St John’s CE Primary School Newsletter
Friday 24th March2017
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”
1 John 1-9
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week our Year 6 children visited Farnworth Library for a fantastic Shakespeare Workshop and our Year 5 received their certificates for passing their Global Policing Course – the course leader had nothing but praise for the attitudes and behaviour of the children and the staff. Year 2 represented St John’s at KS1 Multisports’ Competition and we are thrilled to let you know that we came forth out of the local school – what a fabulous achievement and many thanks to all the children who represented our school at this event!
(Ms Suzanne Howard)
Toddler Group
Our Toddler Group runs from the Community Room in school every Monday from 9.00 – 10.30 am. Next week they are making chocolate crispy nests! This week’s snack is yoghurt! All we ask is for a 50p donation towards costs. A warm welcome awaits you and your little ones – we do hope you can join us. (Steph Buckley)
PTFA Mothers’ Day Crafts
What a successful event this turned out to be! It was lovely to see all the children busy making some fabulous gifts for their special ladies – I have no doubt that some mum’s will get a wonderful surprise on Sunday. Thanks to all the PTFA members and parents who helped to makes these craft session such a great event.
Mothers’ Day Lunch
The hall was packed today with ‘special ladies’ all enjoying their lunch with their children. What a superb end to the week, many thanks go to the catering staff for taking it all in their stride and to the office staff for ensuring 60 ladies are seated and fed with military precision! I’m already looking forward to Fathers’ Day lunch in June!
Comic Relief – Red Nose Day
It was lovely to see the ‘sea’ of red at Celebration Worship today – with so many children and staff joining in dressing in red to raise money for this wonderful cause. We will of course let you know the total raised as soon as Miss Duxbury has counted it all – thanks again for your support with this charity event!
St John’s Super Learners of the Week
Reception: Dexter, Amelia M
Year 1: Sophie, Sophia
Year 2: Layton, Max
Year 3: Aiden, Sasha
Year 4: Sam, Lincoln
Year 5: Alfie, Ella
Year 6: Tom C, Olivia
Weekly Attendance Gold Card Winners
Year 1: 92.3%Miriam
Year 2: 96.0%Sakib
Year 3: 89.4%Dylan
Year 4: 92.1%Oliver
Year 5:96.0%Demi-Leigh
Year 6 92.0%Brandon
Overall: 93.6%
Our attendance target this year is 95.5%. Any class achieving or exceeding this should be very proud!
This week’s star attendance award goes toReception– well done!
Lunchtime Awards
Reception: Amelia S, Ayaan
Year 1: Declan, Tiana
Year 2: Layyah, Olivia
Year 3: Waania, Jawairia
Year 4: Samuel, Samantha
Year 5: Subhan, Tamara
Year 6: Teejay, Thomas
(No TOP TABLE today I’m afraid due to the Mothers’ Day lunch – normal service will resume next Friday!)
Birthday Celebrations
Sending the very best wishes to all our children whose birthday we celebrated this week!
Jacob (Y5) Riley (Y2) Naro (Y1) Ben (Y3)
Player of the Week
This week Miss McNab has chosenCharliein Y2as her player of the week. Well done!
House Point Winner
We are thrilled to announce that this week’s winning ‘House’ isEarth!
Let’s see which House will have the most points next week. Well done – Earth!
Dates for your Diary
Fri 31st MarNon Uniform – Egg donations for Easter Egg Bingo
Wb Mon 3rd AprilSpring Term Parents’ Evenings (Tues 4th and Thurs 6th April 3.30 – 5.30 pm)
Wed 5th AprilKS1 Parents’ Course – ‘The Night Pirates’ – 9.00 am -12.00 noon
Easter Services @ St John’s Church (Infants @ 9.15 am/ Juniors @ 10.00 am)
Fri 7th AprEaster Egg Bingo @ 6 pm in school
School Closes for Easter
Mon 24th AprSchool reopens
St James’ High School to visit Year 6 - Transition
Reflective Friday
Spend a few minutes reflecting on the thought for the week – have managed to forgive someone this week? How did it feel to ‘let it go’?