Enzo- Enzo is sharp and ready to take off with reading skills. He is talkative, but has self-control when directed. I need to find opportunities for him to talk more to fulfil this need. He can be a little sneaky/bossy. He tends to put hands on friends and cry easily. Find leadership opportunities for him. Give him a hands off tool. Make sure to push Farley tickets. He is my 15% that could easily be the 80%. Maybe my weekly volunteer could take the higher ones to give them a challenge. Maybe a 2nd volunteer to come in for the high ones.

Kamiryn- Kamiryn is super sweet and a hard worker. She is conscientious of doing her work right. She is very capable and wants to learn and do right. When she gets nervous, she gets squirrely. She takes multiple exposures for things to stick, even though her great listening skills make her appear to be quicker to understand. She is a visual learner. She is my 80% who will do right no matter what.

Langston-does not have much exposure. He is very active and needs to move. His language, OT and academic abilities are delayed almost two years. Langston is super sensitive and cries easily. Find ways to make everything less frustrating/overwhelming. Give as much one on one as possible. He is my 5%

*Accommodations put in place:

Adult volunteer 20 min one on one reading help, one on one time with me during brain growth, 5th grade outdoor academic brain break 12:20 daily, 6th grade helper with him for 30 min just talking to him and helping him “play” at centers, Speech/Language path 20 min 2x a week, OT 20 imn 3-4x a week.

Cade-Cade is bright and ready to take off in reading and in Math. He is a natural leader and knows how to do school. He is in the 80%. Find ways to challenge his brain. Breakfast Club is something I would like to do for him.

Luke- Luke is a quick learner, but slow processer. The output (writing) does not come quickly, but verbally he knows his stuff. He struggled with a little defiance at the beginning, but has come around. Give him ways to shine. Give more “pats” during independent work time to keep him on track. He is very capable, but gets distracted. Use tools like an office or his own space, if needed. Luke is in the 15%. Make sure to give him more positive reinforcement.

Breigha- Breigha is super sweet! She loves school and being around friends. She is a clueless happy though. She does not have letter id even for letters in her name. She is in the 80% for behavior, but is at the bottom right now academically. I see lots of promise for progress.

Jordynn-Jordynn has a grown up attitude in a little body. She is feisty. She seems to have street smarts. She doesn’t grasp the concepts right away. Math is easier than Reading. She struggles to stay on task and pay attention. I am wondering if she is understanding the concepts. Due to not understanding, she bothers others or finds ways to entertain herself. More one on one time to reteach Jordynn. Make sure to push FE tickets, she is the 15% that is leaning towards the 5%. Give her more structure. Talk to parents about attention & focus. Jordynn struggles with attention/focus at home too. She is easily distracted and does not stay on task.

Gabrielle- She is in the 15%. Gabrielle is on meds for ADHD and has been since 3 years old. She has two separate homes that do not get along. She is very capable. Her behavior and attitude can get in the way some days. She comes around pretty quickly when upset/angry. She has been taught tools to use when angry, but can still lash out at times before using tools. She is full of personality. She has come a long way in 35 days in getting along with others.

Garrett-Garrett is in the 80%. He is sweet and quiet. He will be loud if he doesn’t think he is being heard. He needs reassurance that he is doing the right thing. He started the year pretty low, but is really progressing. He works hard, pays attention and wants to do the right thing. He likes justice, he doesn’t do well with injustice. He is a good friend. He has some OT concerns, but the pencil grip really helps him a lot. I have noticed a few speech issues, but nothing glaring.

Adri-Adri is in the 80%. She is ready to take off. She is a model student and wants to please. She needs some extra pats/attention or she will seek it out at times. Just to get a drink or that she is doing the right thing. She is sharp. Trying to find a way to do a Breakfast Club for my kids like her that are ready to take off.

Jack-Jack is in the 80%. Jack is super quiet. I need to not overlook him. He is right on target with academics. He is content to sit quietly, do his own work and just wait until I get to him. Find ways to pull him in and get him to participate more verbally.

