Once upon a time, in the highest north east point of the U.S.A, Maine, and the most boringest place on earth lived three puffins. Sam, Jake, and Alex. These small strong puffins are all thinking about moving out. Sam is the cool kid but not so good with his grades. Jake is an all-star jock, and Alex is not cool, or a jock, but he’s very, very smart. When the three small puffins were getting ready to move, a young, bossy, mayor, Mayor Daniel of Augusta wanted a friend. He usually gets everything he wants (HELLO he’s the Mayor)! Daniel just runs off to other peoples’ houses demanding friends. Jakes house was the first. Jakes house is made out of potatoes that he made back home. The mean bossy Mayor went to Jakes house, and knocks on the door. Mayor Daniel says to Jake, “ I’m the Mayor of Augusta and I want a friend! You be my friend or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house away!” Jake got so scared he was shaking until his brain fell out. Jake looked at the moose’s antlers and said, “ Not at the bottom of my little small beak.” The moose got red, and redder, and more red. He took his lips and sucked up all the air he could hold, took one breath, and, and, he blow the house away. It looked like flying French fries. Jake saw what was going on, then quickly grabbed his family album and ran off to Sam’s house. Sam is not the smartest puffin in the world but it was the closest house to run to. It was right by Rockland. The bad news is, it’s made out of sand! Jake knocked on the door. Sam came up and said, “ Hi bro, watcha need?” Jake answered, “ I need to get in! The mayor of Augusta wants a friend, but mostly I think he wants to eat me.” Sam repeated, “ Well get inside I think I see him.” They both locked the door behind them, & closed the window.

Then, there’s a huge loud knock on the door. It was Mayor Daniel. In a loud voice he says, “ This is mayor Daniel and I want a friend, if you don’t be my friends, I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house away!” In a rude voice the puffins yelled, “ Not of the bottom of my little small beak!” Moose lifted up his lips, Jake & Sam grabbed their things and ran out the back door. Daniel took up all the air he can possibly hold in and blow the big sand castle away! Jake and Sam ran right to Alex’s house, which was a lighthouse on Owl’s head right by Rockland Harbor.

Jake and Sam knocked on the Alex’s door 10 times fast. Alex opens the door and announces, “ What do you want?” Jake and Sam replied, “ There’s a big bossy Mayor of Augusta that wants a friend. But mostly I think he wants to.. EAT US!”

Alex is not listening to anything, but the part of EATING THEM!! Alex told them to come inside. Then there was a “ ding” in the house. Could it be mayor Daniel broke in? Nope it was the oven. Alex had made some blueberry squares before Jake and Sam came over. Then, there was a loud horrifying knock on the door. Alex opens the door, with those yummy pastries, knowing that it was Mayor Daniel. The door opened softly and slowly. Jake and Sam crumbled underneath the couch scared. Mayor Daniel came in quickly and shouted, “ I’m Mayor Daniel and I want a friend, if you don’t be my friend I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house away!” But Alex had a question. “ Why do you want to blow our houses down?” The moose chocked, he didn’t know what to say. He thought about it, and answered, “ I just want a friend, but I say that so they’ll say yes.” Alex knew what he was talking about. “ But all my brothers think you’re going to eat them?” “I can’t, I’m vegetarian, I only eat plants, and fruit.” Alex was shocked with surprised. “ You can be our friends under one condition, you try my blueberry squares.”

The moose was excited to have a friend and eat his favorite food, blueberries. Daniel reached out, grabbed a blueberry square, and ate it. It was a joy of delight. Alex was pleased he enjoyed it.

Now, Alex, Jake, and Sam, are best friends with Mayor Daniel, and Mayor Daniel promises to never blackmail again.

The End!