Arts Vote Questions
1. Do you feel the city does enough to encourage and support an active arts sector?
I feel the city does do enough to encourage and support an active arts sector by:
- through the funding of the Edmonton Arts Council (E.A.C.) who partners with
provincial and federal funders to leverage the municipal dollars and
- by having representatives from the City of Edmonton (Branch Manager of
Community Strategies and Development) and Edmonton Economic Development
Corporation on E.A.C.’s Board of Directors.
2. What would you change in the city’s current approach?
- A review of the grants available from E.A.C. to determine if there are
restrictions or limits that could be removed to greater assist worthy grant
- A review of E.A.C.’s granting committees if more diversity would be beneficial
to the city’s varied art sector.
3. Do you support the city’s purchase and display of public art through the Percent for Art program (this provides 1 per cent of the construction budget of publicly accessible buildings in Edmonton to buying public art)?
I do support the city’s one per cent of the construction budget of publicly assessable buildings in Edmonton. The spending on the art is often incorporated into the projects to have a functional aspect too.
4. Appropriate facilities to support Edmonton’s arts and culture industries are critical to our city’s growth and development in this area. The creation of specific districts to support certain kinds of Arts, such as music districts, has been adopted in some cities to foster growth of cultural industries. How would you propose supporting the creation of dedicated arts districts?
I think you have to start by determining what is already in existence where. Assistance has been provided to build up the theatre district in Old Strathcona.
From where there are venues for musicians to play could an assessment be made
if these facilities are being utilized to capacity; as this industry is having difficulty
growing. This could be due to the affordability and suitability of arts spaces.
Are there adaptable venues that want to attract more than one kind of production
and/or audiences? I don’t think it would be wrong to have some cross over.
5. In the province’s current economic situation, the city’s resources are stretched. In
this climate, how important is it for the city to financially support new arts
facilities and activities?
I believe it is vital to provide the seed funding for new facilities and activities so
corporate, including their companion media sponsors, and private donors valuing
such investment may contribute to see a successful outcome that strengthens the
Otherwise it is a very difficult time for arts initiatives getting produced.
6. Beyond the scope of the questions above, do you have other thoughts as to how
you would continue to enhance arts and culture in our city?
I received feedback that the Edmonton Transit Service (ETS) provided for the
patrons and artists through the Fringe was really appreciated.
We are lucky that media supports art by letting shows, exhibits etc into news for
free. It is vital appreciation for this support is exhibited within the arts industry for
it to continue.
7. What would you advocate to ensure that training in Fine Arts - music, dance,
theatre, visual arts – is an integral part of the education of young Edmontonions?
I support the exposure of young Edmontonions to the arts in schools and communities, as with involvement in sports, this leads to well-rounded individuals.
Alberta Education is currently reviewing the subject areas of arts, language arts, mathematics, social studies, sciences and wellness. On line surveys and meetings are planned to allow parents to provide feedback on changes.
8. What do you think it would take to make Edmonton a world class city?
Having a vibrant entertainment district that attracts world class entertainment to Edmonton.
9. What role do you see local Arts playing in helping to make Edmonton a world
class city?
The Winspear Centre has world class acoustics and is an outstanding concert hall.
We have a great orchestra to illustrate what a great facility it is!
10. The City of Edmonton has supported such international sporting events as
Festival International des Sports Extremes (FISE), ITU World Triathlon and the
Tour of Alberta to place Edmonton on the national and world stage. Would you
favour similarly creating, pursuing and supporting major national and
international Arts showcases that would put Edmonton on the world stage as a
centre of Arts and Culture?
Yes I would be in favour of similarly creating, pursuing and supporting major
national and international Art showcases that would put Edmonton on the world
stages as centre of Arts and Culture.