Annex 2

Public Service Agreements (PSA) and Departmental Strategic Objectives (DSO)

In October 2007, 30 new PSAs were announced as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 and set out the priority outcomes for the CSR2007 period, 2008-09 to 2010-11. Each department also agreed with HM Treasury a set of DSOs, which are designed to complement and sometimes underpin related PSAs[1]. DCMS leads on one PSA (PSA22), and has four DSOs.

  • PSA 22 – The DCMS will deliver a successful and inspirational Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012 that provide for a sustainable legacy and get more children and young people taking part in high quality PE and sport.
  • DSO1: Opportunity – Encourage more widespread enjoyment of culture, media and sport
  • DSO2: Excellence – Support talent and excellence in culture, media and sport
  • DSO3: Economic Impact – Realise the economic benefits of the Department’s sectors
  • DSO4: (same as PSA22).

The table below sets out the indicators under PSA22 and the four DSOs with a brief data statement for each of the indicators.


/ Indicator belongs to: / Statement on data / OGDs
(where indicator lead different to PSA reporting lead)
Indicator 1: Construction of the Olympic Park and other Olympic venues to time and budget / PSA 22and DSO4 / All 2009-10 milestones are on track to be delivered on time and all key projects remain on schedule.
Progress is assessed by measuring performance of key construction projects against ODA time milestones and the budget allocations for each project.
Indicator 2: Maximising the regeneration benefits of the 2012 Games / PSA 22and DSO 4 / Access and connectivity projects are progressing on time and to budget although there have been continued delays to certain bridges on the Olympic Park. GOE does not predict this will delay the overall programme.
Progress is measured by monitoring performance on projects contributing to improved access and connectivity for the Park, and against the Legacy Masterplan Framework milestones. / (Shared responsibility with CLG)
Indicator 3: The Olympic Park and venues are designed and built according to sustainable principles / PSA 22 and DSO 4 / Progress is being made against the sub-indicators.
Progress is measured by performance against the five sustainability themes:
  • Climate change – Progress to achieve a reduction in overall carbon emissions associated with the built environment in the Olympic Park development of 50 per cent by 2013
  • Waste – Re-use or recycle 90 per cent (by weight) of the materials arising through demolition works on the Olympic Park site
  • Biodiversity – Minimum target of 45 hectares of new Site of Biological Importance in full Grade 1 equivalent habitat by 2014
  • Health – The performance rating for this indicator will be based on the ODA target of no fatalities and a rate of one or fewer reportable accidents per million hours worked
  • Inclusion – Measure, report and track the trends in the changing ODA site workforce for two key groups: black and minority ethnic workers and local workers.

Indicator 4: Increasing public participation in cultural, community and sporting activities, both across the UK and internationally

/ PSA 22 and DSO 4 / Participation has increased during 2009-10.
Progress is measured as the number of people across the UK and in other countries taking part in Government-supported programmes associated with the 2012 Games.
Indicator 5: The creation of a world-class system for PE and sport / PSA 22 and DSO 4 / The baselines for the measureswere established in Autumn 2009 (reporting data from July 2008 to July 2009): a five-hour offer was in place in 92 per cent of school sport partnership areas; and 32.0 per cent of 5–19 year olds are participating in the target hours. / (DCMS and DCSF lead responsibility and overseen by a joint DCMS/DCSF Management Board).
Indicator 1:Increasing the proportion of children and young people participating in culture / DSO 1 / Data is collected via the Taking Part Survey. The 2008-09 baseline showed that 45.4 per cent of children aged 5–15 years old were engaging in the desired five hours of culture per week.
Indicator 2:Increasing the proportion of children and young people participating in high quality PE and sport / DSO 1 / This is linked to indicator 5 of PSA 22 and DSO 4. Data is collected via the Taking Part Survey and for those aged 5-10, it is combined with data from the School Sport Survey. The 2008/09 baseline showed that 32.0 per cent of children and young people aged 5-19 years old were achieving the desired number of hours of participation for their age group.
Indicator 3:Increasing the proportion of adults participating in culture or sport / DSO 1 / This is linked to indicator 6 of PSA 21: ‘build more cohesive, empowered and active communities’. Data is collected via the Taking Part Survey. The 2008-09 baseline (revised in December 2009) showed that 66.1 per cent of adults participated in at least two out five different culture or sport sectors at the required level. The latest data from the rolling annual estimates for the 12 months to December 2009 shows 67.3 per cent of adults participated in at least two out five different culture or sport sectors.
Indicator 1: Support talent and excellence in culture, and sport through an excellent experience / DSO 2 / Data is collected via the Taking Part Survey. The 2008-09 baseline showed that 88.2 per cent of those surveyed were satisfied with their last culture or sporting experience.
Indicator 2: Support talent and excellence in culture, and sport through an excellent offer / DSO 2 / This directly links to PSA 22 (Indicators 4 & 5)
It also explores the standards of available services and is measured throughaccreditation indicators. There are currently 4,723 Artsmark accredited schools. More than 10,000 clubs and around 35 sports are currently Sport Clubmark accredited or working towards the award.
Indicator 3: Showcasing Excellence – focuses on the outcomes of having the right conditions to enable talent to flourishby using ‘recognition’ quantitative measures (i.e. medals and awards) / DSO 2 / Performance is measured through quantitative measures relating to medals and awards.
  • In 2009, 11,037 Arts awards were issued
  • In 2009, 43 medals were won in World or European competitions in Olympic disciplines and 149 in Paralympic disciplines.

Indicator 1:Reducing administrative burdens on business caused by DCMS regulation / DSO 3 / Over the five-year period from May 2005 to May 2010, the DCMS has reduced administrative burdens by 46 per cent from the baseline of £343.3m leaving a total Departmental administrative burden of £185m.
Indicator 2:Increasing the proportion of households that have converted to digital television / DSO 3 / By 7 April 2010, 24.1 per cent (6.23 million) of UK homes had completed TV switchover. Border, West Country, Granada and West TV regions have all switched over and, on 31 March 2010, Wales completed switchover and became the first digital TV nation. (The data referred to comes from Ofcom’s Digital Progress Report on Digital TV, quarter four 2009.)

CSR07 efficiency programme

The CSR07 efficiency programme for the Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 set out a commitment to an overall target across Government of £35bn efficiency savingsby March 2011. The DCMS share of this is £168m and, at 31 March 2010, DCMS had delivered £130m of savings.

[1] DSOs will underpin PSAs where the Department is responsible for delivering outcomes under the PSA e.g. DCMS has lead responsibility for PSA22, whose key indicators are directly reflected in DSO4.