Missouri Western State University

College of Professional Studies

Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Departmental Course Syllabus

PED 481 Children’s Lifetime Sports Academy Practicum

Director: Dr. Britton Johnson Office: 214F Phone: 271-4309


Office Hours: Mon – Friday 12:00 – 1:00 before Sports Academy

Instructors: Dr. Brenda Blessing, Dr. Paul Choi, Dr. Regan Dodd, Dr. Justin Kraft, Mr. Greg Kreiwitz, Dr. Bill Russell & Ms. Ashlee Liebhart,

Class Meeting times: Monday through Friday from 1:00 – 5:30 PM.

Course Objectives: The student will:

1.  Work with children from the community ranging in age from 8-12 years old.

2.  Plan and turn in a written lesson plan for his or her assigned sports academy activity.

3.  Instruct or council the children attending the sports academy camp.

4.  Evaluate the camp activities and turn in a written report.

5.  Create and type an evaluation form for the campers to evaluate camp.

6.  Know safety precautions when working with children.

7.  Know how to set up and run a camp for elementary children

Purpose of the course: The students will have the practical teaching experience of children ages 8 to 12 years old in lifetime sports and adventure activities.

Student assessment: (100 Pts.)

1.  Promptness and punctual attendance is imperative. Counselors should be in their assigned location waiting for their group by 1:15 PM. Everyone meets with faculty coordinator each day at 1:00PM. (25 Pts)

2.  The faculty person in charge of you will evaluate you in terms of dedication, enthusiasm, control of children, teaching effectiveness, and cooperation. All grades will be determined by a joint effort of all the professional staff. (40 Pts)

3.  Written 1 page report evaluating the camp and children. (due the last day of camp.) (15 Pts)

4.  If you are an instructor, a written lesson plan for activities assigned must be turned in by Wednesday (1st Week). (entire lesson plan required). (20 Pts)

5.  If you are a counselor, create a written evaluation form for the campers. Due by Wednesday (1st Week). (20 Pts)

Methods and Procedures:

1.  The faculty assigned the students will direct the students on how to prepare for the assigned activity.

2.  Resources will be available for the students to research for the knowledge base.

3.  The students will be in charge of the campers.

4.  The students will be responsible for setting up and putting away equipment each day.

5.  The students are responsible for supervising their activity area during free time.

6.  Counselors are responsible for supervising the campers, taking attendance, and getting them to their stations on time.

7.  The faculty will be at the activity station to mentor the instructors and counselors.

Attendance policy:

Regular and prompt attendance is a must for satisfactory completion of this course. If a student is going to miss class as a result of a field trip or athletic event, he or she must notify the director in advance and turn in any work due the day he or she misses ahead of time. The student is responsible for any material, activity, or lecture given on the day he or she missed. In the event of illness, do not contact the Physical Education administrative assistant. An absence is an absence for whatever reason. Any days missed will result in a drop of one letter grade.


All students enrolled in PED 481 should wear sports academy shirts and shorts. Tennis shoes should be worn (no sandals). You should be well groomed at all times.

Academic Honesty Policy:

Cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University constitutes a violation. A zero may be assessed in the evaluation instrument. Turning in assignments used in other classes is also considered plagiarism.

Students with Disabilities:

“Any student in this course who has a disability that prevents the fullest expression of abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible so that we can discuss class requirements.”