Malvern Home & School Meeting
Minutes – November 4, 2008
Executive Present:Co-chairs: Mark Greenfield, Leslie Rose; Principal: Line Pinard; Teacher reps: Marlene Bourdon-King & Leesa Blake
- Welcome and introductions
- Report by Rebecca Tacoma – Student Council (no report from MSAA):
- Roctoberfest (w/o October 27-31): Various activities were conducted during lunch hour throughout the week and were considered to be very successful.
- Winter semi-formal: this is an all-grades event for Malvern students only. It is tentatively scheduled for Dec 13that 130 West Event Centre. Cost would be approximately $50-55 per person. Maximum attendance will be approximately 170 students plus chaperones and security.
- Malvern on the Move fundraiser: this will be a school-wide fundraiser. Execution is still to be determined. Suggestions so far have been:
- a portion of the semi-formal ticket sales
- graffiti art competition with the winner’s art used to decorate the SAC room
- t-shirts
- Report on Grade 9 Social Justice & Equity Conference (Rita Furgiuele)
- Addresses the board-mandated anti-bullying program but from a proactive, preventive perspective.
- This is a test program - a morning conference/workshop involving grade 9 students only. If successful, the program will be expanded to cover more grades and be extended to perhaps cover a full day.
- First hour is a keynote address delivered to all grade 9 students. The students then break into small, interactive workshops. Each student will attend two workshops of their choice. Students will be encouraged to make their choices individually, not in consultation with parents or peers.
- The students will be encouraged to share what they’ve learned with their peers. The program will be linked with the Grade 9 English program to aid these subsequent discussions. Feedback will be requested to help development of future programs.
- It was suggested that the keynote presentation be videotaped and presented to other grades.
- Student involvement has been good and one workshop (Local environmental issues) may be delivered by a group of students.
- This event will take place on the morning of November 25th.
- Approval of October minutes: The minutes were approved by Peg Bradshaw and seconded by Helen Coombs.
- Treasurer’s Report: No updates were reported.
- Principal’s Report:
- Cheques and donations are coming in for the Commencement Reception and The Staff Appreciation Night. Thank you for your support.
- Lots of parents have been attending the various sporting events. We have had a very successful season with our teams.
- Staff update: the .5 additional teaching position (Karan Parmar) has allowed for decreases in size of three junior classes (1 Grade 9 Academic Geography, 1 Grade 9 Academic English and 1 Grade 10 Academic English).
- Onward Malvern Foundation: Have so far received approximately $5000 this year to support the Fitness Centre. Steve Thomas will be sending a letter to Jay Cross soon. Mark Greenfield requested that Steve be made aware of the funding coming from the 2008 Boardwalk Ball (approximately $4000).
- The new floor in the north gym is now finished.
- Safe Schools:
- Property: Encouraging the student body to take more pride in the school property.
- Smoking: A lot of students are smoking on Hannaford. Administration is applying for a grant from the Ministry of Health for an Anti-smoking program and also getting the Public Health Nurse involved.
- Allergies: a numbers of students have life threatening allergies to peanut butter and severe sensitivity to perfume. Administration is working on building awareness of these issues amongst the student body.
- Student Vote (for Federal Election 2008): excellent student involvement and substantial, and positive, press coverage.
- Pool:
- Trying to organize for local elementary schools to use the pool.
- Huge swim team this year.
- November 5th: Grade 9 Take Your Kids to Work Day.
- November 10th: early dismissal for PD – topic is At Risk Kids.
- November 11th: Remembrance Day assemblies. Soldiers will be visiting the school and will be piped in.
- November 14th: Commencement.
- November 21st: Report cards are given to students at end of day.
- November 27th: Parent/teacher interviews are conducted (2-4 and 6-8 pm).
- Vice Principals’ Report: No report.
- Commencement Reception Update (Peg Bradshaw):
- Going well. Peg to call volunteers to confirm availability.
- School will supply water.
- This is Peg’s last year. Will therefore require someone to shadow her in order to take over the organization of this important Malvern tradition.
- Staff Appreciation Night:
- Will be held on Tuesday, December 9th.
- Blast email will be sent out after Commencement (likely on the 17th).
- Food and money donations are to be left at the school office.
- War Memorial Restoration Update (Arnie Williamson):
- Have received private offers to help restore the memorial but none have worked out so far.
- Recently met with Queen’s Park with a proposal to move responsibility of maintenance of war memorials on school property from the school board to the Provincial Ministry of Culture. A trust should be set up to maintain these memorials in perpetuity.
- The Ministry has been receptive to this proposal and are now looking into how to make it work
- There is currently no inventory of war memorials located on school board property. A first step would be to establish this inventory.
- Malvern may pursue private restoration as our memorial is in urgent need of repair. (Note: the statue does not currently pose a safety risk).
- Arnie showed the video that was presented to the Ministry and reiterated that the Ministry has made a commitment to get the memorials inventoried and fixed.
- Retro Athletic Wear Fundraiser Update (Leslie Rose):
- This initiative is being spearheaded by the Malvern Red & Black Society (MRBS).
- Has generated a lot of interest.
- Need to determine how to split profit between H&S, MRBS, and MSAA.
- Will be discussed in more detail at MRBS AGM on November 8th. Leslie Rose will attend. Further details will be provided at the December Home & School meeting.
- New/Other Business:
- Le Havre exchange: Dany Lamontagne reported that a group of Malvern students will be involved in an exchange program with students in France. This trip will take place March 10 – 21, 2009. During the trip the students will be visiting the graves of former Malvernites. Mr. Lamontagne requested advice on locating the graves and with fundraising. It was suggested that he contact Maria Minna regarding the location of the grave sites. It was also suggested that perhaps each gravesite be photographed with the Malvern flag temporarily attached to it. Mr. Lamontagne will provide an update at a future Home & School meeting.
- Sheila Cary Meagher reported that there is a push to get some of the local elementary schools using the Malvern pool in order to increase its value to the community.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:40 pm. Next meeting: Tuesday, December 2nd at 7 pm in the Library. This meeting will include a tour of the updated Fitness Room, new ArtRoom, and new Staff Room.