Nathan- Nathan is sweet and quiet. He has a sensitive spirit. He is my 80%. Due to him being good most of the time and very quiet he tends to get overlooked for FE tickets. I have noticed a little more sensitivity lately and refusal to do some expectations. I need to build his self-esteem and look for opportunities to give more FE tickets. He needs more pats on the back and some attention to stay on track. He is a bright kid and able to do what I put in front of him. He can be squirrely in line or on the carpet. He goes to physical therapy and needs to be reminded to walk heel toe. He has fallen down the stairs at the end of the day a couple of times. Make sure to hold his hand to help. Make sure to give him opportunities to fidget. Breakfast Club kiddo?

Landen-Landen is in the 80%. Landen started out not speaking at all, he had trouble writing and producing academics. He has come a long way in 35 days. He has a pencil grip and 1x a week OT intervention plan. He is speaking more. He is starting to understand concepts. It takes him more exposures and extra one on one help (volunteers and home), but he is coming along really well. Continue to find ways to encourage him to speak and participate in the group setting.

Anah-Anah is in the 80%. She is sweet and quiet. She can space off at times and not pay attention. I think she will have a concept, but then there is just one piece that is a little off. Find ways to keep her engaged in whole group instruction.

Tyler-Tyler is in the 80%. He is a model student and works hard. Keep giving him words of encouragement. He loves reading and learning new things. He is a sponge. He is a great leader too.

Mackenzie-I believe Mackenzie would be in the 80%, but her behaviors don’t always appear that way. Mackenzie struggles with where she is in space. She does not walk in lines well, can’t sit in her chair appropriately all the time, trips and falls continually, has trouble sitting at the carpet and appears very clumsy. She appears to be lacking gross motor skills which causes her to stand out negatively for behavior at times. Yet, she wants to please and do the right thing. She does better when using tools such as the bouncing ball, weighted vest and lap weights, stretchy band, exercises and other tools. She does not always recognize when she needs them. She needs constant reminders to wear her glasses on her face. She is a sweet girl and I have already seen progress.

Lincoln- At the beginning of the year I would have said he was in the 15%, but I lean more to the 80% now. He wants to please and do it right. Lincoln is extremely bright. He is curious and energetic. He struggled with containing himself the first weeks of school. He has really grown exponentially in 30 days of school. He knows where to find resources to write (copy), wants things to be spelled correctly. Encourage him to grow in trying new things. Find ways to challenge his brain. Breakfast club idea. He wants to do the right thing and make me proud (parents too). He doesn’t want to get it wrong or disappoint. Push FE tickets to help encourage. Breakfast Club kiddo?

Karter- Karter is in the 15%. Karter is a normal five year old boy. He can be an excellent student, but can be very squirrely at times. He struggles to lay still and leave others alone at brain growth. I have given him an assigned spot. He has worked hard to have self-control in keeping his hands to himself. I have seen many improvements over the first 37 days of kindergarten. He is a pretty sharp kid and usually wants to do well. He loves to tell me how pretty I am. Give him more words of encouragement to keep him going towards the 80%.

Bella-Bella is in the 80%. She is a sweet little girl who loves school. She takes a couple of exposures sometimes to get a Math concept, but she is a quick learner. She is friendly and gets along well with others. She is a twin and is used to having people around. She blends in sometimes and can get overlooked. Keep highlighting her shining moments.

Lexie-Lexie is my special needs student. She is repeating kindergarten. She is almost blind, hard of hearing, has CP and several other medical issues. I am excited to get her more involved in our class this year. Each day a student has a checklist to go through and “teach” Lexie what we are doing. They teach her the letter of the week, the high frequency word, an ipad game, sing the ABC song, read her a book, do textures and a few other things. The other students love Lexie and are adjusting to her being noisy and upset at times. Find ways to calm her down when she is upset.

Franky-He is in the 80%. Franky started on the 27th day of kindergarten. He has adjusted well and has begun to talk more. He seems to be right on track for Kdg skills. He is fluent in Spanish and English. With him starting later, I need to find some connections with him. Invest in him.