Chandler Unified School District #80

Acceptable Use Agreement for BashaElementary School

Computers, Internet, Library Media, and All Other Technology

Please read this document carefully before signing.

We are pleased to bring to the students of the ChandlerSchool District, access to various technologies and the Internet. Access to these technologies offers an abundance of resources such as thousands of libraries, databases, and bulletin boards to both students and teachers. The district goal in providing this service is to promote excellence in our schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication.

ChandlerSchool District has taken precautions to restrict access to controversial Internet materials. However, it is impossible to control all materials on a global network and industrious users may discover such materials. We believe that the benefits to students to further educational goals and objectives via access to the Internet far exceed any disadvantages. Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. To that end, the ChandlerUnifiedSchool District supports and respects each family's right to decide whether or not to participate.

Teachers and appropriate personnel will supervise all network activities, including Internet and E-mail. Examples of these include; E-mail penpals: experts, other classroom students (only with teacher supervision and guidance), Research major information sources: Newspapers, Magazines, U.S. Congress, U. S. Weather Service, Library of Congress, etc., Conversation: Video conferencing with distant classrooms, professional experts, technical assistance.

District Internet and E-mail Rules (Terms and Conditions)

1)Individual users of Internet are responsible for their behavior and communications over the district’s network. Internet use must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the ChandlerUnifiedSchool District.

2)Access is a privilege - not a right. Inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of privileges. Each user who receives access will be part of a discussion/training/lesson pertaining to the proper use of the network.

3)Network etiquette:

a)Be polite, using appropriate language and pictures in your messages

to others. Downloading inappropriate materials is prohibited.

b)Do not reveal any names, home addresses or phone numbers.

c)Copyright infringement is prohibited.

d)Use the network appropriately and do not disrupt the use of the network by others.

e)Damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks is prohibited and will not be tolerated.

4)Personal responsibility. I will abide by the rules and responsibilities for proper use of all technologies: computers, the Internet, video equipment, cameras, tape recorders, sound systems, library books, and materials. I will report any misuse of the our school’s technology and media to a parent, teacher, or the administrator, as appropriate.

I understand that many services and products are available for a fee and acknowledge the responsibility for any expenses incurred without District authorization.


Acceptable User Agreement for K-6 Students

and Parent Permission Form

Basha Bobcats

Student Name (printed): ______Grade:______

Teacher’s name: ______

Student: Read and place an “X” under Yes or No / Yes / No
I understand the rules about all of the school’s technology.
I will accept the consequences if I choose to break the rules. (timeout from the technology, privileges taken away, school disciplinary action)

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent or Guardian: Read and place an “X” under Yes or No / Yes / No
I understand the Acceptable User Agreement about all of the district and school’s technology.
I understand that the district has installed blocking/filtering software but recognize it is impossible for any software to restrict access to 100% of the possibly controversial materials.
I accept full responsibility for conveying and supporting the standards set forth in this agreement.
My child may have teacher-supervised use of the Internet.
I give permission to have my child’s photographand/or video segments (individual, group and/or class activities) published in the school yearbook.
I give permission for my child’s photograph (still and/or video), literary work or artwork to be published on the District & Basha Elementary web site and in school and local publications both in pictures showing individual and group activities.
I give permission for pictures and videos to be taken of my student/s that will be used by our site-based Media Production Club on our school AM announcements and video productions.

Parent or Guardian's Name (please print):______


Additional instructions/requests/comments:

Please return this form ASAP to your child’s classroom teacher