Minutes of the Norms Committee-II Meeting No. 16/09 held on 24.07.2008.

The Meeting No.16/09 of Norms Committee-II was held on 24.07.2008 for the licensing year 2008-2009 under the Chairmanship of Joint Director General of Foreign Trade (OPH) to consider the applications under Duty Exemption Scheme (Chapter-4) of Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009. The following members were present in the meeting:-

S.No / Name of the representatives &
their Designation / Deptt.
1. / Shri S.K. Jain, D.O. / DIPP
2. / Shri A. K. Mishra, AD / M/o Steel
5. / Shri. D. C. Suri, Addl. IA
Shri K.K. Funda, AD
Shri Narendra Vashista, FTDO / DHI

The Committee took up the individual cases of the agenda of this meeting for discussion and the decision taken in respect of each case as follows:

1 / Case No.:4/3/81-ALC2/2008 / Party Name:IDMC LIMITED / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00004/AM09/ / RLA File :34/24/040/00062/AM05/ / Lic.No/Date:3410011165
05.08.2004 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. The Committee observed that no record of the case is available in DES-II section and status of the case and the application of the firm called from, Regional Authority is still awaited. The committee therefore decided to remind RA with an endorsement to the firm to inform the status of ratification of norms to this office immediately. If no communication received from RA/Firm on or before 29th August, 2008, it will be presumed that ratification of norms of the subject licenses not required and the case will be closed by the NC in its next meeting to be held on 02.09.2008.
2 / Case No.:8/3/81-ALC2/2008 / Party Name:SIEMENS LTD / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00008/AM09/ / RLA File :03/95/040/00027/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310376277
18.04.2006 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. The committee observed that RA has issued the AA on net to net basis. Hence decided to close the case.
3 / Case No.:9/3/81-ALC2/2008 / Party Name:ABB LIMITED / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00009/AM09/ / RLA File :07/24/040/00021/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0710044427
19.04.2006 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. The Committee observed that no record of the case is available in DES-II section and status of the case and the application of the firm called from, Regional Authority is still awaited. The committee therefore decided to remind RA with an endorsement to the firm to inform the status of ratification of norms to this office immediately. If no communication received from RA/Firm on or before 29th August, 2008, it will be presumed that ratification of norms of the subject licenses not required and the case will be closed by the NC in its next meeting to be held on 02.09.2008.
4 / Case No.:49/3/81-ALC2/2008 / Party Name:ASIATIC ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00049/AM09/ / RLA File :05/24/040/00390/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0510188266
04.08.2006 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. On the recommendation of the representative of DC(SSI) present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the following information/clarification from the firm and to re-list the case on 02.09.2008: -
1.  Size & specification of copper strips.
2.  Process of manufacturing and drawings of the items to be made from each imported inputs.
3.  Stage wise wastage & justification thereof.
·  A copy of the application may also be sent to DHI for examination.
5 / Case No.:1537/26/81-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:PG FOILS LTD., / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00424/AM07/ / RLA File :13/24/040/00009/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:1310022521
30.08.2006 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. On the basis of the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting. The Norms Committee, after deliberating upon the case and taking clue from SION C-17, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject Advance Authorisation as applied for.
·  The quantity of export item may be indicated as 180000 Kg.
R/A may take suitable consequential action accordingly.
6 / Case No.:19/3/81-ALC2/2008 / Party Name:SIEMENS LTD / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00019/AM09/ / RLA File :03/95/040/00726/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310401922
29.09.2006 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. The committee observed that RA has issued the AA on net to net basis. Hence decided to close the case.
7 / Case No.:20/3/81-ALC2/2008 / Party Name:RAVIN CABLES LTD. / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00020/AM09/ / RLA File :03/95/040/00825/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310405365
24.10.2006 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. The committee observed that this case has already been approved by NC in its meeting dated 05/12/2006. Hence decided to withdraw the case.
8 / Case No.:29/47/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:KOTAK URJA PVT. LTD. / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/01201/AM07/ / RLA File :07/24/040/00709/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0710049661
18.01.2007 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. On the recommendation of the representative of DHI present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the following information/clarification from the firm and to re-list the case on 02.09.2008: -
1.  Information in respect of item at S.No. 3, 4, 5 & 11 of Standard Deficiency Format.
9 / Case No.:7/51/81-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:TATA BP SOLAR INDIA LTD. / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00948/AM07/ / RLA File :07/24/040/00793/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0710050372
28.02.2007 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. On the recommendation of the representative of DHI present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the following information/clarification from the firm and to re-list the case on 02.09.2008: -
1.  Information in respect of item at S.No. 3, 4, 5 & 11 of Standard Deficiency Format.
2.  End use of each import item.
3.  Export product wise requirement of imported inputs.
10 / Case No.:20/4/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:HAVELL S INDIA LTD. / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/01490/AM07/ / RLA File :05/24/040/00997/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0510200907
13.03.2007 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. On the basis of the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting. The Norms Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject Advance Authorisation with the following modifications:-
1.  Export weights of 31.6 MT, 54.31 MT,3.84 T, 5.08 MT, 1.54 MT, 5.36 MT, 5.96 MT, 3.43 MT, 0.47 MT, 8.89 MT, 8.30 MT, 0.39 MT, 1.67 MT, 3.42 MT, 1.38 MT, 4.12 MT, 4.94 MT, 3.72 MT, 0.19 MT, 0.59 MT, 0.16 MT, 0.18 MT, 0.80 MT, 0.45 MT, 1.35 MT, 1.03 MT, 1.65 MT, 17.41 MT, 11.26 MT, 4.72 MT & 1.97 MT may be specified with the quantities of export products from S.Nos. 1 to 31 respectively (total export weight 190.18 MT).
2.  Quantities of import items at S.No. 1 & 2 may be allowed as applied for inclusive of 1% wastage.
3.  Quantity of import item at S.No. 3 may be allowed as 1.02 Kgs./Kg. content (as applied for) for export products from S.Nos. 1 to 17.
4.  Quantity of import item at S.No.4 may be allowed as 26234 Kgs. inclusive of 2% wastage.
5.  Quantities of import items at S.Nos. 5, 6 & 7 may be allowed as 20148 Kgs., 10604 Kgs. & 1060.4 Kgs. respectively inclusive of 5% wastage.
R/A may take suitable consequential action accordingly.
11 / Case No.:24/4/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:HAVELL S INDIA LTD. / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/01500/AM07/ / RLA File :05/24/040/00534/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0510201015
14.03.2007 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. On the basis of the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting. The Norms Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject Advance Authorisation with the following modifications:-
1.  Export weights of 1.07 MT, 2.53MT, 0.78 MT, 0.45 MT, 0.10 MT, 1.16 MT, 1.36 MT, 0.15 MT, 0.1 MT, 56 Kgs, 50 Kgs., 0.34 MT, 0.96 MT, 0.14 MT, 0.64 MT, 62 Kgs., 0.55 MT, 2.56 MT, 0.94 MT, 0.30 MT, 0.50 MT, 0.43 MT, 0.47 MT, 0.54 MT, 0.43 MT, 0.49 MT, 0.36 MT, 43 Kgs., 14 Kgs., 28 Kgs., 1.82 MT, 2.23MT, 0.99 MT, 2.40 MT, 1.0 MT, 1.07 MT, 0.53 MT, 0.54 MT, 0.59 MT, 0.16 MT, 0.10 MT, 0.70 MT, 1.10 MT, 0.23 MT, 45 Kgs., 62 Kgs., 76 Kgs., 3 Ks., 28 Kgs., 30 Kgs., 43 Kgs., 56 Kgs., 73 Kgs., 113 Kgs., 11.72 MT & 2.22 MT may be specified with the quantities of export products from S.Nos. 1 to 56 respectively.
2.  Quantities of import items at S.No. 1 & 2 may be allowed as applied for inclusive of 1% wastage.
3.  Quantity of import item at S.No. 3 may be allowed as 1.02 Kgs./Kg. content (as aplied for) for export products from S.Nos. 1 to 12, 31 to 41, 55 & 56.
4.  Quantities of import items at S.Nos.4 & 5 may be allowed as 4638 Kgs. & 7230 Kgs. respectively inclusive of 2% wastage.
5.  Quantities of import items at S.Nos. 6, 7 & 8 may be allowed as 6280 Kgs., 3305 Kgs. & 330.5 Kgs. respectively inclusive of 5% wastage.
R/A may take suitable consequential action accordingly.
12 / Case No.:38/3/81-ALC2/2008 / Party Name:ELEKTROMAG DEVICES PVT. LTD., / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00038/AM09/ / RLA File :03/94/040/00316/AM08/ / Lic.No/Date:0310434113
27.06.2007 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. The committee felt that this case may not covered under GN4. Accordingly RA may be advised to send hard copy for examination by NC. The case stands deferred and to be relisted on 02.09.2008.
13 / Case No.:4/22/81-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:RAM RATNA INTERNATIONAL / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00202/AM08/ / RLA File :03/95/040/01541/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310435343
09.07.2007 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. On the basis of the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting. The Norms Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject Advance Authorisation with the following modifications:-
1.  The quantity of export products and their net export weight may be specified as under:
“Single core stranded flexible copper cable with EVA based Thermo Plastic Thermo Setting HFFR insulation 1100 V
1C x 1.5 mm²- Qty. 3052 Kms- Net Export weight 62413 Kgs
1C x 2.5 mm²- Qty. 1708 Kms- Net Export weight 53204 Kgs
1C x 4 mm²- Qty. 1222 Kms- Net Export weight 58045 Kgs
1C x 6 mm²- Qty. 161 Kms- Net Export weight 11399 Kgs”
2.  Quantity of import item at S.No. 1 may be allowed as 132156 Kgs. inclusive of 1% wastage.
3.  Quantities of import items at S. Nos. 2 may be allowed as applied for inclusive of 5% wastage.
R/A may take suitable consequential action accordingly.
14 / Case No.:41/3/81-ALC2/2008 / Party Name:VASUNDRA MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS PVT.LTD, / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00041/AM09/ / RLA File :07/21/040/00600/AM08/ / Lic.No/Date:0710053030
24.08.2007 / Defer Date:22.07.2008
Decision : The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee - II in its M.N0. 16/81 held on 24.07.2008. The Committee observed that no record of the case is available in DES-II section and status of the case and the application of the firm called from, Regional Authority is still awaited. The committee therefore decided to remind RA with an endorsement to the firm to inform the status of ratification of norms to this office immediately. If no communication received from RA/Firm on or before 29th August, 2008, it will be presumed that ratification of norms of the subject licenses not required and the case will be closed by the NC in its next meeting to be held on 02.09.2008.
15 / Case No.:111/48/81-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:NEST MAGNETICS PRIVATE LIMITED / Meet No/Date:16/81-ALC2/2008
22.07.2008 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/81/050/00601/AM08/ / RLA File :07/24/040/00381/AM08/ / Lic.No/Date:0710053076