The John Weitzel

“Days of Glory”


The John Weitzel“Days of Glory” Scholarship is a minimum of $500.00, not to exceed $1,000.00,

4 year renewable scholarship, given in conjunction with the Alliance City Schools Music Department, to be awarded annually to a graduatingAlliance High School senior of each current school year, who plans to continue his/her education beyond high school. The award is based on scholarship, leadership, and participation in music education and extra-curricular musical arts activities during the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades at Alliance High School. Selection of the winner will be made by The Alliance High School Foundation Scholarship Committee based upon the qualifications identified by the establishment of this award mentioned below.

Eligibility begins with graduation from Alliance High School and may continue for three (3) consecutive years. The eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • Applicant must have a 3.25 or better grade point average
  • Applicant must have participated in band, choir, orchestra, and/or musicals from 9th thru 12th grades at Alliance High School

Applicants not eligible to receive the scholarship at the time of high school graduation lose any further eligibility. A check for the amount of the scholarship will be sent by the Alliance High School Foundation directly to the recipient upon verification of enrollment and/or class schedule.

Those wishing to apply should submit the following forms:

1)The completed AHS Foundation Administered Funds Scholarship Application form

a. Brief statement on how your time in the AHS music department made an impact on you

2)Two letters of recommendation.

All three items should be submitted tothe Alliance High School Guidance office by the annual due date.

The selected applicant will be announced during the Awards Assembly at Alliance High School.

Any questions about the scholarship may be directed to Mr. John Hampu at 330-821-7881.


In order for the recipient to receive the scholarship in subsequent years, the following requirements must be met:

1)Recipient must in “good academic standing” (not on probation) and maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA for all four (4) years.

2)Recipient must be progressing toward a degree; i.e., maintaining full time status as required by the institution.

If the recipient falls below the required cumulative GPA after any given year, the scholarship may be reinstated if the GPA exceeds the required level in a future academic year. At no time will the total scholarship exceed four years. Years two through four awards will be presented and/or mailed to the recipient by August 15th of each year.

The recipient must reapply annually prior to August 1stto The JohnWeitzel “Days of Glory” Scholarship, c/o The Alliance High School Foundation, 2020 Crestwood Street, Alliance, OH 44601 The following information must be provided:

1)Proof of enrollment for the upcoming academic year beginning in August or September.

2)Copy of grades and credits from the previous year.

3)Cumulative GPA.

4)Current mailing address and telephone number.

It will be the responsibility of the recipient to provide the Committee with the required information above. Failure to do so will cause the balance of the scholarship to be forfeited.