Developed & Developing Nations

WHII.16a, WHII.16b

Main Ideas

·  Developed and developing nations are characterized by different levels of economic development, population characteristics, and social conditions.

·  Sound economic conditions contribute to a stable democracy, and political freedom helps foster economic development.

·  Developed and developing nations face many challenges, including migrations, ethnic and religious conflicts, and the impact of new technologies.

Textbook Reference

p. A40, 545, 553, 590-592, 622-624, 634-699

Economic, Social & Political Development
For each term listed below, categorize it under the heading of “Developed Nation” or “Developing Nation.”
“First World” Agribusiness Industrialized High per capita GDP High literacy rate Difficult to access healthcare Low per capita GDP Advanced technology Subsistence agriculture Political freedoms Democracy Dictatorship Low literacy rate High infant mortality rate Free market economy
Political corruption “Third World” Low infant mortality rate Long life expectancy Short life expectancy
Easy access to healthcare Famine Lack of technology Rapid population growth
Slow population growth Young population Old population Emigration Immigration
Large middle class Large underclass High standard of living Low standard of living Individual rights
Japan Niger Germany United States Britain Mozambique Canada South Korea North Korea Taiwan North America Asia South America Western Europe Africa
Developed Nation / Developing Nation
Terms / Terms
A refugee is a person who has left their country of origin out of fear of persecution or because of an ongoing, violent conflict there. A refugee seeks “refuge,” a haven, a safe place to live.

Millions of Palestinians have been displaced beginning in the 1940s when the state of ______was created as a haven for Jews fleeing persecution in Europe and elsewhere.
Today, many Palestinian refugees live in the countries and territories of 1) ______, 2) ______, 3) ______, 4) the ______, and 5) the ______.

As a result of their loss in the Vietnam War, many South Vietnamese fled to the ______, which had supported the South Vietnamese government. In the picture above, South Vietnamese refugees board a helicopter during the evacuation of the South Vietnamese capital of ______, as communist North Vietnamese forces closed in on the city.

International conflicts also create refugee crises. Millions of Afghans have become refugees, fleeing due to an invasion by the ______in 1979, the strict rule of the Islamic fundamentalist ______government in the 1990s, and the 2001 invasion by the ______following the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C.
According to the pie chart above, the vast majority of Afghan refugees have fled to the neighboring countries of ______and ______.

Many people migrate to foreign countries that offer better pay and working conditions. Some enter the country without notifying the authorities, becoming ______immigrants. Others gain temporary work visa, becoming “______” workers. Regardless, these workers typically send most of their wages to their families back home. This is true of many immigrant workers from ______who come to the United States, or African and Middle Eastern immigrant workers who come to ______cities such as Berlin, London and Paris seeking employment.
/ Other people become displaced from their homes due to ______disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and floods.
While many of them remain in their country of origin, some do leave for other countries. Regardless, these victims often require temporary ______aid such as tents, food, medicine and warm clothing. International organizations such as the ______Nations, the ______Cross, or the ______Crescent often provide this aid.
Ethnic and Religious Conflicts…
…in the Middle East
Opposing Groups:
______s vs. Palestinians
Example: The “Intifada”
Why? Fighting for political control over land in the former British mandate of Palestine and the holy city of Jerusalem.
Opposing Groups:
______s (Saudis, Iraqis, etc.) vs. Persians (Iranians)
Example: Iran-Iraq War
Why? Fighting over oil fields and cultural and linguistic differences
Opposing Groups:
______Muslims vs Shi’a Muslims
Example: Iraqi Civil War
Why? Fighting over religious differences within Islam.
Opposing Groups:
Jews vs. ______vs. Christians
Example: Many Middle Eastern conflicts
Why? Fighting over religious differences between the three major monotheistic religions. / …in Northern Ireland
Opposing Groups:
______vs. Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Example: “Easter Rising” of 1916
Why? Irish resistance against colonization

Opposing Groups:
______vs. Protestants
Example: The “Troubles” of the 1960s-1990s
Why? Religious conflict amongst Irish Christians over the political status of Northern Ireland
…in the Balkans
Opposing Groups:
______vs. Croatians
Example: Bosnian War of 1990s
Why? Ethnic conflict resulting from the breakup of Yugoslavia
Opposing Groups:
______vs. Albanians
Example: Kosovo War of 1990s
Why? Ethnic conflict resulting from the breakup of Yugoslavia
Opposing Groups:
______vs. Muslims
Example: Bosnian War, Kosovo War
Why? Ethnic conflict resulting from the breakup of Yugoslavia / …in the Horn of Africa
Opposing Groups:
______vs. other ______
Example: Wars in Somalia and Ethiopia
Why? Tribal conflicts between “strongmen” for control over cities and the countryside

Opposing Groups:
______vs. Muslims
Example: Wars in Somalia and Ethiopia
Why? Religious conflict for control over cities and the countryside
…in South Asia
Opposing Groups:
______vs. India
Example: Wars in 1947, 1965, 1971, 1999
Why? Religious conflict resulting from the partition of India upon independence from Britain
Opposing Groups:
______vs. Muslims
Example: Fighting over the territory of Kashmir, which has a majority Muslim population but is controlled by India
Why? Religious conflict resulting from the partition of India upon independence from Britain
Opposing Groups:
______Tigers vs. Sri Lankan military
Example: Sri Lankan Civil War of 1983-2009
Why? Separatist movement to gain independence from Sri Lanka & India /
Rioter throwing a Molotov cocktail
Map of Ethnic and Religious Conflicts
Label the locations of major ethnic and religious conflict on the map below.
1)  Middle East 2) Northern Ireland 3) Balkans 4) Horn of Africa 5) South Asia

Development & the Environment
While economic development generally creates higher standards of living, it can have negative consequences such as…

…______of the air and water…

…loss of animals’ natural ______, leading to ______species or even extinction…

…and global ______change, or global “warming.”
New Technology
Instantaneous Communication
Instantaneous communication happens ______after a user sends a message. This includes the internet, mobile phones & social networks which are widespread but whose access is very limited in the ______world.
Explain what these tech companies do.


Their impact on developed world
Their impact on developing world
______ / Genetic Engineering & Bioethics
Genetic engineering deals with the manipulation of the D______N______A______of biological life to bring out desired attributes. Foods that have been altered as such are called G______M______O______s. This has led to controversies in the field of bioethics, which debates issues of genetic manipulation.

Monsanto is a multinational agribusiness corporation that develops genetically modified crops that are hardier than traditional crops. These crops have a high resistance to extreme weather, pests, diseases and chemicals. Monsanto has obtained patents on several strains of their crops.
Its impact on developed world
Its impact on developing world
Political Cartoons
Explain in your own words the meaning of the following political cartoons.
/ Cartoon 1
/ Cartoon 2
/ Cartoon 3
/ Cartoon 4
/ Cartoon 5
/ Cartoon 6
/ Cartoon 7
/ Cartoon 8
/ Cartoon 9
/ Cartoon 10