Document Number:OD777
The aim of ACA Honorary membership is to identify those individuals who are or have been members of the association and have made a recognised contribution to continence care.
Honorary membership will be restricted to a maximum of 10 honorary members at any time or 1% of all members whichever is the greater.
Applications for Honorary membership of the ACA will only be considered if the candidate is/has been a member of the association.
Honorary membership will only be conferred on those members who have made a national contribution to the ACA.
Candidates holding office on the ACA Executive Committee may not be considered for honorary membership during their term of office. Branch officers, who meet the criteria of making a national contribution, may be nominated for honorary membership at any time.
Article 4 of the ACA Memorandum & Articles of Association states that all members have the right to receive notice of and attend at General Meetings of the Charity. Only Full members, Retired members and Honorary members have the right to vote at General Meetings of the Charity or to partake in postal votes, such members being herein referred to as members with voting rights.
Nomination for Honorary membership may be made by ACA local branch or individual ACA members. A decision on the award of honorary membership will be made by the ACA Executive Committee whose decision is final.
It is the responsibility of the individual nominating a candidate for honorary membership to provide evidence that the candidate meets the relevant criteria for consideration to be given to the recommendation of honorary membership.
A letter or email of recommendation should be submitted to the ACA Executive Committee via the ACA Secretariat.
A checklist will be completed recording the following and dates actioned:
-Once the nomination is received, an email acknowledging receipt of the nomination will be sent to the nominating party stating the date acknowledged.
-All papers relating to the application will be forwarded to all members of the Executive Committee with a deadline date for completing the adjudication process.
-Executive Committee Members will be allocated 3 weeks for assessment and adjudication of the award. A majority vote in favor of the nomination will apply.
-Adjudication papers will be completed by all ACA Executive Committee members and copies of the adjudication held on file.
On receipt of the Executive Committee decision a letter will be sent to the nominee offering the award and asking for confirmation of acceptance. The letter will give details of the proposed presentation of the award, in the event of it being accepted, to include date, time and place and all reasonable expensescovered by the ACA.
On receipt of confirmation of acceptance of the award by the nominee a second letter will be sent outlining the arrangements for accommodation, travel and liaison at the specified venue.
All arrangements at the ACA national conference AGM for the following will be carried out by the ACA secretariat:
-Meeting point
-Framed Certificate of ACA Honorary membership
-Glass trophy award
-Allocation of lifetime membership
Standard allowances will apply to the successful nominee in line with the ACA Standard Operating Procedure on Expenses.
ACA Standard Operating Procedure on Expenses.
ACA Memorandum & Articles of Association
ACA – OD777 (20/07/2015)
Signed off by: Janice Reid
Date Approved: 20/07/2015
Review date: 20/07/2018