The Moro City Council met for a regular Council Meeting, Tuesday, November 1, 2016, 7:00 p.m. at the Moro City Hall. The following were present Mayor Andy Anderson; Councilors Bert Perisho, Seth vonBorstel, Jim Payne and Bryan Cranston; Kya Mabe-City Administrator (CA), John English-Director of Public Works (DPW); Teresa McCallum, Perry Thurston, Nell Melzer, Donna Birtwistle, Carey Hughes, Melody Stafford and Deborah Rudometkin.
CONSENT AGENDA-MINUTES-BILLS-FINANCIAL REPORT- There was a motion (Payne/vonBorstel) to approve the October 4, 2016 Regular Council Meeting minutes and the October 25, 2016 Special Council Meeting minutes. Motion Carried.
There was a motion (vonBorstel/Perisho) to approve October’s bills totaling $27,412.46, check numbers 11656-11686 and 15032-15033.Motion Carried. Mayor Anderson requested to have the payment to Emery & Sons for a tank inspection that was done in April, checked to ensure the quoted amount is the same as the billing amount.
PAST DUE WATER/SEWER ACCOUNTS– There were 6 disconnect notices delivered. All paid a portion due.
VISITORS – No visitors.
- There were no comments from citizens regarding agenda items.
LANDSCAPE PROJECT – Mayor Anderson shared we will be moving forward with the patio area in the back and that we have a commitment from Millie Voll for project cost. Ms. Mabe (CA) picked up some large planters and has spent some time with Mayor Anderson discussing plantings for the other areas in the back.
DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PROGRAM APPLICATION– Mayor Anderson shared we worked on an additional draft with comments from the October meeting. Ms. Mabe then sent the draft to Councilor vonBorstel and Ms. Carey Hughes. Wording was discussed with further changes needed. The council also discussed in length whether to keep the current committee going after the process is developed or to form a new committee made of one councilor, one citizen, one business owner and the city administrator to review applications and make final recommendations to the council. Mayor Anderson stated he would volunteer to be on the committee, that way there wouldn’t be any double voting. Councilor Cranston shared if Ms. Mabe (CA) is a part of the committee he would be happy, the issue he sees with Mayor Anderson being on the committee is if it comes down to a tie he will have to vote. Councilor vonBorstel stated the committee is formed, just add Ms. Mabe. Councilor Perisho voiced he disagrees; the current group was put in place to develop the vehicle for this program, to create the process for us to move forward. Carey Hughes, chairman of the committee brought up past town hall meeting notes. Ms. Hughes then passed the past notesto Councilor vonBorstel who read portions i.e. establish a committee of six people, two council members, two business owners and two citizens. Carey Hughes was asked to be the chairman and take the lead and she accepted. The notes Ms. Hughes presented were further discussed on the scope of responsibility. Mayor Anderson explained the purposed of this group is to develop the vehicle and process to help us move forward. Councilor vonBorstel stated the minutes(referring to the town hall notes) speak for themselves, it says the Downtown Committee, the committee was established. Councilor Cranston voiced he thinks we should stick with the original two, two and two; one council member, the city administrator, two business owners and two citizens. Councilor Perisho voiced if we want to go this way then we go with two, two and two, the only change being remove a council member and add the city administrator. Councilor vonBorstel stated on the same token I don’t think we need to disband what we have. Mayor Anderson stated the Moro City Council will appoint this committee. Councilor vonBorstel stated the Moro City Council already appointed the committee. Councilor Perisho voiced this is a document going forward, if someone moves away or steps down the Moro City Council will appoint the new member. Carey Hughes stated this is manipulation, this committee worked really hard to put this application together, we submitted it to the council in September and all that was asked to be changed was some wording on reimbursement. After further discussion Mayor Anderson asked the council if they were all in agreement. Councilor vonBorstel stated he is in agreement as long as we maintain the current committee. He also added, going forward, if we have specific guidelines for a committee we need to be more diligent on listing them out. Mayor Anderson stated we did, Councilor vonBorstel voiced if it is not in the minutes we didn’t do it. Other changes were discussed. There was a motion (vonBorstel/Cranston) to table this topic until the December Council Meeting, to give the committee a chance to review.Motion Carried.
VERIZON – Councilor Cranston expressed he thinks we should go for the lump sum buy out. After some discussion on the current franchise agreement and inflation the council asked to table this until next meeting for further review of the current agreement.
MORO CITY PARK TOBACCO FREE ORDINANCE–The Moro City Park tobacco free ordinance number 263 was read in full the second time and will be in effect December 1, 2016.
LIGHTSPEED NETWORKS – FRANCHISE – LightSpeed Networks were scheduled to be at the meeting but cancelled due to last minute changes in the agreement and asked for time to review. This was tabled to the December meeting.
AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH – Ms. Mabe (CA) explained she found paper work on a DLCD grant and could not find a specific purpose for that grant funds with Ms. Rene’ Moore’s (past CA) retirement and Ms. Mabe newly coming into the office. The current aerial photograph in the office was taken in 2002 and is missing nearly 16 homes, the Senior Center and Azure Standard. Ms. Mabe requested a proposal from the aerial company; the cost is more than the grant amount. Councilors think this is a great idea but would like Ms. Mabe to contact the company and get more information, could they map our water and sewer system etcetera. This will be revisited at the December meeting.
CITY LEDS PAYMENT – Mayor Anderson and Ms. Mabe had a conversation with Sheriff Brad Lohrey; Sheriff Lohrey explained the Cities in the County used to make a yearly payment to the Law Enforcement Data System (LEDS). Years ago Sheriff Lohrey voiced to the Cities that he no longer wanted the funds and would like the Cities to keep them so long as the funds are spent on safety. Sheriff Lohrey stated these funds can be used towards anything to do with safety. Mayor Anderson stated this is a reminder; the last payment was made in 2004 and needs to be acknowledged.
SEDER ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN PROPOSAL – Mayor Anderson and Ms. Kya Mabe (CA) met with Mark Seder, who helped with the ‘Downtown Design Master Plan’. Mayor Anderson and Ms. Mabe discussed the desire to get a splash pad into the Moro City Park. The idea was brought to the council and seemed to have a great reaction during the meeting. Mark has helped with several projects around our area including The Dalles Aquatic Park. The City would be able to work with Seder Architecture & Urban Design to create renderings and further information to help when the time comes to request grant funding. This proposal does not obligate either party to the other. There was a motion (Perisho/Cranston) to accept the proposed price fee structure. MOTION CARRIED.
- Nell Melzer asked about a neighbor’s property line and how things of this nature are grandfathered in. The Council mentioned the County Assessor would be the best to speak with.
- Councilor Payne shared him and Mr. John English (DPW) met with the fire marshal earlier that day. The fire marshal would like a flow test on one of the fire hydrants in town and would like to discuss further water getting to Azure Standard.
Next Council Meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.
Mayor, City of Moro Attest Date
City of Moro
CouncilMeeting Minutes
November 1, 2016