Leadership Action Research Project 2011

9th Pre AP Language Arts

Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
- Theodore Roosevelt


-  To make connections to ourselves and our world

-  To develop leadership and service learning skills, enabling us to stand out among peers

-  To make connections to characters in our class novels, Alas, Babylon and To Kill A Mockingbird

-  To practice using the writing process: brainstorming, organization, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing

-  To compose writing in various styles for a unique audience

-  To practice research skills, including searching for specific information, note-taking, and organizing information

-  To create a works cited page and use parenthetical citation in multiple ways

You will create a portfolio which will showcase your research, your writing, and yourself as a leader! This portfolio could even be used in the future when you are interviewing for a job, running for a club officer position, or applying for college!

Your portfolio will have the following components:

1.  Cover Page – visual image, name, class, date, title, your favorite leadership quote

2.  Table of Contents -- lists each piece, lists page numbers for each piece

3.  About the Author Page - Includes a 1 paragraph bio about you, a picture of you or something that represents you, and your personal mission statement. It should be clear from your About the Author page WHY you are connected to your cause!!!

4.  Expository Piece – A 2-3 page formal piece in which you share information about EITHER your cause OR an inspiring leader.

o  Typed, MLA format, formal academic tone (No “I” or “You”)

Uses correct MLA in-text citation for all concrete details

o  Describes the leader’s life, mission, successes, and setbacks OR describes the problem and several solutions

o  Connects concrete details from research with relevant, thoughtful commentary

5.  Persuasive Piece – A short creative piece in which you persuade others to care about or take action for your cause.

o  Persuasive in tone

o  Informs others why the cause is important

o  Typed, MLA format, formal academic tone (No “I” or “You”)

o  Uses correct MLA in-text citation for all concrete details; try to integrate information into sentences!!!

o  Connects concrete details from research with relevant, thoughtful commentary

o  Uses pathos, logos, and ethos to persuade

6.  Visual / Creative Piece (3 Required) – Three supplemental pieces to help showcase your cause

o  Visually depicts the cause in a compelling way

o  Created by you; wholly original

o  Visually appealing, colorful (can be 2D and in portfolio or 3D and included with portfolio)

7.  Works Cited Page

o  Follows MLA format for page format and individual citations

o  All citation information is included for each source

o  Includes at least 6 citations ( including at least one book and at least one database article)

o  Information is from a variety of sources (NOT several pages from the same website!)


Students will put all pieces, typed, in a portfolio or binder. This should be a colorful, visually appealing, professional presentation. On the project due date, each student will set up his or portfolio as a “station” in our “Service Café” so that others can rotate around and read about the project. As students rotate around to read the projects, they will discuss the projects and share snacks. At the end of the day, students will vote on the 1.) Most Persuasive Overall 2.) Most Realistic / Easiest to Implement 3.) Short-Term Project Most Want to Join (Most Fun-Sounding) 4.) Would Make the Most Difference and 5.) Most Visually Appealing Presentation. Students will earn 2 bonus points for each prize awarded to them.


Each student will give a 2-3 minute presentation about his or her topic. The presentation should include a visual, which may be one of the genres of the student’s project. Available presentation technology includes the overhead projector; DVD player; LCD screen for Power Point, Prezi, or web videos; and the digital live document camera. Students should be dressed in business casual attire, use note cards with talking points, and practice good presentation technique. The Presentation Rubric will be used to grade the presentation separately. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend presentations – just let Ms. Lace know ahead of time! Presentations will take place during the first 45 minutes of class on Wed. Nov. 16, Thurs. Nov. 17, and Fri. Nov. 18.

Additional Extra Credit:

Students can also earn extra credit for implementing their leadership service project! After implementing the project, write a 2-3 paragraph narrative about the project and include a picture of you completing the project. With your permission, your photo and narrative may be submitted to the school newspaper, The Roar, for a possible story. Extra credit points will vary and will be awarded based on the level of involvement and leadership.