Collectible Books

This list is our current sorting-room reference for collectible books. It is by no means all-inclusive. We constantly add new items to the list and also delete items as appropriate. An editable version is available for download at You will want to add regional books and your own local authors to the list. Update your version regularly as you learn more about collectibles. Any prices listed here are only guidelines. Your region and the specific customers at your sale in any given year will determine the price at which your books will sell.


Advance reading copies—any author, but more famous authors worth more

Alice in Wonderland books

Horatio Alger

All-About series

Almanacs—1800s or early 1900s

American Girl

American Guide Series

Cherry Ames series


Joan Walsh Anglund—little gift books

Annals of the Conestoga Valley—$400 to $600—PA local

Annotated books—ALL

Antiques—also Furniture Refinishing

Apocrypha—biblical writings of doubtful authority, but collectible

Appleton’s Travel Guides

Architecture books

Atwood, Margaret—some first editions

Audel’s Carpenter’s and Builder’s Guides

Auto and Auto Racing books—books about vintage cars very desirable

Autographed books—value depends on celebrity

Avedon, Richard—photographer


Baedeker’s Travel Books—Before 1920

Ballantine paperbacks—WWII—$3 to $10, depending on subject

Bangs, John Kendrick—any

Baseball—nicer books

Beckett, Samuel—any

Bemelmans, Ludwig—any

Bicycling—early books

Black’s Law Dictionary

Bobbsey Twins series

Bodkin, B. A.—American Folklore

Boy Scout manuals—old (The Golden Jubilee edition worth $150!)

Book collecting, publishing, etc.

Brautigan, Richard—any, even paperbacks

Breen, Walter—U. S. Coins

British Isles Travel & History by F. Fraser Darling

“Buddy” series

Burgess, Thornton


Caldecott award winners

Car racing—the older the better

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller first edition

Caton, Bruce—all

Chandler, Raymond—first editions

Chandler, Roy—Perry Public History

Cheever, John—first editions

Chilton auto repair books

Circus books—including programs

Civil War books

Clancy, Tom—first editions (NOTE: Hunt For Red October first edition worth a lot!)

Coffee table books—oversize, often beautiful books—many can get premium price

Community Historian’s Annual


Cookbooks—also advertising pamphlets from 1940 and earlier

Currier & Ives


De Angeli, Marguerite—all

Decoys—any books

Dell—10-cent paperbacks and first printing 25-cent

Dick and Jane readers—good condition command about $30

Nancy Drew series—even new ones

Dunbar, Paul—black author—any

Dungeons and Dragons—All

Durant, Will—Story of Civilization

Dahl, Roald—all

Dr. Seuss—hardbacks



Evergreen Review


Fairs and Exhibition books—e.g., St. Louis World’s Fair

Farm Engines

First Editions—famous, popular authors

Fisher, M. F. K.—Cooking criticism

Fishermen’s Encyclopedia and other fishing

Folio Society books

Folk Art

Ford, Henry—International Jew—4-volume paperback

Foxfire Books—$3 to $4

Frances, Mary—Sewing or Cooking

Franklin Library editions

Freeman, Douglas—Lee's Lieutenant

Freeman, Douglas—Robert E. Lee

Freeman, Douglas—Washington (7 Volumes)

Freud, Sigmund—all books

Furniture refinishing


Gehman, Richard—local PA author—pricey

Genealogy books

Gibran, Kahil—$2 and up

Girl Scout handbooks—1950 and older

Golden Books—first printings. See resource listing for reference

Gone With the Wind—first edition hardback—May 1936

Gone With the Wind—all other hardbacks—about $8. Also movie edition

Gorey, Edward—authored or illustrated by him

Graphic Novels

Grey, Zane—any hardbacks

Grove Press books

Gun books


Happy Hollisters

Hardy Boys series—even new ones

Harris, Joel Chandler

Haynes auto repair books

Hearn, Lafcadio—Japan or other ($25+)

Heller, Joseph—Catch-22—also his other first editions

Herb books

Hillyer, V. M.—Child’s History

Hoffman, Abbie—any

Horse books

Hubbard, Elbert—Roycroft Press books



Howard Chandler Christy

Harrison Fisher

Edward Gorey

Rockwell Kent

Lois Lenski

Peter Max

Maxfield Parrish

Frederick Remington

Arthur Rackham

Charles Robinson

Norman Rockwell

Eric Sloane

N. C. and Andrew Wyeth

Indians (North American)—most books

Int’l Correspondence School—old ones


Janson’s History of Art

Jeffers, Robinson—poet

Johnson, Osa—any


Kelly, Walt (POGO books)

Kent, Rockwell

Kentucky Rifles

Kerouac, Jack—any, including paperbacks

Kipling, Rudyard


Lakeside Press—any

Lancaster Public Historical Society Journals—PA local

L’Amour, Louis—any hardbacks

Landmark series—juvenile

Lawrence, T. E.—any

Chiang Lee

Lemony Snicket

Little Leather series

Local interest—authors or subjects:

You will want to add your own regional list, although most regional items are desirable



Charles DeMuth

Wallace Fisher

Richard Gehman


Earl Rebman


New York


American Indian lore

Frederick Remington

St. Lawrence River

Ray Whalen


Baxter Black

Jan Cleere

Tony Hillerman

J. A. Jantz

Mata Ortiz Pottery

Guy Porfirio

Louis Alberto Urea

Loeb Classical Library—$3 to $8

Lossing, Benson—historical U.S. books

Lovecraft, H.P.—sci-fi


Machinist’s Handbooks

Magic—any books

Man, Myth & Magic—20-volume set

Mann, Thomas—any hardbacks

Maps—antique or railroad types

McPhee, John—most hardbacks


Mencken, H. L.—any

Mennonites—any, especially Weaverland

Merton, Thomas—photography

Metals—any books

Metropolitan Museum books

Millay, Edna St. Vincent—poet

Modern Library—old ones with dust jacket

Movie editions of novels

Myers, Anna B.—I Lift My Lamp

Mystery—in dust jackets or first editions from 1940 and earlier

Agatha Christie

Raymond Chandler

Ellery Queen

Mickey Spillane

Rex Stout


Nature and wildlife—any regional

Newbery Award winners


Oates, Joyce Carol—first editions


O’Keeffe, Georgia

Olympic games memorabilia

On The Road—Jack Kerouac (Beat Generation), even paperback


Peter Pauper Press—any

Photoplay editions


Ansel Adams

Richard Avedon

David Douglas Duncan

Thomas Merton

Edward Steichen

Piper, Watty—any children’s

POGO books, Walt Kelly

Potter, Harry

Pop-up books—any, old or new

Power of Myth—Joseph Campbell

Printing—books about

Pynchon, Thomas—any hardbacks

Pyramid Power


Queen, Ellery—first edition hardbacks


Railways Guide—timetables, etc.

Readers, elementary—20th Century in color

Rice, Ann—first edition hardbacks

Rifles, guns—any books

Rivers of America series

Robinson, Charles—Illustrator

Rodale Press—early books

The Rosetti’s

Rubin, Jerry—60s stuff


Salesmen’s dummy copies—have sample bindings

Saturday Night Live

Scoutmaster handbooks

Service, Robert

Dr. Seuss—older hardbacks


Signed copies by author

Silverstein, Shel

Sixties (1960s)—Beat Generation stuff—Ginsberg, Kerouac, Abbie Hoffman, etc.

Slipcase books—(in cardboard casings)

Sloane, Eric—author, illustrator

Starrett, Vincent—cult books

Steal This Book—Abbie Hoffman

Steichen, Edward—photographer

Stevenson, D. E.

Stewart, Martha

Stuart, Jessie—all


Summers, Montague—Vampires

Sunbonnet books

Tom Swift

Swords—any books


Taber, Gladys—any books

Tarzan—including paperbacks

Temple, Shirley—any books

Thomas the Train

Thompson, Hunter—Curse of Lono paperback

Treason Trials—local interest

Tuchman, Barbara—hardbacks

Tyler, Anne—first editions


Ulysses—James Joyce

Uncle Remus

Uncle Wiggily

University Press books

Updike, John—hardback novels


Vampire books

Van Loon—any

Viet Nam books

Vogue Fashion books


War books—any

Watchtower hardbacks—pre-1960

Weathervanes—any books

Weaverland Mennonites—any

West VA Pulp & Paper Christmas annuals

Wodehouse, P. G.—first edition hardbacks

WPA guides


Zane Grey—any

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance—Robert Pirsig

Zen Buddhism—any

From Pat Ditzler and JoAnn Dumas, A Book Sale How-To Guide (Chicago: American Library Association, 2012). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 2.5 License: