NAME : ______

Digraph (ng)- ring

1)  Digraph (ng) and suffix -ing can sometimes be confused. It is important to know the difference between the two. Digraph (ng) is part of a root word while suffix -ing is added to a root word to mean that a verb is happening now. (reminder: digraphs are underlined and suffixes are boxed)Please read and code the following words. Some words will have both digraph (ng) and suffix -ing. CODE the following words.

Ring Bling eating praying sing singing

2)  Contraction Practice: A contraction is one word that is formed by putting two separate words together and shortening them. While a contraction can be used to show possession, when used in a contraction it stands in for missing letters. A contraction usually leaves out two letters but sometimes leaves out just one or even three. Please read the following words and write the contraction that means the same thing.

For example: can not = can’t.

a.  Can not: ______

b.  Is not: ______

c.  Will not: ______

d.  Should not: ______

e.  Could not: ______

f.  Are not: ______


3)  Code the following words (remember to put a division line when appropriate and a box around the suffixes):

a.  Rattlesnake

b.  Crutches

c.  Wishbone

d.  Receive

e.  Knot

f.  Knowing

g.  Great

h.  Students

i.  Light

4)  Complete the words and math them with the appropriate picture:

a.  ______a k

b.  T __ __ e r

c.  __ __ a i __

d.  __ a __ e

e.  L __ __ f

5)  Look at the picture below and write a story using the words in the box.

Driving / Writing / Homework / Tired / Sun / Shining / Leaving




6)  When we alphabetize, we put words in order where their first letter fits in the alphabet. Words with first letters that start closest to “a” come first and words closer to “z” are last. If two words have the same first letter, you can use the second letter to decide where it goes.

a.  Staple ______

b.  Students ______

c.  People ______

d.  Apple ______

e.  Grape ______

f.  Could ______

g.  Should ______

h.  Zoo ______

i.  Piglet ______

j.  Item ______

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7)  Complete the Thank you letter and place an appropriate punctuation in the squares :

_____ Mrs. Smith 11111

Thank you for ______and ______



8)  Behavior and personality words. We learned a new word every Friday. Do you remember what each of these words mean? You can either write what they mean or make a sentence with them.

  1. Perseverant: ______
  2. Patient: ______
  3. Helpful: ______
  4. Respectful: ______


Make a shape (a house, a boy, an animal, a truck, or anything you want), using different size rectangle shapes, circles, and triangles. Here’s an example: