Day 1: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 64 "David a Fugitive" pp. 654-65
1.Although we are reaching back two weeks in order to study this, as you read about Jonathan and David as they meet and plan a way to figure out what Saul's intent is, is there anything that you find that is new or especially enlightening?
2.Even in his failures, God had a lesson for David and provision for him as well. What encouragement can you find in the section on David in Nob and in Gath?
3.How about in the cave of Adullum?
4.We end the chapter with the grisly tale of how Saul slaughtered an entire city in his rage against David. What lesson(s) can we find here?
Day 2: P & P, chapter 65 "The Magnanimity of David" pp. 660-668 (top)
5.David's wanderings in the wilderness and Jonathan's visit are discussed. Share what you find that is new or particularly interesting in this.
6.As the story of David and Saul in the cave is reviewed, Mrs. White talks about Saul's heart and his temporary penitence. What lessons are there for us in this?
7.What was the loss to Israel when Samuel died?
8.In the story about Nabal, Abigail and David, what did you find that was most impressive?
9.In all of these experiences, was there something that you learned about David that is an encouragement for your life today?
Day 3: 1st Samuel 27:5 - 28:2
10.27:5-12. There is actually quite a bit that can be pulled out of this passage. Let's look at the relationship between David and Achsih. What do you find?
11.28:1-2. David has deceived Achish so completely that what does Achish do?
12.Psalm 5. Even though we don't have any psalms written by David during this period of his life, I'd like us to contrast what he did write with what we've just studied. Share what you find.
Days 4 & 5: 1st Samuel 28:3-25
13.28:3-6. We leave David for the moment and look at Saul's response to the Philistine war. In what sort of position does Saul find himself?
14.28:7-11. What does Saul do?
15.28:12-14. What happens next?
16.We need to take a little detour here to correctly understand what is happening. There are some who would read this story and assume that this is Samuel. Especially when some study Bibles state that this is Samuel. However, what this really is can be easily understood by knowing some Scriptures on the subject. Please summarize the following:
a) John 11:25 with John 14:6
16.b) John 1:3-4 with Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4, Isaiah 42:5 and Acts 17:24-25
c) Psalm 104:29b
d.What (Who) have we established to be the source of life, from the above verses?
17.Please summarize the following:
a) Deuteronomy 18:9-12 with Leviticus 20:6
b) Psalm 115:17 with Ecclesiastes 9:5-6
c) From the above verses, is it possible for Samuel to be resurrected, even briefly, by a spirit medium or a witch?
18.It does say "Samuel" in these verses, which is confusing. We need to remember that anything that has to do with the occult is always satanic. Could it be possible for Satan to be cast as a convincing Samuel? Please consider the following verses that give us a glimpse of his deceptive powers.
a) 2nd Corinthians 11:14
b) Exodus 7:10-12
19.28:16-19. Again, this is confusing because it appears to be a prophecy that comes true. But don't be fooled, the occult thrives on such methods. Remember Leviticus 20:6? To make such predictions on the eve of a battle with the Philistines was easy. One thing to note is that this prophecy didn't come true: one of Saul's sons survived the day. See 1st Samuel 31:8, 1st Chronicles 9:39 and 2nd Samuel 2:10. No questions.
20.28:20-25. How does Saul respond? And what does the witch do for Saul?
Day 6: 1st Samuel 291 - 30:20
21.Now we switch back to what is happening to David. Be sure to consult a Bible atlas for reference points as we read this. 29:1-2. What is he doing?
22.29:3-11. Who is it that accomplishes God's will for David here? What can we learn from this?
23.30:1-6. What had happened while David was marching around Achish up at Aphek and with what results for David personally?
24.Notice the last phrase of verse 6. Now read through verses 7-20. Look at what one man's faith (and probably some repentance) can do. What encouragement can you find in this?
25.Psalm 6. Here is a good place to look at one of David's psalms of repentance. We have no way of knowing when or under what circumstances it was written. It is a beautiful psalm and the emotions expressed fit well with this experience. Share any meaning for David's life, or maybe your own, that you find as you read this Psalm.
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