Information for PhD Students and Supervisors
Division of Transplant Immunology and Mucosal Biology(DTIMB)
Information for
PhD Students
Postgraduate Co-ordinator: Dr Richard Thompson
Transplantation Immunology and Mucosal Biology
Institute of Liver Studies, King’s College Hospital
Tel: 020 3299 4296
DTIMB: Project Manager: Education & Training: David Hardy
MRC Centre for Transplantation
5th Floor, Tower Wing, Guy’s Campus
Tel: 020 7188 8709
Please note that reference should also be made to the
Graduate School and Divisional websites
Ninth Edition: April 2015
To help clarify the instructions within this handbook we have highlighted action points for the supervisors in red and the students in blue
Details of new projects which are being recruited can be added to the Divisional website by David Hardy or Duncan Mutembani, as well as to other third party recruitment websites. Costs may be incurred for external websites and this should be met by the relevant PI.
Selection criteria must be fair, clear, transparent and implemented consistently. There should be clear a standard process and transparent criteria for accepting or rejecting an applicant after interview. There must always be more than one member of staff present during the interview. If only one academic (chair) is present, an administrative member of staff should be present to participate or observe. All staff present should have clearly defined roles and responsibilities and be fully conversant with interviewing policies and procedures. Deviation from this principle will be allowed ONLY in exceptional circumstances, eg telephone, overseas, recruitments fairs, and an explanatory account of the alternative arrangement be recorded on the applicant’s record.
As for staff recruitment, It is a divisional requirement that anyone who shortlists candidates and takes part in an interview panel must have received equality & diversity training. This is compulsory for Trust members of staff and for KCL DTIMB staff. The following courses are available; once completed, please ensure you email a copy of your certificate of attendance at the course to the Divisional administrator (Duncan Mutembani) for record keeping.
· http://www.faculty.londondeanery.ac.uk/e-learning/diversity-equal-opportunities-and-human-rights OR
· Unconscious bias training OR
· http://www.kcl.ac.uk/aboutkings/governance/equality/training/current/index.aspx
You must ensure the recruitment and interview panel is gender balanced for the Athena Swan Charter; the Division will be monitoring this and gathering metrics. Please inform the Project Manager for Education & Training (David Hardy) of the panel composition for our records.
The aims of the interview and the skills and qualities sought from the interviewee must be identified in advance and be fair, clear, transparent and implemented consistently. A formal written record of the interview and decision should be maintained by the academic interview chair
Notification that an offer will be made should be sent to the Project Manager for Education & Training (David Hardy)so records can be updated. Please include details of the following;
· Student name
· Project title
· Funding source
· Start date
· Mode of Study (Full time/part time)
· Whether on a Clinical or Research based programme
Full College guidelines on interviewing can be found here;
All incoming PhD students must submit an online application via the KCL application portal, which allows the Admissions Office to carry out necessary checks, and liaise with the Registry to have the student set up on SITS, the College’s student database. The Admissions Office will issue an offer letter and joining instructions once this process is complete, and the student must accept the offer via the Application Portal. An official offer in writing will only be made by the admitting Faculty/School with the express approval of the Head of Department or his/her delegate, in this case the PGC Coordinator, Dr Richard Thompson.
Students are not covered by the College’s insurance before they are registered as a current students by Admissions and the Registry and so should not be working on campus whilst their application is being processed.
College guidance for new students can be found on the following webpage;
Students will receive guidance on setting up their email accounts and arranging IT access in their joining instructions from the Admissions Office.
When a new student enrols, a student maintenance grant form needs to be completed; this ensures their stipend and fees are paid on time and from the correct account. The form is available here: https://internal.kcl.ac.uk/about/ps/finance/ap/ap1.aspx
This form needs to be signed and sent to . Only hard copies will be accepted. We do not take care of this centrally, until now supervisors have ensured this happens. A copy of this form needs to be saved for your records, and an electronic copy sent to the Project Manager for Education & Training (David Hardy).
