Upper Snoqualmie Valley Elk Management Group

(USVEMG) Meeting

March 21, 2016

Meeting called to order:. President Scott Phelps called the USVEMG meeting to order at 5:40 P.M.

Introductions: Jim and Carol Hoch introduced themselves, they live locally, and are interested in predator studies. Mike Hills, a master hunter, and interested in our organization was introduced. Alan Mainwaring, was introduced. He is a biologist with the local DNR region.

Quorum: Officers and directors present: Scott Phelps, Elaina Hays, Jim Gildersleeve, Don Hacherl, Tom Kemp and Jerry Koepping. Harold Erland participated by proxy to Scott Phelps. Absent: Jim McBride, Phil Cassady, Pat Young, Matt Yancey and Sharen Marsall.

Meeting Minutes. Minutes of January 21, 2016 were reviewed and approved. A quorum was not present for the February meeting and no business was conducted.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer reported $22,000 in the bank. In Treasurer’s opinion we have sufficient funds to support our program for 2016. A financial audit was conducted of 2015 financial transactions by member, Bob Johnson. He opined that our finances were in very good shape overall; however, there were two that required follow-up. Receipts for one transaction were incomplete. In the other case, a reimbursement may have included a personal item and require correction.

A member asked if year 2014 financial transactions had been audited, too. The answer was, “no”, because the volunteer auditor failed to contact the Treasurer and obtain the necessary financial records. There was a little discussion about skipping a 2014 audit, but the BOD decided it should be done as required by our ByLaws and asked Bob Johnson if he would take on the job, to which he agreed.

As a footnote, in the Jan.21, 2016, meeting, the president appointed Bob Johnson to do both financial year 2014 and 2015 audits. A reminder reading of the minutes could have prevented an unnecessary discussion and vote.

Committee Reports:

Public Education and Outreach. None. Chairperson absent.

Elk Research and Habitat Improvement Committee. Chairperson Harold Erland was absent on a three week holiday. Committee meeting follows the general meeting and has guest speaker, Dr. Brian Kertson, who will discuss his current cougar study and its results.

People and Land Management Committee: No meeting and no report.

Unfinished Business.

o Elections of officers. A secretary needs to be elected to replace Jim Gildersleeve, who wishes to resign after serving five years as secretary.

New Business:

o First Reading of Proposed Change to the EMG’s ByLaws. In the January 25, 2016, meeting Jim Gildersleeve proposed we amend our ByLaws to change the way directors are selected. (Presently our ten directors are chosen by their stakeholder group, e.g.wildlife advocate, hunters, timber property owners, small agriculture business owners, etc.; however, since our creation in 2009, very few changes have occurred among the directors and their stakeholder identity has diminished. Worse still, several positions have been vacant for extended periods due to job changes, non-attendance and disinterest. So another approach is needed to revitalize the directors and the contributions they bring to the governing process).

Jim proposed that seven directors be chosen from among the general membership, just as officers are presently. In this approach, EMG members who are interested in serving in the leadership of the EMG may do so through election by their peers. A larger pool of interested, involved, and committed volunteers can thereby be accessed. A downside of this proposal is a perceived weakening of the role of stakeholders in our governance process; however, the EMG has evolved as a conservation organization and maintains strong connections to stakeholder groups as their interests occur. So the concern is mitigated.

Jim requested that we approve his recommended changes (Change 6) as a First Reading of Proposed changes to our Bylaws. He explained that the reading which occurred at our Jan. 25, 2016, was defective in that it was not available for review five days before the meeting as required by the ByLaws (See Article X- Administration). A motion to approve the proposed bylaw changes as a first reading was moved, seconded, and approved.

Our current ByLaws and the proposed amended ByLaws are available for review at our website, snoqualmievalleyelk.org. under the Library Tab (on the left of the screen) click on Guiding Policy and Documents.

o The upcoming wild game dinner was briefly discussed. A planning committee meeting was scheduled for Tuesday (3/22/16) at 6:00 P.M. More to follow.

o VP Elaina Hays proposed that we buy magnetic signs stating “Elk Research” to put on the vehicles we use during the elk census so that landowners will know what we are doing when they see our volunteers looking into their properties with binoculars, scopes, etc. It would cost about $130 for six pairs of signs. The motion to purchase the signs was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved.

o Harold has requested three game cams to complement our elk research effort. He has looked at various brands and recommends that we purchased Moultries. Cost for three would be about $650. A member inquired how Harold would secure these? They are easy to steal. Harold had advised that he wanted these to determine how much elk are using certain isolated areas, such as the CC Flats and the Campbell Global Tree Farm. He thinks the risk is low that they will be stolen. He and one other EMG member will know where they are placed. A motion to purchase these cameras was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.

Comments for the Good of the Order: Upon adjournment of the meeting at 6:10P.M., the Elk Research and Habitat Improvement Committee meeting began. Its guest speaker is Dr. Brian Kertson, WDFW Large Predator Coordinator.

Jim Gildersleeve,

EMG Secretary
