Gettysburg Montessori Preschool Application
The Gettysburg Montessori Preschool is a tuition-based private program. The program operates on the same calendar as Gettysburg Area School District. To submit an application to the school, children must be 3 years old and fully bathroom trained.
Please complete our enrollment packet for each student enrolling in the program. Please print clearly. NOTE: Students are not officially enrolled until all required forms have been submitted.
Office Use Only
Student Name:______
Date Application Received______Start Date______
Birth Certificate: Date of Birth:______
Enrollment Application Form:
Student Information:
School Year Applying For:______
Full Legal Name of Student:______
Date of Birth:______Gender:______
Parent Information:
With which parent does the child live? Please explain any custody arrangements:______
Mother’s Name:______Employer:______
Phone: (Home):______(Cell):______(Work):______
Father’s Name:______Employer:______
Phone: (Home):______(Cell):______(Work):______
Other Emergency Contacts:
Copy of Student’s Immunizations
Please attach a copy of the student’s immunizations to this form.
Copy of Student’s Birth Certificate
Please attach a copy of the student’s birth certificate to this form.
Photo/Video Release:
Dear Parent/Guardian: Throughout the year there are occasions when the school will want to take pictures/videos of your child participating in activities. We may use these for our school webpage or local newspapers. We are requesting that you check two of the below.
I give my consent for the school to use pictures/videos of my child on the school webpage.
I give my consent for the school to use pictures/videos of my child in local newspapers.
I do not give my consent for the school to use pictures/videos of my child on the school webpage.
I do not give my consent for the school to use pictures/videos of my child in local newspapers.
Emergency and Health Information Form:
Child’s Full Legal Name:______
Date of Birth:______
Child’s Address:______
Parent’s/Guardian’s Full Name:______
Mother’s Phone: (Home):______(Cell):______(Work):______
Father’s Phone: (Home):______(Cell):______(Work):______
Other Emergency Contacts:
Please list any serious allergies, conditions (including physical or emotional) or restrictions the student
Does your child have any health concerns such as allergies, asthma, or any other condition that we must know about in order to make decisions on the proper medical care for your child in case of an emergency?______
Emergency Release
Gettysburg Montessori Charter School will attempt to reach the parent/legal guardian or one of the people listed as an emergency contact, but if none of these people can be reached, school personnelhave permission to use discretion in securing medical aid in an emergency. It is understood that neither Gettysburg Montessori Charter School nor the person responsible for obtaining the medical aid will be responsible for the expense incurred.
Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______
Enrollment Choice:
I am enrolling my child______in the Gettysburg Montessori private preschool beginning______
for:(check one) (Date)
_____M-F Full Day
_____M-F Half Day
_____MWF Full Day
_____MWF Half Day
_____TR Full Day
Full day programs begin at 8:40 and end at 3:10; half day programs end at 11:45. Students may be dropped off as early as 8:15.
Emergency weather days are the only days that can be made up with prior notification to the office. August and June’s rates will be prorated.
Tuition per month:
M-F Full Day$610
M-F Half Day$400
MWF Full Day$376
MWF Half Day$250
TR Full Day$259
Payment is due the first of each month. If you are unable to make a monthly payment, contact the office immediately, we will try to work with you; however, if 2 months payments are missed, you will lose your spot in preschool. You may elect to pay in full for the year.
Parent’s Signature