The following webpage provides detailed information on how to set up a studentship: https://internal.kcl.ac.uk/student/grad-school/funding/guide.aspx
The following link to the finance pages offers useful information regarding fees and payment methods: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/aboutkings/orgstructure/ps/finance/fees/index.aspx
Students need to collect their College ID cards from the Academic Centre, 1st Floor, Henriette Raphael Building
Guy's Campus.
Student ID card access to labs and other facilities can be arranged by the Divisional Office, and students should collect a letter from here after registration which they can take to the Security Office, Ground Floor, New Hunt’s House to be granted access.
Supervisors should complete an induction with their student within two weeks of their start date; this includes lab safety training, a DSE assessment, and familiarity with the fire safety procedures in this handbook. Students should also collect copies of the Divisional PGR handbook and lab safety handbook from the Division office; these can also be found on the shared drive: X:\Shared\DIVISION\Staff Hand Book
The induction checklist document can be found here;
X:\Shared\DIVISION\Staff Hand Book\DTIMB Induction checklist_2015.pdf
Once complete, this should be returned to the Project Manager for Education & Training (David Hardy) with any potential issues highlighted.
Some funding is only available to students who meet strict criteria, usually with regard to nationality and residency. It is important for the Primary Supervisor to check that the candidates selected for interview meet the stipulated criteria. If any doubts exist, Jenny Eldridge (020 7848 3376) should be contacted for advice.
If an informal offer has been made and accepted, a formal offer has to be issued by the Health Schools Postgraduate Admissions Office (HSAO). For this you need to return the Interview Form, and the completed Project Approval Form to the HSAO to issue an offer letter. Any questions about the approval form please see the DTIMB Project Manager or Postgraduate Coordinator.
Those students who have not be successful please inform the DTIMB Project Manager who will contact the HSAO so ‘unsuccessful’ letters can be sent out
Admissions Contact:
The Admissions contact for DTIMB is: Holly Bates
Postgraduate Admissions Officer
King’s Admission Centre
King's College London
1st Floor
Capital House
42 Weston Street
London SE1 3QD
Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 7955
Registry Contact:
The Registry contact for DIIID and DTIMB is: Christopher Medcalf. Christopher is based in the Academic Centre, 1st Floor, Henrietta Raphael House, Guy’s Campus
E-mail: , Telephone: 020 7848 6704.
Postgraduate Application Form:
The Primary Supervisor must ensure that the Application Form is properly completed. A number of other documents need to be provided (e.g. references) by the student as well. Most of the application process is done online.
Project Approval Form (via Virtual campus):
The Primary Supervisor must also complete a Research Approval Form, giving full details of the project, and the funding provided. Please ensure that you do not enclose a copy of the grant application but include an abstract of the project as requested in the form. The Second Supervisor also needs to complete their details. Finally the form needs to be signed off by the student, both supervisors and the Head of Department before the PG Co-ordinator (Dr Stuart Neil or Dr Richard Thompson) signs the form. A scanned copy should be forwarded to David Hardy (DTIMB) and retained in DTIMB. The original form is sent to Registry. It is likely that in the near future this form will be signed and approved online.
The Student Maintenance Grant Form:
The Student Maintenance Grant form needs to be downloaded from the above website, and completed by the Primary Supervisor. It is necessary to detail all payments, then run off a hard copy of the form for signature. The electronic version has to be sent to: and the approved/signed hard copy to Bought Ledger. If the form is not sent both electronically and by post/internal mail, preferably at least one month in advance of the student starting, the stipend may not be set up for payment.
After all the necessary paperwork has been processed by Registry, a formal offer will be issued to the student, including enrolment information and details of induction events. The student will also be asked to provide bank details.
If funding is being provided by the MRC, the Primary Supervisor will need to complete additional paperwork required by them.
More information about the DTIMB PhD programme can be found on the KCL website:
All students in DTIMB are carefully monitored and supported throughout their MD/PhD study.
Soon after commencing their studies students will receive information about the Thesis Progress Committee, schedule of reports and meetings. This Committee comprises the student’s Primary Supervisor, their Second Supervisor and a Chairman (nominated by the Postgraduate Co-ordinator), together with two independent experts, who may be internal or external to King’s College London. The purpose of the committee is to monitor the student’s progress and to offer support, advice and guidance until they have completed their PhD studies at King’s.
IMPORTANTLY all full-time students are submitted for upgrade consideration at 9 months (see below).
Meetings: 3, 9 (upgrade), 15, 21, 27 and 33 months
Reports: Paper Upgrade at 9 months
Online: 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33 and every 3 months during last year of
registration (write-up)
All students are expected to keep a logbook of their progress and personal development
Online Progress Report Form:
Students are required to complete their first report at three months post-registration, and then at six monthly intervals until they are ready to start writing up.
Please log in to your online tasks at https://mykcl.kcl.ac.uk/urd/sits.urd/run/siw_lgn
The completion of regular reports is mandatory. If for any reason you are unable to complete your section within the allotted timeframe, please contact the Coordinator and the Registry as soon as possible.
Online progress reports require sign-off by supervisors and then by Thesis Committee Chair (recent students) PGT coordinator (less recent students).
Progress Meetings:
At three months, nine months, twenty-one months, twenty-seven and thirty three months post-registration, students will meet with their Thesis Progress Committee.
It is the responsibility of the student to organise these meetings, and to contact their Chairman, both supervisors and experts to arrange a mutually convenient time for the meeting. The student is also required to complete a progress report, in consultation with their primary supervisor at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
At the meeting, the DIIID/DTIMB evaluation form must be completed. This is a one-page form, which can be obtained from the Divisional Website or the Virtual Campus.
.The form will be completed by the Chairman of the Committee and signed by all present at the meeting. It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to ensure that the report is scanned and sent to the DTIMB Project Manager with any problems highlighted. Importantly, the original of the 9 month upgrade form should be sent immediately to the Registry by internal post or preferably hand-delivered to Chris Medcalf. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that the signed 9 month upgrade form goes to the Registry.
Any problems arising, if easily dealt with, should be discussed and the solution approved when the full committee is reassembled.
Three Month Progress Report and Meeting:
After three months’ study, the student will need to prepare a short report (in consultation with their Primary Supervisor), basically outlining their study plan. The student should fill in the online progress report. Then the report will be sent online for approval to the supervisor and the Coordinator/Committee Chair.
The student will need to organise a meeting of their Thesis Progress Committee, which will be quite an informal meeting, and intended as an opportunity to meet with the committee members before the nine month Upgrade Meeting.
If a delay is anticipated between writing the report and organising the meeting, the online report should be filled in as required by Registry, in compliance with stringent reporting deadlines.
Registry acts swiftly in pursuit of overdue reports, and a delay of just one month can result in the threat of de-registration. If you know that your report will be late, please inform Registry of the circumstances.
Nine Month Progress Report, Upgrade Thesis and Upgrade Meeting:
Full time students are expected to upgrade at nine months post-registration.
Part time students who are full-time equivalent (i.e. working full time on their project) will be expected to up-grade at nine months post registration.
Those who are true part time students (i.e. only working one or two days per week on their project) will have their upgrade timing considered on an individual basis. This will be at the discretion of their committee and, in any event, will not be later than eighteen months post-registration.
Students are required to organise a full meeting of their Thesis Progress Committee at nine months posts-registration, and it is essential that both supervisors and two experts are present at this meeting. If a problem comes to light at the meeting, this allows time to resolve it and arrange a repeat Upgrade Meeting before the twelve month deadline. The student is required to provide a nine month progress report (completed online as three month report), as well as an Upgrade Thesis, two weeks prior to their Upgrade Meeting.
The Upgrade Meeting will have one of the following outcomes: