Burlescombe Parish Council September 2015 Minutes


Minutes of

September Meeting

Held in the Community Hall, Burlescombe on Monday 7th September 2015


9.1 / Present:
Councillors: Les Neville (Chairman), Judy Downing, Lee Lovegrove, Karen Collard
District Councillors: Heather Bainbridge
County Councillor: Ray Radford
Apologies: Councillor David Sprague
District Councillors: Christine Collis
Leslie Findlay – Parish Clerk
Nothing to report.
9.2 / Declaration of Interests:
Councillor Collard declared a personal interest in item 9.3.2
9.3.4 / Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
Faster Broadband is on its way at last! Western Power has completed the survey work to site a new transformer. Sadly, no completion date is yet available.
Parking in Westleigh. Mr Reeve requested the parish council write to Devon County Council for a meeting reference the parking opposite his drive.Letter sent by Clerk.
The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record and unanimously approved by the Councillors.
Councillor Neville had attended the DALC Chairman’s course and gave the Councillors a brief report back, before discussing the changes in Councillor Responsibilities. It was discussed and unanimously approved that the Clerk should become the RFO and Councillor Collard would take on Chair of Planning. Councillor Neville thanked both Karen Collard and Judy Downing for all their hard work in both of these jobs.
9.4.3 / Correspondence:
A letter has been received advising changes to Bus Services Bus 397 replaced by 697 resulting in only 1 bus per week.
NW Cullompton Masterplanning 2nd Consultation. No comments
A meeting will be held on Thursday 17th September in Holcombe Rogus for all Parish Councillors from both Burlescombe and Holcombe Rogus to be updated on the proposed plans for Junction 27.
9.5 / Police Report:
Crimes recorded 1 July– 31 Aug 14 1 July– 31 Aug 15
violence with injury 3 0
violence without injury 0 3
vehicle offences 2 3
Other Theft 1 3
Criminal Damage 0 3
Public Order Offences 1 2
9.6.4 / Planning:
New Applications :
15/01130/FULL Removal of Condition 3, holiday occupancy condition of planning permission 05/01218/FULL at The Barn, Pugham Farm, Westleigh – no objections
15/0130/FULL Erection of an extension at Canonsleigh Barton Burlescombe– no objectionsprovided the application meets the National Planning policy framework (2012)
15/01034/FULL Erection of a 500kw anaerobic digester and associated works with 4 silage clamps, revised scheme to include the change of orientation of the layout and installation of 2 driers at Red Linhay Crown Hill Halberton – additional supporting information provided (This is in a neighbouring Parish). - objected
To inform Council of decisions made by Planning Committee on the following applications at a meeting on Monday 27th July 2015
15/00983/FULL proposed Wind Turbine at Knowle Farm(Holcombe Rogus Parish) –No comments
15/01108/MFUL Proposed Solar Farm at Wiseburrow Farm (Holcombe Rogus Parish) – Objected
15/01034/ Anaerobic Digester at Red Linhay, Halberton -Objected
15/01147/FULL Conversion of part of existing garage at 15 Hensons Drive –No comments
15/01200/CAT Reduce 1 Leylandii at Canonsleigh Barton - No objections
To inform Council of decisions made by MDDC:
15/01200/CAT Reduce 1 Leylandii at Canonsleigh Barton- no objections
Ayshford Solar Farm update – Clerk has been in contact with the enforcement Officer regarding the planting of the hedges around the field the following comments were made
“The details of landscaping as required by the condition have been submitted to the Council and are with the Area Planning Officer for consideration. Once these have been approved, I will be encouraging the operator of the site to implement the plan as soon as possible. “
9.7.4 / Highways:
One of the warning bollards by the school has been damaged. Manhole cover west side of railway bridge and one on corner by the village Hall Cllr Lovegrove to report to DCC.
Temporary traffic restrictions Monday 21st September road past Crosses Farm and 14th -24th September west from White Ball gate.
South West Water have accepted that the leak on the road by St Mary’s Church is their responsibility, Clerk asked to write to SW Water confirming their liability. Sent 15/915
Funding has been cut for grass cutting and a letter received from DCC with 3 options. Letter to be written we don't think any of the options are acceptable as we have no footpaths and heavy lorries going through our village. / LL
9.8.3 / Environment
Old Railway Line
Meeting held 28th August with Cllr Neville, Cllr Lovegrove and Grahame Hawkins from ORLAC. Cllr Lovegrove has completed a risk assessment. Three signs need to be ordered, one on the old tar plant area and one at top & bottom of steps. At the end of Bray Close there are two trees that need cutting back as one is hanging over a house and the other over garages.
Risk assessment to add the trees and then submit to insurance company proposed Cllr Downing Seconded Cllr Collard all in agreement.
Cllr Lovegrove to try and arrange meeting with ORLAC. Advised the ground needs to be prepared before the benches can go down and gate ways to be sorted. Cllr Lovegrove to speak to Grahame Hawkins to put a schedule together.
Park Wood
Nothing to report
Notice Boards
Howard Pope has been asked for a quote but nothing yet received. Cllr Neville would like to thank Barry Stapley for helping to fix Westleigh noticeboard. / LL
9.9.1 / Finance (Cllr Collard)
The following expenditure was approved by all Councillors:
Chairman’s Course (DALC) £30
Chairman expenses £8.58 (printing of standing orders)
Projector- to approve finance – it was decided to wait and see what happens before buying a projector
Friends of the Grand Western Canal subscription – cheque dated 1.12.14 banked 08.04.15
Clerk Sept wages - £300
Accounts book £76.74 (to LJ Findlay)
Audit bill to Grant Thornton £120
Election Fees £147.35
9.10.2 / Chairman’s Report
  • AI has refurbished the steps from the ORL to the offside of the canal as requested.
  • Please take secateurs with you when walking our footpaths. It is really helpful cutting back the thorns etc. from gates and stiles.
  • I am, as ever, happy to receive reports or suggestions regarding on any of the Parish’s footpaths.
FP1 and FP28 have been cut and FP26 has been reported as over grown Cllr Neville to advise Nicholas Page
Grand Western Canal
  • The 9 cygnets are almost fully developed and are exercising their wings.
  • DCC Highways in conjunction with the GWC are to improve the flow of water in the ditch to the East of the towpath where it passes through pipes beneath the Black Bridge.
  • Members of the GWCJAC have been expressing considerable concern over
the adverse impact, on the canal, of the development of an Anaerobic Digester at Red Linhay
  • Wardens to help oversee our stretch of the GWC are still required.
  • Please keep me informed of issues, that you become aware of, relating to the GWC.
/ LN
9.11.1 / Cllr Downing’s Report
I attended a planning presentation at Holcombe Rogus for the application for a wind turbine on 23rd July previous to our planning meeting at Westleigh on 27th July.
I attended a site visit on Wed 19th Aug at Houndaller, near Viridor & Hillhead Sites, Uffculme. Aggregates Industries are soon to start extracting sand at the Houndaller site: more detail at PC meeting.
Next meeting of Broadpath& Hillhead Liaison group 21st Sep.
I contacted Andy Hill (DCC) to request Devon Minerals Plan Pre-Submission Document: will bring to P.C. meeting.
Westleigh Quarry Meeting Mon 14th Sep. I have contacted Richard Keith-Hill (Environment MDDC) & asked if he could attend this meeting, I have also given him a copy of the Quarry Survey.
I was in contact with Willy Pike, Highways (before LL took over this task), he says the water leakage near St. Mary's Church is to be dealt with by the Water Authority.
The ditches around Burlescombe were cleaned out recently- this is only being done once a year now! Holcombe Rogus P.C. pay for their ditches to be cleaned regularly- maybe we need to discuss this??
I continue to pick up litter from the bottom of the hill to A38 most weekends-all fast food rubbish!!
During August I have received many emails from Rhiannon Holman re: Quarry Survey & Joanne Fergusson re: Penslade,Houndaller& Burlescombe:
Email received from Mrs Holman reference quarry survey and Cllr Downing to take to quarry liaison meeting.
Cllr Neville thank Cllr Downing for clearing up in the layby at the top of the road near the church.
9.12 / Cllr Lovegrove’s Report
Play Areas: MDDC have advised the play area mats are within their tolerance levels and they would not be replaced. Cllr Neville thanked Cllr Lovegrove for this work on this.
9.13 / Cllr Sprague’s Report
Community Hall: Nothing to report
St Mary’s Church: Nothing to report
There are still four Councillor vacancies, if anyone is interested in becoming a Councillor or requires more information they should contact the Parish Clerk.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55 pm.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 12th October in Westleigh United Reform Church at 7pm. Andy Hill will be giving a presentation on the Penslade Quarry proposal prior to the meeting at 7pm.

Karen Collard


For Parish Clerk