Novelty Cake Evaluation
Work Sample for Student: ……………………… Date: …/…/…
Range / A student in this range:High
8–10 / · explains the factors which have determined the development of the novelty cake’s criteria for success
· critically evaluates the novelty cake in terms of criteria
for success
· explains modifications to improve the appeal of the
novelty cake
· selects and explains modifications required to produce commercial batches for large scale production of the
novelty cake
4–7 / · describes the factors which have determined the development of the novelty cake’s criteria for success
· evaluates novelty cake in terms of criteria for success
· describes modifications to improve the appeal of the
novelty cake
· selects and describe modifications required to produce commercial batches for large scale production of the
novelty cake
1–3 / · identifies limited factors which have determined the development of the novelty cake’s criteria for success
· evaluates limited aspects of the novelty cake in terms of criteria for success
· identifies some modifications to improve the appeal of the novelty cake
· selects some modifications required to produce commercial batches for large scale production of the novelty cake.
Mark / /10
Novelty Cake Evaluation
Work Sample for Student: ……………………… Date: …/…/…
Criteria: / Progressing / Satisfactory / High· identify and describe the factors which have determined the criteria
for success of the novelty cake from the market research and consumer survey conducted
· evaluate the novelty cake in terms of the criteria for success
· describe the modifications to improve the appeal of the novelty cake
· select and describe appropriate techniques for large scale production of a novelty cake.
Novelty Cake Evaluation
Whole Class: ……………………… Date: …/…/…
Students / Level of performance1
Progressing Satisfactory High