Hammond High Magnet School
Dance Permission Form for Out of School Date
Prom May 5, 2012 Formal
Hammond High Magnet Student and Student’s date must complete this form and turn it in to the Discipline Office within TWOdays prior to the date of the dance, no later than 12:00 p.m. noon. This form will not be accepted at the door!!!
Important Guidelines
Signatures below indicate my/our understanding of and support of the following:
- Individuals attending Hammond High Magnet School dances must be between the ages of 14 and 21. All Hammond High Magnet School and Tangipahoa Parish School Board rules and regulations are in effect at all times. These rules include, but are not limited to, alcohol and tobacco usage, illegal substances, and appropriate male/female conduct and dress code. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken for failure to follow the regulations. Expelled or suspended students may not attend Hammond High Magnet School dances.
- All individuals entering a Hammond High Magnet School Dance must present an appropriate picture ID.
For Hammond High students, the Hammond High Student ID must be presented.
- The Hammond High student and his/her guest must enter and leave the dance together. The Hammond High student is responsible for the behavior of his/her guest and is subject to disciplinary action for failure to abide by the rules and regulations. The privilege of bringing a guest to a Hammond High event may be affected by the behavior of this guest.
- The guest of the Hammond High Magnet School student must abide by all rules and regulations during the entire dance. If rules and regulations are inappropriate, the guest’s school will be contacted for appropriate disciplinary action at that school. If the guest is not a student, Tangipahoa Sheriff’s Department may be contacted for appropriate actions.
- Parents will be contacted to pick up their child due to misbehavior at the dance.
Please print AND sign name where indicated:
HHMS Student______(print) ______(sign)
Student I.D. Number (last 4 of social) ______(print)
Hammond High parent(s) ______(sign) Telephone: ______
Guest’s Name: ______(print) ______(sign)
Age: ______Student I.D. Number ______(print)
Guest’s School: ______School Phone: ______
Guest’s Parent(s) ______Guest’s Emergency Phone: ______
Principal’s Statement: (This form will be returned to the student’s school)
To the best of my knowledge, the student from ______School is a student in “good standing” at our school. He/she is not currently under suspension, has not been suspended this term, and has not been expelled or recommended for expulsion. Please contact our school regarding misbehavior on the part of our student while he/she is a guest in your school.
For Students still in high school, their Principal must sign below:
Principal’s Printed Name: ______
Principal’s Signature: ______Telephone: ______
For students not in High School, Mr. Porter or Mrs. Simmons must approve with a signature below:
HHMS Principal: ______