Urban Wilderness Advisory Board
Minutes of Meeting
September 26, 2007
Members Present: Dan Ferstenberg
Pam Pavsner
Marcey Carabelli
Jeffrey Greenfield
Joan Kohl
Al Will
Harold Jackson
Frank Dickinson
Staff: Gretel Porcaro
Carol Morgenstern
Laura Frank
County Attorney: Michael Owens
The Urban Wilderness Advisory Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m., role was taken, and there was a quorum.
Frank Dickinson called the meeting to order. Dan Ferstenberg made the motion to approve the minutes from the June 27, 2007 meeting, Pam Pavsner seconded, all in favor.
New Business:
Al Will asked about the election of officers for the Board and requested to retain the position he has held in the past as Board Chairman. Michael Owens explained that as an Advisory Board, they have the ability to have a Vice Chairman as well as a Chairman. Pam Pavsner motioned to have a Chairman only, as it has always been, Harold Jackson seconded, all in favor. Michael Owens requested a copy of the letter and Agenda item for Al Will’s reappointment. Harold Jackson motioned to elect Al Will as Chairman, Dan Ferstenberg seconded, all in favor.
The Board moved on the agenda item of possibly adding sites to the Urban Wilderness inventory. Carol Morgenstern explained that we are putting Restrictive Covenants on all Park properties, either Regional or Urban Wilderness; both covenants require a super majority vote of the County Commission to sell the property. Parks are always under the threat for development since it is some of the only remaining open space in the County. There are three sites where Parks are unclear if the intent is to designate as Urban Wilderness areas.
The Rookery, no longer serves as a rookery due to surrounding development. The site does not offer much ecological value, it has some wildlife, but it will remain undeveloped. The site amenities include a small parking area and a covered overlook, paid for by the developer to the west as part of an agreement for a shared entrance.
Staff stated the site is not consistent with past Urban Wilderness areas. Dan Ferstenberg asked if it served as drainage. Answer – Staff believes the developments may have drainage rights into the Lake. Frank Dickinson asked if part of it can be Urban Wilderness designation. Answer – No. Dan Ferstenberg asked if there is any provision to remove any Australian pines. Answer – Not at this time, except some were removed by the Park Development Project. Harold Jackson motions to not place this parcel on inventory. Pam Pavsner seconds, all in favor.
Dillard Green Space is a strip along Sunrise Boulevard which does have some pines and oaks, but no understory. It is mowed and will stay mowed; there are plans to develop the site with a sidewalk and with native plantings along the walk. Staff stated that it is not consistent with past Urban Wilderness areas. Frank Dickinson motions to not place this parcel on inventory. Harold Jackson seconds, all in favor.
The Carpenter site is right on the beach, immediately north of Hollywood North Beach. Half is open space, with little conservation land on the site and it is pretty impacted. It may be cleaned and diversified a little, but the intent is for the house to act as a nature center to interpret the area. There are discussions with Nova University to establish a sea turtle rescue program. The house would be saved for meetings. There is a master plan for the site, but it is not out yet. Staff stated that it may not be consistent with past Urban Wilderness areas. Frank Dickinson asked what happens if it is not added as Urban Wilderness. Answer – Not much will change. It was purchased with 2000 Bond Conservation and Greenspace money. Dan Ferstenberg motions to not place this parcel on inventory. Harold Jackson seconds, all in favor.
Al Will signed a letter to the Broward County Board of County Commissioners endorsing their approval of the master plan for site 33A and proposed the official name; West Creek Pineland Natural Area.
The Board will receive an invitation to the opening of Highlands Scrub Natural Area. Gretel Porcaro asked them all to attend and see how well it turned out. They will also get an invitation to Central Broward Regional Park, which the Environmental Section was involved with due to the burrowing owls located there and the natural area in the eastern end.
Due to budget cuts, Secret Woods will close at 5:00 pm with no exceptions. The meeting could be held at the Administrative Offices, the Board objected and offered to contact their appointing Commissioners. Carol Morgenstern offered to find out from Bob Harbin whether or not they can continue to have the meetings held at Secret Woods. The Board prefers Secret Woods, but the next choice would be the Administrative office. Carol will research and advise results.
The next meeting date is Wednesday, October 31, which the Board cannot make. The meeting will be moved to December 5.
Al Will motioned to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm.