
Programme of the Human anatomy

for Medicine faculty students

IV. Circulatory system (Angiology)


1.  Circulation system. Arterial system

General organization of the circulatory system. Structure of the wall and types of the arteries. Arterioles. Types of the capillaries. Types of vascular anastomoses and collateral circulation. Arterial system, principles of the blood vessel distribution, arterial pulse sites.

2.  Venous system. Lymphatic system. Lymphoid system

Venous system. Structure of the systemic veins. Factors influencing venous blood flow. Venous drainage principles. Functional significance of the porto-systemic anastomoses. Lymphatic system- lymph drainage principles. Factors influencing lymph flow. Functions and peculiarities of the structure of the lymph capillaries, lymph vessels, trunks, and ducts. Functions of lymphoid system. Primary and secondary lymphoid organs, location, peculiarities of the structure and functions.

IV. Circulatory system (Angiology)

Practical works

1. Arterial system

1.  Aorta: ascending aorta, arch of the aorta, descending aorta, bifurcation of the aorta. Thoracic aorta, location. Visceral branches: esophageal, bronchial, pericardial and mediastinal arteries. Parietal branches: posterior intercostal and superior phrenic arteries. Abdominal aorta, location, blood supply regions. Visceral branches: celiac trunk: left gastric, splenic and common hepatic arteries; superior and inferior mesenteric arteries; renal; middle suprarenal; gonadal: testicular/ovarian arteries. Parietal branches: inferior phrenic and lumbar arteries.

2.  Common iliac artery. Internal iliac artery, parietal and visceral branches: vesical, uterine, middle rectal and internal pudendal arteries. External iliac artery, location, branches: inferior epigastric artery. Femoral artery, course, branch: deep artery of thigh. Popliteal artery, location, and blood supply regions. Arteries of the leg: anterior tibial artery and posterior tibial arteries, their location. Fibular artery. Blood supply regions. Arteries of the foot: dorsalis pedis artery, plantar arteries, and deep plantar arch. Blood supply regions.

3.  Subclavian artery: location and branches: thyrocervical and costovertebral trunks, vertebral and internal thoracic arteries. Branches of the internal thoracic artery: anterior intercostal, musculophrenic and superior epigastric arteries. Axillary artery, location, branches: thoracoacromial, lateral thoracic and subscapular arteries. Brachial artery, location, branch: deep brachial artery, blood supply regions. Radial and ulnar arteries. Superficial and deep palmar arches.

4.  Common carotid artery, location. Internal carotid artery, location, branches: cerebral and ophthalmic arteries. Basilar and posterior cerebral arteries. Cerebral arterial ring. External carotid artery, location, branches of the anterior group: superior thyroid, facial, and lingual arteries; branches of the posterior group; terminal branches: maxillary and superficial temporal arteries. Branches of maxillary artery: middle meningeal and alveolar arteries. Blood supply regions.

2. Venous system. Lymphatic system

1.  Superior vena cava, location, and tributary: azygos vein. Azygos system of veins: azygos, hemiazygos, and accessory hemiazygos veins, tributaries: posterior intercostal, bronchial, esophageal veins. Brachiocephalic veins, location, tributaries: vertebral, internal thoracic vein, its tributaries: anterior intercostal veins, musculophrenic, and superior epigastric veins.

2.  Internal jugular vein, location, tributaries: 1) extracranial: pterygoid plexus, maxillary, superior temporal, retromandibular, facial, lingual, superior and middle thyroid veins; 2) intracranial: venous sinuses, superficial and deep cerebral veins, ophthalmic veins.

3.  Subclavian vein: location, tributary: external jugular vein. Superficial veins of the upper limb: cephalic, basilic, median cubital veins, and dorsal venous network. Deep veins of the upper limb: radial, ulnar, and brachial veins. Axillary vein, its tributary: subscapular vein.

4.  Inferior vena cava, location, parietal tributaries: lumbar and inferior phrenic veins; visceral tributaries: renal, suprarenal and gonadal: testicular/ovarian veins, and hepatic veins. Common iliac vein, location. Internal iliac vein, location, tributaries: internal pudendal vein. Pelvic plexus of veins: vesical, prostatic, uterovaginal, and rectal.

5.  External iliac vein, location, tributary: inferior epigastric vein. Superficial veins of the lower limb: dorsal venous arch, small and great saphenous veins. Deep veins of the lower limb: anterior and posterior tibial, popliteal veins. Femoral vein, tributary: deep vein of the thigh.

6.  Portal vein, location, splenic, superior and inferior mesenteric veins. Tributaries to portal vein: gastric and cystic veins. Porto-systemic anastomoses.

7.  Lumbar, intestinal, jugular, subclavian and bronchomediastinal trunks, lymph drainage areas. Thoracic and right lymphatic ducts, location, lymph drainage areas.