District Planning Committee
Friday, October 22, 2010
811 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor Hearing Room
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:10p.m.
Opening Remarks and Introductions
Y. Delahoussaye introduced herself as the new Interim Vice Chancellor for Educational Services and Institutional Effectiveness and announced the new Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Institutional Effectiveness Maury Pearl. Next, Y. Delahoussaye asked the committee members to clarify committee memberships; how were members appointed or identified. It was determined that an email be sent out to all college Presidents requesting to verify members for District Planning Committee. Committee members also asked to have Kimberly Misa and Sarah Master removed from the list.
District Governance Handbook
Y. Delahoussaye noted the District Governance Handbook was buried in the Institutional Effectiveness website and suggested that it be permanently placed on the LACCD’s main page next to the “Dolores Huerta Labor Institute” icon. The question of updating the information in the handbook was brought to the committees’ attention and the members indicated that Gary was the person updating and drafting all documents related to the handbook. It was also noted many hard copies were distributed by G. Colombo to each college president’s office, DPC meetings, board of trustees and during various committee meeting such as Planning & Student Success and Student Success Initiative Meetings. Y. Delahoussaye announced to members to plan on making changes/revisions to Governance Handbook during the month of November 2010 to print finalize updated version in January 2011.
“Divided We Fail” Articles
Y. Delahoussaye brought to the committees attention the two articles written by Nancy Shulock, “Divided We Fail: Improving Completion and Closing Racial Gaps in California’s Community Colleges” and “Divided We Fail in L.A.: Improving Completion and Closing Racial Gaps in the Los Angeles Community College District”.
A copy of “Divided We Fail….” was distributed to the members. Further discussion continued in regards to “Divided We Fail in L.A…..” The good and bad components of the article were discussed among the committee. The discussion led to the plan in applying for the “Achieving the Dream” grant and considering which colleges might be interested.
Approval of Minutes for May 14, 2010
It was noted by the committee that the minutes for all DPC meeting were taken by G. Colombo. Y. Delahoussaye announced that R. Rocha would now take minutes for upcoming meetings and will follow-up with G. Colombo to check if any minutes were completed for the May 14, 2010 meeting.
DPC Calendar for 2010-2011
Y. Delahoussaye asked the committee if there were any conflicts with the proposed DPC calendar for 2010-2011; members suggested a different day and if at all possible an earlier time if meeting stayed on Fridays. Y. Delahoussaye decided to keep the dates the same as suggested on the proposed calendar and changed meeting time to 1:30p.m. until 3:30p.m.
Board Update
Y. Delahoussaye announced that Chancellor D. LaVista will become a member of the Student Success Initiative Committee.
- Planning and Student Success Committee Meeting
A sign-up sheet with the P&SS Committee meeting dates was passed around so each member can sign-up to present for their campus. The members noted that in the past Gary set-up the calendar for them and notified the campus/member when they needed to present information to the committee.
- College Effectiveness Reports (Institutional Effectiveness)
Y. Delahoussaye asked members when the colleges are to present the effectiveness reports and everyone agreed that G. Colombo set-up a calendar and notified the campus. E. Pai suggested the success indicators for board presentations have a catching theme that might enforce success policies by board members. Y. Delahoussaye also recognized the need to present on the present Basic Skills and the 2010-2011 awarded Basic Skills
SLO Progress
Discussion in regard to how to define programs? West L.A. member shared their Pathway Model which included basic skills, CTE, and general education. Y. Delahoussaye updated the committee on the district’s current SLO progress and handed out a document which gave percentages on courses/programs established and assessed district-wide. Changessuch as,“expected assessment by the ACCJC by spring 2012” were changed to “fall 2012” and two columns were added to include Service Outcomes or SLO Written (S.S.) and Service Outcomes or SLO Established (S.S.)
Y. Delahoussaye mentioned how we’ve used R. Pacheco in the past at L.A.Trade-TechnicalCollege for assistance with student learning outcomes; she asked the members if they’d like for Mr. Pacheco to visit each individual campus for the same assistance. Harbor and Mission could use his services for student learning outcomes. The committee also mentioned how hard it is to count outcomes in SLO programs and courses; need to go to course data (ECD) and mapping at course level. Y. Delahoussaye will make an announcement at the next CSSO’s meeting to all the VP’s to offer R. Pacheco for assistance with SLO assessment. The district can use Institutional Effectiveness money to help colleges pay for R. Pacheco services.
Online Program Review Update
Rebecca Tillberg and Ana Badalyan provided an update on the Online Program Review. The phases discussed are the following:
- Phase 1: Program Review experimental stage occurring this fall 2010
- Phase 2a: Planning Part will be done by next week; test the process and finalize details.
- Phase 2b: Budget/Resource part will connect with new budget software and inventory system
- Phase 3: Detailed SLO Assessment Database in which M. Pearl will help communicate needs for Online Program Review.
The Online Program Review Taskforce began brainstorming about what was needed in the program software; they came up with a design, enable to change purpose and become an institutional effectiveness user-group. The taskforce will continue to shape software and with the approval by DPC and DRC change name. Additionally, clarify if the program will be assumed by the District Office.
District Strategic Plan
C. Kozeracki announced the upcoming meeting, Valley-side Colleges self study kick-off plans; information was obtained from D. Kaye, District Accreditation Liaison. D. Kaye asked if all colleges have self-study chairs. Historically communicated with G. Colombo and will now be communicated and establish a new process between D. Kaye and M. Pearl.
SLO Tune-Up Kit
Basic Skills document was presented by Y. Delahoussaye in which received from D. Kinney as an example to assist in SLO progress. Document can be useful to help raise questions to Cabinet members. Information will be discussed with SLO coordinators.
Other Business
- Accreditation Visits
Y. Delahoussaye and D. Kaye discussed their recent accreditation visits and reiterated how important it is to make sure we can account for all steps taken to fulfill accreditation recommendations. Y. Delahoussaye urged the committee members to visit the Irvine Valley College Accreditation website for best practices.
Next Meeting
Next meeting will be held on November 19, 2010 in the Board Room, District Office
The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.