The Healing Codes 07.16.2009 19
Thursday Q&A Tom Costello
Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of The Healing Codes family I welcome you to this call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is July 16, 2009 and everything on the call is being recorded. The recording will be available as a free download from our website:
We support our Healing Codes clients in one of several ways. The call is one way. The recording is another. The download is another. The Q&A is another. is another. There are a whole bunch of ways. Anything we can do to support a person in getting the benefits they want is from The Healing Codes and shifting healing their lives we’re up for. We do personal coaching one-on-one. We’ve got a whole bunch of Practitioners listed on our website. That one-on-one help, I think, is a really good investment. We also have, for people who buy another package, group coaching that is included in that. We have a Clients’ Only section on the website. It is for clients only. If you’re not a client yet, please respect that boundary. It requires these: User name: healingcodes Password: 12days
This call is for anything related to The Healing Codes. Anything goes. We like to validate people who tell us of their positive experiences. That’s encouraging for other people. We are also open to dealing with challenging situations.
Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. The opinions I express are my own opinions. I have an abundance of them. If they serve you I’m pleased. If not just let them go flying by. If they’re not relevant just let them go. Don’t even get bothered by them or with them.
So, besides some fundamentals of drinking plenty of good water, breathing deeply—hydration and oxygenation are two major steps in facilitating a body to function properly. Eating nutritious food, whatever that means to you, eating joy – that is a certain process that I like to describe. Establish and maintain a proper pH. Get plenty of rest. That’s a huge factor, commonly overlooked. And move – some sort of movement, whatever is appropriate for your physical condition, walking, stretching, standing up/sitting down, whatever. Then add The Healing Codes for that internal stress relief, that internal friction antidote. You are on your way.
Having said all of that what I’d like to do is open the call for questions, answers, comments, for you.
Okay, I’m going to prime the pump, but I expect – this is prime the pump blurb. Let’s see how quickly I can do it, and thoroughly. I think it’s a cool idea and it’s important – to me anyway.
This is the secret of life as we know it. You’re hearing it on July 16, 2009. That’s pretty cool. If you have a pen or piece of paper available I’m going to have you do a little drawing. I’m going to draw a circle on the left side of my page about the size of a baseball or orange for your non-baseball players. Just to the right of that, about the size of a US or Canadian dime or maybe the diameter of a fingernail. There’s a little bit of space between the two; a quarter of an inch, definitely less than an inch. I’ve got a big circle and I’ve got a small circle.
I’m going to draw four horizontal lines that connect the right most edge of the big circle to the left most edge of the little circle. Very lightly draw the horizontal lines. 1, 2, 3, 4 lines. This is basically the secret of life right here; the secret of health, achievement, everything else. I call this my 3G model.
What is this drawing. This is a rough representation, obviously not drawn to scale. The large circle represents God. I’m thinking God is a little bit bigger than a circle the size of an orange. But, since we don’t have a piece of paper that big or a pen that big or that much ink, this is going to have to do. That large circle represents source; God, YHWH, Allah, Supreme Being, Creator, Great Spirit, anything you want to label the Source of all that is, the Source of Life.
That small circle is what I label as our Good. You can refer to it as a goal if you want, but I think Good is a better idea. I’ve got God. I’ve got Good. Two G’s. The little horizontal lines, little connectors represents you and me. Here we are. Gal/Guy – that’s the third G. If you’re a female that represents you. Your energy connects God to the thing that you imagine to be good for you. You’re the connective wire. You're the connective band. You’re the connective channel for God energy to move through you and show up in those things that you desire, those things that represent good to you; health, money, prosperity, career, loving relationships, new home, car, the whole shootin’ match. Whatever represents good to you. All of that can be good. The energy that you flow to that small circle is what makes it good. It’s good because it came from God. Now it comes to us and flows through us.
This is why I have the four lines: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical. You can have energy come to you and through you and you can express it in a variety of ways. You can express it spiritually, you can express it mentally. You can express it emotionally and you can express it physically. That is actually get up and move a piece of furniture, that sort of thing.
There can be joy. Ideally there would be joy in all four of those channels or those forms of expression.
If I were to draw this slightly differently those four bands could be a prism; a glass prism. God light comes in – if I were talking about regular, ordinary light in the day time. That light comes into the prism. The prism is an interesting mechanism to be able to divide, refract that light into about seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. It takes ordinary daylight and will break it into those four bands so we can see it looks like a rainbow. It looks quite cool to us. We like it.
I think we have that same role in this model. We are that conduit. We are the wire. You don’t have to be an electrician to know this is a valuable concept. If there is a lot of resistance in the wire it interferes with the flow. If you’re trying to do that, that’s great. But if you are trying to move that energy from God into your good, then the less resistance you provide the better you are going to be. It is going to flow smoother.
This is spoken of in a variety of ways. You would have heard it as “Let go and Let God.” In those cases where we don’t let go and we let God I take my left hand and cover the large circle. I go, “Look, there are four lines going toward my good. I’ve got to do a lot of work. I’ve got to work. I’ve got to effort. I’ve got to struggle. I’ve got to work hard. I’ve got to do something. I don’t know!”
In that example what happened is I made it about me. I think it is me doing it as compared to (I just moved my left hand), “Ooooh! God is doing it.” If you go to the Bible, and I like this reference where Jesus is saying – I mentioned this about a week ago in a sermon for the – This is from the Aquarian Gospel, a book that I treasure. Jesus had come back from the “miracle of the fishes and loaves” where he fed 4000 people plus. He goes back to town and those disciples that didn’t accompany him on that particular trip failed in their ability to heal a child with epilepsy. They didn’t understand it so now they’re waiting for Jesus to come back and help this kid.
He said to them, “Here’s the problem. You thought it was about you. You thought that because you’ve been so successful in other healings, you misunderstood and you thought it was about you. The truth of the matter is it’s God the Father working through us. Your thinking it’s you and you only had access to your own energy. That wasn’t enough to help this child.” Jesus got into a space and helped the child, cured the person. People thought he died. The child stood up and was fully functioning.
Jesus has multiple times said, “It’s not me. It’s God the Father working through me that’s doing this.” I’m suggesting this tremendous challenge – it is for me. You’ll have to decide for yourselves if it is for you. – of getting out of the way is so challenging. “I’m doing it. I’m doing it. I’ve got to work harder.” Simply because I’m familiar with how to work harder. It’s not necessarily productive; just harder. I know how to put a lot of effort into stuff.
I do know those experiences where I decided on what I wanted, set the intention, and focus on it and then let go…. Ever once in a while I’m wise enough as I mention frequently, I don’t know how to heal a scratch on my finger, grow a fingernail, digest a sandwich. I don’t know how to do those really, really simple, fundamental-to-human-life behaviors. What makes me think I know how to do much more?
Why don’t I decide what I want and then get out of the way instead of thinking I’m doing it. Decide what I want. Focus on it and let God work through me to do it. Relax and see if I can let go of my need to resist and struggle and fight and be in fear or “Fear and unbelief” as Jesus said and I’ve quoted it multiple times.
Hmmm….. The Healing Codes let me set my intention and speak to the large circle on my page. Let me speak to God in my prayer/request. “God, I would like help with……”
Let me choose a Truth Focus Statement that is a representative or a representation of or an image of my good. So far so good. Now I am the connecting piece in this energy flow. Let me do The Healing Codes and get out of the way. Let me just relax. Let me say it another way. Let me reduce my resistance in this energy flow. Let me reduce my defensiveness. Let me reduce the friction. Let me reduce the stress that I’m experiencing. Let me get into peace.
Imagine – Can you draw a diagram of a piece of wire at peace? Sure ______. A beautifully straight line. I ask when you drew that diagram to make thin little lines connecting God and our good. That represents us. But with a little bit of practice, with a little bit of intention; not hard work. I didn’t say concentration. With a little bit of practice a little bit of confidence and more trust, love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, -- you get the picture and less unforgiveness, less “I’ve got to do this or some other harmful action. I’m sure that must be. I need to do more.” Less harmful actions and less unhealthy beliefs that connection can occur. I can get myself into a state of being this conduit of energy flowing from my God through me to my good.
My entire job after I ask for what I want, specify what I want. I’m not begging. I’m not pleading. I’m stating. I think we have, as children of God, the authority to state what we want as compared with , “Please, God, I beg you.” We’re not panhandlers. We’re royalty. Once we do that, we put our attention on it. The energy that flows to us and through us, much like that prism that I mentioned a minute ago is the highest vibration. When you look at your good, your good will not involve, “I wish they would do this. I wish they would stop doing that. I wish you would do that. I wish the government would stop. I wish they would start.” It’s not about controlling other people. That’s not your good. Your good is about you and God and the image of what you want.
You feelings good is what manifests it. You are the translator of this God energy that is available to us. If you want to know how human beings can do it, pick up the newspaper. Read the headlines. Look at the 6 o’clock news. “Great invention discovered today.” “Prosthetic limbs invented today by …” “Arms and legs blown off by …” Interesting. Inventing prosthetic limbs; blowing up other people limbs. Those are a couple of interesting ways to use energy. We are unbelievably creative.
It is people like us who have an expanded awareness of the possibilities. I would say they’re like a drop in the bucket compared to what is actually possible. You go from one drop to two and more. Pretty soon we’re a full bucket of awareness. At some point as we do that we can conceive of the idea that we are accessing the ocean of God, the ocean of good. In fact there is no distance between us. It’s right here. It has been the whole time. Now our hearts have been open to it. 3-G model. You heard it first.
So, did that prime the pump? Let me make sure my phone wasn’t on mute for that… Nope!
Participant: (Gail) Well, I’ll go. Tom, I’ve been noticing that Harmful Actions and Self Control for me may be kind of polarized. I had a dream that I woke up with this morning. I heard myself saying to someone else in the dream, “If one still has the diagnosis one can still have the disease.” Meaning if one is still focused on the diagnosis or has it within the heart or unconscious, then one is not complete with the disease. I’m seeing how I have been in self-protection around a lot of things like avoiding another diagnosis or trying to stay super-healthy or trying to safe and secure relative to money or trying to be safe and secure relative to relationships. All of a sudden I have this huge desire to just be in the adventures of life and living to the full. That’s what I’m asking for a Code for tonight, and your take on this.
I’m suddenly fascinated with Dr. Alex’s last two calls about “it’s not what you think it is” and all about conscious conflict. The other one just went out of my head. I think you were alluding to this. Wanting to totally allow truth and love and belief be in control in the way that Dr. Alex more or less talks about us focusing on truth and love, not fear and falsehood. That’s where I’ve been seeing Harmful Actions being active in my life.
Tom Costello: You’re talking about thinking, right? Is that your action?