School Psychology Program,PRE-PRACTICUM

Supervising Practitioner Year-End Evaluation

Return by June 1st

Student Name:

Supervising Practitioner Name:



This year-end evaluation is for the purpose of rating the pre-practicum student’s performance in the areas of professional work characteristics and the six training objectives of the Tufts School Psychology Program. For professional work characteristics, rate the student using the following evaluation standards.

  1. Professional Work Characteristics

Exemplary: The student demonstrates highly effective communication skills in interpersonal relationships with children, teachers, parents, administrators,and community members. Within these relationships, the student maintainsthe highest ethical standards and respect for people from diverse backgrounds. As a professional, the student is mature, dependable, and will take the initiative when necessary.

Proficient: The student communicates effectively in interpersonal relationships with children, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members. Within these relationships, the student behaves in an ethical manner and continues to develop appreciation for people from diverse backgrounds. In most instances, the student is professional, mature, dependable, and will take the initiative when encouraged.

Needs Improvement: The student experiences difficulty with communication in interpersonal relationships with children, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members. Within these relationships, the student strives to maintain ethical behavior and an awareness of issues that may arise as a result of diversity. The student is working to establish professional conduct in the face of possible emotional challenges in areas such as maturity, flexibility, and initiative.

Warning: The student is often unable to communicate professionally in interpersonal relationships with children, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members. Within these relationships, the student struggles to maintain ethical behavior and an awareness of issues that may arise as a result of diversity. The student’s attempts to establish professional conduct in areas such as maturity, flexibility, and initiative are insufficient.

ExemplaryProficientNeeds ImprovementWarning

(A+ or A) (A- or B+)(B or B-)(C+ or below)

a)For the following, rate the student on the above criteria. Please type your letter grade adjacent to each item.

1)Respect for human diversity:

2)Effective communication skills:

3)Effective interpersonal relations:

4)Ethical Responsibility:


6)Initiative and dependability:

b)Has the student been punctual and in regular attendance for approximately 6 hours per week as agreed?

If no, please explain

II.School Psychology Program Training Objectives

How would you assess the student’s development in the following areas, as applicable to your setting? Please include both strengths and areas that need further work. For each of the following objectives, rate the student using the following evaluation standards:

Exemplary: Student’s knowledge and skills are in advance of those expected for a candidate at this point in training (A+ or A).

Proficient: Student demonstrates knowledge and skills in this area consistent with the expectations for a candidate at this point in training (A- or B+).

Needs Improvement: While student demonstrates sufficient knowledge and skills in key aspects of this objective, the student also demonstrates only an emerging knowledge and skills in other aspects of this objective. Student is working to improve the quality of his or her work in identified areas (B or B-).

Warning: The student is unable to demonstrate knowledge and skills at an emerging level of competency in one or more specific areas within this objective. The student has been unable to complete pre-practicum requirements at a level consistent with the expectations for a candidate at this point in training (C+ or below).

ExemplaryProficientNeeds ImprovementWarning

(A+ or A) (A- or B+)(B or B-)(C+ or below)

Objective 1: Address the needs of children, families, and schools with respect to issues of race, class, culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disabilities.



Objective 2: Use problem solving practices leading to data-based decision making and evidence-based interventions at the individual, group, systems, and policy levels.



Objective 3: Demonstrate skills in the areas of assessment, collaborative problem solving, prevention, mental health counseling, behavioral intervention, and consultation that is culturally informed.



Objective 4: Evaluate research evidence (from the professional literature and from their own practice) for intervention planning, program development, and evaluation, with an awareness of the social and political context of all research activity.



Objective 5: Engage in ethical, legal and responsible practice encompassing a moral and ethical commitment to addressing inequities in schools.



Objective 6: Integration of coursework, field experiences, research skill, and technology into a developing knowledge base that informs practical solutions to school based problems.




a)Describe the student’s use of supervisory sessions. This might include preparation, willingness to openly present work, acceptance of suggestions, clarity of suggestions, clarity of interpretation, awareness of personal reactions to children, etc.

b)We would also appreciate a brief narrative. This is your opportunity as a supervisor to reflect upon your student’s functioning in order to share your ideas about her/his professional development. Please note particular assets and liabilities, and describe the progress, or obstacles to progress, in your student’s work this semester.

Student NameDate

Supervising Practitioner NameDate

University Supervisor SignatureDate