the scope of which has been agreed with Watford Borough Council, and a full Transport / Traffic Impact Assessment.
The application will be made to Watford Borough Council in the joint name of the scheme partners (HCC, Watford Borough Council, Network Rail, Virgin Trains and Silverlink Trains). The County Council acts as the lead partner.
It is generally felt that affected landowners will benefit from the scheme and the aim is to secure the necessary land through negotiation. However, Watford Council is prepared to invoke Compulsory Purchase Order powers, if necessary.
The current programme for the project envisages the following key stages:
- February 2005 – Report to Transport Panel
- May 2005 – extensive stakeholder and public consultation preceded by Local Member preview
- June 2005 – Planning Application to Watford Borough Council
- Summer 2006 – Project Tendering process
- Autumn 2006 – Commencement of Construction
- Winter 2007 – Completion of Construction
In order to minimise disruption to users of the station and to local residents, construction will be undertaken in phases.
7Scheme Funding Package
A draft bid for funding was submitted to DfT in July 2004 as an “Annex E” Major Scheme Appraisal Report appended to the 2004 LTP Annual Progress Report. The DfT showed keen interest in the scheme, but requested further detailed clarification work to be submitted.
In December 2004, as part of the Local Transport Capital Expenditure Settlement for 2005/06 the DfT provisionally approved the scheme. This means that Ministers accept the economic case for the scheme as presented and will be prepared to fund £12.2million of the scheme’s cost, subject to a number of provisions. Appendix 2 to this report gives the details of these provisions.
In accordance with the DfT’s requirements the County Council is currently in the process of securing £3m of contributions, as originally detailed in the LTP bid. The County Council is in discussion with the SRA and Virgin Trains to finalise the detail of the £2.5m Virgin contribution. The remainder will be secured from a combination of appropriate existing s106 contributions, s106 from new developments, and contributions from adjacent landowners.
8.Financial Implications
The costs of developing the scheme have been funded by the County Capital programme, with contributions from the partners. Further contributions from partners will be sought to progress the scheme from planning application through to procurement.
9.Issues for the Panel to Consider
The Panel is asked to:
Endorse the proposal that a planning application for the Watford Junction Interchange scheme be made to Watford Borough Council in the name of the scheme partners, led by Hertfordshire County Council
10.Decision Making Process
No further processes are required to support the decision to make a planning application.
Appendix 2
Extract from HCC LTP Funding Decision Letter, December 2004
"We recognise that the Watford Junction Interchange, which will improve access to the main station and facilitate modal interchange, offers very high value for money, and this provides a strong argument as to why this scheme should be given approval in this settlement. In the light of this I am pleased to tell you that the scheme has been provisionally approved. This means that Ministers accept the economic case for the scheme as presented in the Annex E document and will be prepared to fund £12.2 million of the scheme's costs with the following provisions:
The gross and net costs of the scheme remain unchanged.
The scheme design and the value for money it offers remains significantly unchanged.
Satisfactory completion of statutory procedures.
Satisfactory securing of £3m of other contributions.
Suitable consultation with the relevant statutory environmental bodies.
If any of the conditions of the provisions outlined above are breached, the government reserves the right to withdraw approval of the scheme or there may be no legal basis on which it can proceed so that full approval cannot be given. Provisional approval of the scheme does not mean that the Government accepts the authority's timings for the scheme being progressed. This issue will be discussed and finalised as and when the scheme returns for full approval, taking into account, amongst other criteria, overall prioritisation and availability of funding.
This decision is given solely in respect of the appraisal case for this scheme and is entirely without prejudice to any view that the Secretary of State, or other Ministers, may take on any future application for statutory powers or in accordance with any other functions. As mentioned above, you should work closely with the Statutory Environmental Bodies.
We will consider requests for funding for 2005/6 as and when the scheme returns for full approval. I should be grateful if you would keep us informed of progress towards completion of the statutory processes through the monitoring arrangements for major schemes. Funding allocations need to be confirmed each year and are open to amendment, and Ministers reserve the right to reconsider their decisions on this scheme if the outcomes of the statutory process lead to any significant changes to the scheme. We can give no guarantees on meeting any increase in costs over and above the Government's agreed total contribution.
We would like to be kept informed of any developments with regards to the ongoing discussions between SRA and Virgin with regards to their £2.5m contribution, and also the status of all other contributions".