SM 3 Revenues – Accounting policies


Net sales

Net sales are recognised when the risks and rewards inherent to ownership of the goods have been transferred to the customer.

Sales incentives, cash discounts and product returns are deducted from sales, as are incentives granted to distributors or consumers resulting in a cash outflow, such as commercial cooperation, coupons, discounts and loyalty programmes.

Sales incentives, cash discounts, provisions for returns and incentives granted to customers are recorded simultaneously to the recognition of the sales if they can be estimated in a reasonably reliable manner,based mainly on statistics compiled from past experience and contractual conditions.


Revenue recognition

Revenue from sales of oil, natural gas, chemicals and other products is recognised at the fair value of consideration received or receivable, after deducting sales taxes, excise duties and similar levies, when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred, which is when title passes to the customer. For sales by Upstream operations, this generally occurs when product is physically transferred into a vessel, pipe or other delivery mechanism; for sales by refining operations, it is either when product is placed onboard a vessel or offloaded from the vessel, depending on the contractually agreed terms; and for wholesale sales of oil products and chemicals it is either at the point of delivery or the point of receipt, depending on contractual conditions.

Revenue resulting from the production of oil and natural gas from properties in which Shell has an interest with partners in joint arrangements is recognised on the basis of Shell’s working interest (entitlement method). Revenue resulting from the production of oil and natural gas under production-sharing contracts is recognised for those amounts relating to Shell’s cost recoveries and Shell’s share of the remaining production. Gains and losses on derivative contracts and the revenue and costs associated with other contracts that are classified as held for trading purposes are reported on a net basis in the Consolidated Statement of Income. Purchases and sales of hydrocarbons under exchange contracts that are necessary to obtain or reposition feedstock for refinery operations are presented net in the Consolidated Statement of Income.


Revenues and costs

Revenues associated with sales of products and services are recognized when significant risks and rewards of ownership have passed to the customer or when the transaction can be considered settled and the associated revenue can be reliably measured. In particular, revenues are recognized for the sale of:

• crude oil, generally upon shipment; • natural gas, upon delivery to the customer; • petroleum products sold to retail distribution networks, generally upon delivery to the service stations, whereas all other sales of petroleum products are generally recognized upon shipment; and • chemical products and other products, generally upon shipment.

Revenues are recognized upon shipment when, at that date, significant risks are transferred to the buyer. Revenues from crude oil and natural gas production from properties in which Eni has an interest together with other producers are recognized on the basis of Eni’s net working interest in those properties (entitlement method). Differences between Eni’s net working interest volume and actual production volumes are recognized at current prices at year end. Revenues related to partially rendered services are recognized by reference to the stage of completion, provided that: (i) the amount of revenues can be measured reliably; (ii) it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the entity; (iii) the stage of completion of the transaction at the end of the reporting period can be measured reliably; and (iv) the related costs can be measured reliably. When the outcome of the transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably, revenue is recognized only to the extent of the expenses recognized that are recoverable. Revenues accrued during the year related to construction contracts are recognized on the basis of contractual revenues with reference to the stage of completion of a contract measured on the cost-to-cost basis. For service concession arrangements (see item "Intangible assets" above) in which customers fees do not provide a reliable distinction between the compensation for construction/update of the infrastructure and the compensation for operating it and in the absence of external benchmarks, revenues recognized during the construction/update phase are limited to the amount of the costs incurred. Additional revenues, derived from a change in the scope of work, are included in the total amount of revenues when it is probable that the customer will approve the variation and the related amount. Claims deriving from additional costs incurred for reasons attributable to the customer are included in the total amount of revenues when it is probable that the counterparty will accept them. Tangible assets, different from an infrastructure used in service concession arrangements, transferred from customers (or constructed using cash transferred from customers) and used to connect them to a network to supply goods and services, are recognized at their fair value as an offset to revenues. When more than one separately identifiable service is provided (for example, connection to a network and supply of goods) the entity shall assess for which one service it receives the transferred asset from the customer and it shall consistently recognize a revenue when the connection is delivered or over the lesser period between the length of the supply and the useful life of the transferred asset. Revenues are measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable net of returns, discounts, rebates, bonuses and related taxation. Award credits, related to customer loyalty programs, are recognized as a separate component of the sales transaction which grants the right to customers. Therefore, the portion of revenues related to the fair value of award credits granted is recognized as an offset to the item "Other liabilities". The liability is charged to the profit and loss account in the period in which the award credits are redeemed by customers or the related right is lost. The exchange of goods and services of a similar nature and value do not give rise to revenues and costs as they do not represent sale transactions. Costs are recognized when the related goods and services are sold or consumed during the year, they are systematically allocated or when their future economic benefits cannot be identified. Costs associated with emission quotas, determined on the basis of the market prices, are recognized in relation to the amount of the carbon dioxide emissions that exceed free allowances. Costs related to the purchase of the emission rights are recognized as intangible assets net of any negative difference between the amount of emissions and the free allowances. Revenues related to emission quotas are recognized when they are sold. In case of sale, if applicable, the acquired emission rights are considered as the first to be sold. Monetary receivables granted as a substitution of emission rights awarded free of charge are recognized as a contra to item "Other income and revenues" of the profit and loss account. Operating lease payments are recognized in the profit and loss account over the length of the contract. Payroll costs include stock options granted to managers, consistent with their actual remunerative nature. The instruments granted are recorded at fair value on the vesting date and are not subject to subsequent adjustments; the current portion is calculated pro-rata over the vesting period17. The fair value of stock options is determined using valuation techniques which consider conditions related to the exercise of options, current share prices, expected volatility and the risk-free interest rate. The fair value of stock options is recognized as a contra to the equity item "Other reserves". The costs for the acquisition of new knowledge or discoveries, the study of products or alternative processes, new techniques or models, the planning and construction of prototypes or, in any case, costs incurred for other scientific research activities or technological development, which cannot be capitalized (see item "Intangible assets" above), are included in the profit and loss account when they are incurred.



