4290 50th St. Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 0H3

Phone 403 887- 2166

Fax 403 887- 5729




We have just completed the first half of our school year! Half a year is now complete, wow! Now we begin week #1 of quarter #3. By the end of the third quarter we will already have a suntan, hopefully! It is weird thinking about no snow in the middle of winter when we have this serious cold and continuous snow. Continue to pray for, and encourage your children to work now to avoid the intense work later!

Congratulations to the first day scripture sayers: Keelan A., Lashes W., Joecill M., Jordan S., Tyler N., Keita W., Nina E., Lane W., Noah W., Shant B., Eden K., Grace S., Jenna T., Olivia T., Jayden H.

High school report cards are coming home this week, but only for the high schoolers.

HAPPY 44th BIRTHDAY to Mrs. Mearns on February 3!

HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY to Spencer A. on February 5!

HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY to Sierra T. on February 9!

There will be a mission’s team meeting this week as we plan for next year.

The new scripture for the month of February is Psalm 103:8-16.

If you have a student in grade 4 or above you should have received a survey from the Alberta Government in the mail. Please take a few minutes to fill it out and mail it back in the envelope provided. All data collected helps leadership to make decisions to make the school better for everyone. You will receive one survey for each child in grade 4 or above so some of you will be able to do your own rather than share it with your spouse. These surveys are what make up part of the data on our Annual Education Results Report that is available for everyone to enjoy on our website under documents. Here is the official press release from Alberta Education that will hopefully clarify any confusion.

As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school authorities to ensure that we’re equipping students for success.

The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators consisting of surveys of students, parents and teachers on various aspects of quality; student outcomes such as dropout and high school completion rates; and provincial assessments of student learning.

From January to the end of February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. In January, parents of students in grades 4-12 will receive a survey from Alberta Education. In February, students in grades 4-12 and all teachers and staff will be completing their surveys online at school.

All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with the school. In addition to English and French, the parent survey is available in Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic, Blackfoot, Cree, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog. (You can request any of these languages but it is only recommended if you actually speak or read or understand that particular language. It might be fun to fill out one in another language, which would then help you to remember your exam writing experiences when you had no idea what the test was actually asking so you simply filled in the little circles making interesting patterns. This is not part of the press release but thought it might be useful information.)

Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiving, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly.

Survey results will be available to school authorities in May 2017, and will be reported publicly as part of their 3-Year Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports.

We are heading to Canyon Ski Hill next week. There should still be plenty of snow after these next couple days! Return your permission slips.

2016 tax receipts are complete and available to be picked up at the office!

This week’s hot lunch is bacon and eggers with fruit skewers!

The 6/7 class will be sharing for chapel this Wednesday starting at 12:40.

Classroom News


This week in Preschool we are continuing with our Dinosaur theme. We are working on drawing triangles again and our letter will be "V" for volcano.

Next week we will have a Valentine's party on Mon/Tues. Parents please send a sharing snack to class that day. (Also wearing something red will be encouraged.)

Happy 5th birthday to Georgia and Duncan on February 6!


This week our theme is penguins, snow and ice. Next week we will have our Valentine’s party on Monday and Tuesday classes. Please send Valentine’s cards with your child. Wednesday next week is a ski day at Canyon Ski HiIl. D

Grade 1

Noah played Minecraft with Jayden and Wyatt. He also celebrated his brother's birthday. Sol, Jace, Spencer and Lucas and Emma and Eva and Genesis all went bowling for Wyatt's birthday.

Rohaam watched Ant Man in Edmonton.

Ava went to church with her friends yesterday. Then they went to A&W for lunch, then the new candy store then to the Treehouse in Red Deer.

Jeff went to Miller to see Sam. He watched Sam play hockey. He caught a puck during the game. He found a puck for Jackson to have. Sam scored 2 goals during the first game. They stayed at a really fun place. The funnest was the gym and the lounge. They got to eat at a cafeteria and there were split beds in their room.

Aili went to the mountains and got a giant lollipop. She also went swimming and learned how to swim without goggles underwater. She also went on the big water slide. She also had a party for her uncle's birthday at the hotel she stayed at.

Caleb is feeling better and back at school. He got a new toy while he was sick.

Jade played Guess Who with Jacob and Jaylyn. She also played Minecraft with Josh. They built a giant hotel and are still working on it. She also made a house that is a crown. It was her dad’s birthday on the weekend and they got him a giant water bottle.

Maddy went to Jump360 and got to jump in the foam pit. She got to see 2 people get stuffies out of the claw machine.

Tayven went to church and then went ice fishing with her dad. After she came home she watched 2 movies and then read 2 books with her daddy. She talked to her mom and then went to bed.

Grade 2/3

Please check your child's agenda for a school ski trip form. We are going skiing at Canyon Ski Hill next Wednesday, Feb. 15. Forms are due back by Monday. Please let us know either way whether or not your child is skiing that day. Grade 2/3 are required to have an adult with them if they are beginner skiers. Please bring a snack to share with the class and valentines to exchange next Tuesday, Feb. 14th. Tomorrow we have exciting Mystery Readers coming! Congratulations to Noah and Sierra for going around Reading Across Canada today.

Spencer is very excited to announce that he is going to be an uncle, his big sister is pregnant. He also went to Swiss Chalet. Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa Andrushko! So exciting!!

Hudson enjoyed a lovely time in the mountains where he rode the gondola and ate lunch at the op. It was a wonderful family time.

Kennedy is recovering from not feeling that well. She had a fun sleepover with her best friend Emma.

Sierra is recovering from not feeling well also. She spent some time in Edmonton with her family to visit her relatives.

Noah watched movies with his family. Noah watched Titanic at his grandma's for the first time. He thought it had a very sad ending. He also watched the Super Bowl.

Reuben went to church where he saw Mrs. Rivers. He played Lego with his brother and he also played Wii U with his brother. They played Mario Card 8. He is very excited to see his Dad when he returns from South Africa in 8 days.

Camden had a Super Bowl Party at his house and he ate appetizers all day. He also played video games.

Jackson M went to church. His favourite show to watch is Myth Busters! If you want to know the real truth, ask Jackson.

Jackson K went to college and there was a lounge, a gym, a library, all in one house! He cheered for his brother in his 3 hockey games. Sam won one game, the other two he lost. He watched TV on the long car ride.

Jacob is getting over feeling sick. Welcome back Jacob! His cousin Josh came over for a play date and they played a lot of Mine Craft. Josh has one more car than Jacob. Jacob hopes to catch up.

Emma had a sleepover with her best friend Kennedy. She also went to Wyatt's birthday party.

Jordan's Dad came home. They got a new battery for their Tundra and his Dad stayed up late installing it. He went to the mall and he got a new 1995 orange Jeep Wrangler Rio Grande.

Jase had a play date with his best friend and he had a play date with Xaven.

Grade 4/5

Jenesis had a 2 night sleep over with her friend Sarah. Her dad also came home from work.

Lucas scored one goal and one assist in his hockey game over the weekend. He also went to Wyatt's birthday party which was really fun.

Jace went to Earl's for his birthday. He got a new PS4 controller and a new game. He also went to Wyatt's birthday party and watched the Super Bowl.

Sol went to Wyatt's and his neighbour's birthday parties. He watched the Super Bowl.

Wyatt had his birthday on Friday. He went to Sol's house and also had his birthday party.

Eva had a sleepover with her friend and went to church.

Wil got the flu. Saturday, he felt better so Xaven came over. On Sunday, he watched the Super Bowl and ate lots of great food.

Taylor went to Wyatt's birthday party and ate a ton. Her Uncle Jesse came to visit and her sister came back from Miller. She also watched the Super Bowl.

Grade 6/7

Ethan watched the Super Bowl and had a sleepover at Zack’s. His brother in law and sister came Thursday night.

Dayton got a goal in hockey.

Luke had Cruz over for a double sleepover.

Zack chilled out and had a sleepover with Ethan at his house. On Sunday he played board games.

Elijah went to his neighbors for a birthday party where he and his brother and dad gorged themselves with food and played with little people.

Grade 8/9

Riley played video games.

Hannah went shopping with Sonia and Eden. They saw a movie. She went to a hockey game and youth. So did Eden.

Jenna got some good news.

Eden tried an upper level horse and it went well.

Nolan moved into his new house and now he hot tubs every night.

High School

Lane spent the weekend cleaning his house and then he went to church.

Jordan went to Saskatchewan to college for a weekend. She watched lots of hockey.

Nina is good.

Joecill had another weekend of celebrating. She went to her friend’s 15th birthday party. There was a lot of good food, music and family!