The Group’s income is generated mainly by the sale of clothing and cosmetics to consumers. Sales revenue is reported less value-added tax, returns and discounts as sales excluding VAT in the income statement. Income is reported in conjunction with sale/delivery to the customer. Franchise sales have two components: sales of goods to franchisees, which are reported on delivery of the goods, and franchise fees, which are reported when the franchisee sells goods to the consumer. The Group’s income exhibits seasonal variations. The first quarter of the financial year is normally the weakest and the last quarter the strong- est. Interest income is reported as it is earned.



Sales revenue, interest and commission income from financial services and other operating income are recognized only when the relevant service has been rendered or the goods have been delivered, that is, when the risk has passed to the customer, the amount of sales revenue can be reliably determined and settlement of the amount can be assumed. Revenue is reported net of sales allowances (discounts, rebates, or customer bonuses). Sales revenue from financing and lease agreements is recognized using the effective interest method. If non-interest-bearing or low-interest vehicle financing arrangements are agreed, sales revenue is reduced by the interest benefits granted. Revenue from operating leases is recognized using the straight-line method over the term of the lease. Sales revenue from extended warranties or maintenance agreements is recognized when deliveries take place or services are rendered. In the case of prepayments, deferred income is recognized proportionately by reference to the costs expected to be incurred, based on experience. Revenue is recognized on a straight-line basis if there is insufficient experience. If the expected costs exceed the accrued sales revenue, a loss is recognized from these agreements.

If a contract comprises several separately identifiable components (multiple-element arrangements), these components are recognized separately in accordance with the principles outlined above.

Income from assets for which a Group company has a buy back obligation is recognized only when the assets have definitively left the Group. If a fixed repurchase price was agreed when the contract was entered into, the difference between the selling and repurchase price is recognized as income ratably over the term of the contract. Prior to that time, the assets are carried as inventories in the case of short contract terms and as leasing and rental assets in the case of long contract terms.

Cost of sales includes the costs incurred to generate the sales revenue and the cost of goods purchased for resale. This item also includes the costs of additions to warranty provisions. Research and development costs not eligible for capitalization in the period and amortization of development costs are likewise carried under cost of sales. Reflecting the presentation of interest and commission income in sales revenue, the interest and commission expenses attributable to the financial services business are presented in cost of sales.

Construction contracts are recognized using the percentage of completion (PoC) method, under which revenue and cost of sales are recognized by reference to the stage of completion at the end of the reporting period, based on the contract revenue agreed with the customer and the expected contract costs. As a rule, the stage of completion is determined as the proportion that contract costs incurred by the end of the reporting period bear to the estimated total contract costs (cost-to- cost method). In certain cases, in particular those involving innovative, complex contracts, the stage of completion is measured using contractually agreed milestones (milestone method). If the outcome of a construction contract cannot yet be estimated reliably, contract revenue is recognized only in the amount of the contract costs incurred to date (zero profit method). In the balance sheet, contract components whose revenue is recognized using the percentage of completion method are reported as trade receivables, net of prepayments received. Expected losses from construction contracts are recognized immediately in full as expenses by recognizing impairment losses on recognized contract assets, and additionally by recognizing provisions for amounts in excess of the impairment losses.

Dividend income is recognized on the date when the dividend is legally approved.


Revenues from the sale of products are recognised when the risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the dealer or customer, provided that the amount of revenue can be measured reliably, it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the entity and costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the sale can be measured reliably. Revenues are stated net of settlement discount, bonuses and rebates. Revenues also include lease rentals and interest income earned in conjunction with finan- cial services. Revenues from leasing instalments relate to operating leases and are recognised in the income statement on a straight line basis over the relevant term of the lease. Interest income from finance leases and from customer and dealer financing are recognised using the effective interest method and reported as revenues within the line item “Interest income on loan financing”. If the sale of products includes a determinable amount for subsequent services (multiple-component contracts), the related revenues are deferred and recognised as income over the relevant service period. Amounts are normally recognised as income by reference to the pat- tern of related expenditure.

Profits arising on the sale of vehicles for which a Group company retains a repurchase commitment (buy-back contracts) are not recognised until such profits have been realised. The vehicles are included in inventories and stated at cost.


Revenue recognition – Under the condition that persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenue can be reliably measured, regardless of when the payment is being made. In cases where the inflow of economic benefits is not probable due to customer related credit risks the revenue recognized is subject to the amount of payments irrevocably received. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable net of discounts and rebates and excluding taxes or duty. The Company assesses its revenue arrangements against specific criteria in order to determine if it is acting as principal or agent. The following specific recognition criteria must also be met before revenue is recognized: