AEHS, Inc.
4402 Center Gate
San Antonio, TX 78217
Office:(210) 656-9300/7855
Fax: (210) 656-8499

Contract No. GS-10F-0227R
Contract Period: 3/11/2005-3/10/2020
Business Size: Small, Veteran Owned

1a. Awarded SIN Item Descriptions:
899-1 and 899-1RC: Environmental Consulting Services
899-3 and 899-3RC: Environmental Training Services
899-7 and 899-7RC: GIS Services
899-8 and 899-8RC: Remediation and Reclamation Services

1b. Lowest priced model number and lowest unit price: Not applicable.

1c. Hourly rate descriptions: See APPENDIX 1: GSA RATE SCHEDULE

2. Maximum order: $1,000,000.00

3. Minimum order: $100.00

4. Geographic coverage (delivery area): Domestic and overseas

5. Point(s) of production: Same as company address

6. Discount from list prices or statement of net prices: Government net prices (discounts already deducted)

7. Quantity discounts: Volume discount of 3% off each task order more than $150,000.00 and 5% off each task order more than $500,000.00.

8. Prompt payment terms: Prompt payment discount of 1% off each invoice paid within 10 days; Net 30 days

9a. Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted at or below the micro-purchase threshold: Yes

9b. Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not above the micro-purchase threshold: Will not accept over $2,500.00

10. Foreign items: None

11a. Time of delivery: Specified on the Task Order

11b. Expedited delivery: Contact Contractor

11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery: Contact Contractor

11d. Urgent Requirements: Contact Contractor

12. F.O.B. point(s): Destination

13a. Ordering address(s): Same as company address

13b. Ordering procedures: For services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchas Agreements (BPA's) and a sample BPA can be found at the GSA/FSS Schedule homepage (

14. Payment address: Same as company address

15. Warranty provision: Contractor's standard commercial warranty

16. Export packing charges: Not applicable

17. Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance (any thresholds above the micro-purchase level): Contact Contractor

18. Terms and conditions of rental. maintenance, and repair: Not applicable

19. Terms and conditions of installation: Not applicable

20. Terms and conditions of repair parts: Not applicable

21. List of services and distribution points: Not applicable

22. List of participating dealers: Not applicable

23. Preventative maintenance: Not applicable

24a. Special attributes such as environmental attributes: Not applicable

24b. If applicable, indicate that Section 508 compliance information is available on Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) supplies and services and show where full details can be found: The EIT standards can be found at

25. Data Universal Number System (DUNS): 94-1735763

26. Notification regarding registration in Central Contract Registration (CCR) database: Cage Code Established - March 1995


Contract No. GS-10F-0227R
Contract Period: 3/11/2005-3/10/2015

The following is the labor category pricing for SINs 899-1, 899-3, 899-7, and 899-8:

Labor Category / Government Rate
Certified Industrial Hygienist (On-Site) / $104.50
Certified Industrial Hygienist (Off-Site) / $71.25
Safety / Industrial Hygienist Professional (On-Site) / $71.25
Safety / Industrial Hygienist Professional (Off-Site) / $42.75
Environmental Engineer (On-Site) / $80.75
Environmental Engineer (Off-Site) / $57.00
ESH Technician (On-Site) / $47.50
ESH Technician (Off-Site) / $33.25
ESH Professional / Project Manager (On-Site) / $71.25
ESH Professional / Project Manager (Off-Site) / $42.75

The labor categories that fall under the requirements of the Service Contract Act (SCA) (i.e. non-exempt labor categories) are identified in the matrix below. All prices for these labor categories meet or exceed the requirements in the SCA Wage Determination identified below.

SCA Matrix

AEHS SCA Eligible Contract
Labor Category / SCA Equivalent Code-Title / WD Number
ESH Technician (on-site) / 30090-Environmental Technician / 05-2059
ESH Technician (off-site) / 30090-Environmental Technician / 05-2059

The SCA is applicable to this contract and it includes SCA applicable labor categories. The prices for the indicated SCA are based on the U.S. Department of Labor Wage Determination Numbers(s) identified in the matrix. The prices offered are based on the preponderance of where work is performed and should the contractor perform in an area with lower SCA rates, resulting in lower wages being paid, the task order prices will be discounted accordingly.

The SCA is applicable to this contract and it includes SCA applicable labor categories. The prices for the indicated SCA labor categories are based on the U.S. Department of Labor Wage Determination Numbers identified in the matrix. The prices are based on the preponderance of where work is performed and should the contractor perform in a area with lower SCA rates, resulting in lower wages being paid, the task order prices will be discounted accordingly.

Labor Categories, rates, and job descriptions

Job category / Minimum Qualifications / Job Description / Duties
Certified Industrial Hygienist / MS/MPH degree in Industrial Hygiene or Engineering;
10-12 years of applicable experience / Responsible for the development and implementation of the overall ESH projects and/or specific portions thereof. May serve as the Project Manager. Identifies and develops approaches for assessment and resulting remediation controls. May serve as both on-site technical expert as well as backup corporate technical expert. Analyzes and interprets data and prepares limited or technical sections of reports. A CIH will review and sign off on all AEHS reports. / Project Management
Report Preparation
Report Review
Data Review/Analysis
Budget Management
Field Work Planning
Work Plan Preparation
Sample Collection
On-site Coordination
Obtain Off-site Access
Periodic Site Inspection
Client/Sub Coordination
Equipment Design/Review
Contaminant Modeling
Sampling Protocol Development
Professional Oversight
Safety/Industrial Hygienist Professional / BS degree in Industrial Hygiene or Safety; 5 years of applicable experience / Responsible for the development and implementation of the Safety and Health projects and/or specific portions thereof. Identifies and develops approaches for assessment and resulting recommendations for remediation/abatement control. May serve as on-site technical expert. Seek technical back up support from a CIH or CSP. / Project Management
Report Preparation
Periodic Site Inspections
Data Review/Analysis
Field Work Planning
Sample Collection
On-site Measurements
Report Review
SH Audits
Work Plan Preparation
Professional Oversight
Environmental Engineer / BS degree in Engineering:
PE or EIT with 5 years for experience;
5-8 years of applicable experience / Responsible for the development and implementation of environmental engineering projects and/or specific portions thereof. May perform hydro-geological site characterizations and supervise hydraulic tests. May serve as the Project Manager. Identifies and develops approaches for assessment and resulting remediation controls. May serve as both on-site technical expert as well as corporate technical environmental expert. Analyzes and interprets data and prepares limited technical sections of reports. Signs off on all environmental reposts requiring PE. / Project Management
Report Preparation
Periodic Site Inspections
Data Review/Analysis
Field Work Planning
Sample Collection
On-site Coordination
Report Review
Work Plan Preparation
Professional Oversight
Budget Management
Drill Supervision
Obtain off-site Access
Client/Sub Coordination
Equipment Design/Review
Contaminant Modeling
Sampling Protocol Development
Professional Oversight
Instrumented Measurements
ESH Technician / AS/AA/Certification degree in ESH;
2-5 years of applicable experience / Responsible for collecting samples, conducting audits, performing on-site measurements, downloading instrumentation data, evaluating on-site conditions, performing assessments. Works under the overall direction of a CIH or ESH Professional. / Air Monitoring
Asbestos Inspections
JCAHO and OSHA Inspections
Data Review/Analysis
Field Work Implementation Mold Assessments
Lead-based Paint Inspections
Risk Assessments
Ventilation Measurements
Client/Sub Coordination
Sample Collection
ESH Professional
Project Manager / BA/BS degree in Safety, Industrial, Biology, Engineering, or Related Science Discipline;
5-8 years of applicable experience / Responsible for managing assessment and remediation projects, estimating costs within the project, and controlling project budgets. Identifies and develops approaches for assessment and resulting remediation and controls. Serves as on-site technical expert, analyzes and interprets data, and prepares limited technical sections of reports. / Project Management
Report Preparation
Report Review
data Review/Analysis
Budget Management
Field Work Planning
Work Plan Preparation
On-site Coordination
Obtain Off-site Access
Periodic Site Inspection
Client/Sub Coordination
Equipment Design/Review
Contaminant Modeling

Schedule of Available Training Courses- Course Price Data Sheet

Title of Course: Asbestos Worker Basic / Length of Course: 32 Hours
Commercial Price: $ 350.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $325.83 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $293.24 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This is a general course on asbestos for workers who will be involved in asbestos abatement and includes the following topics: Background on Asbestos, Potential Health Hazards, Medical Surveillance, Personal Protective Equipment, and Abatement Procedures.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Worker Refresher / Length of Course: 8 Hours
Commercial Price: $130.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $103.67 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $93.30 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This includes a review of those items covered in the basic course and new developments in techniques, processes, and laws.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Supervisor Basic / Length of Course: 40 Hours
Commercial Price: $625.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $582.54 per person / Government Discount: 1.26%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $524.28 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This is a specific course on asbestos for contractors/project managers/supervisors who will be involved in asbestos abatement and includes the following topics: Background on Asbestos, Potential Health Hazards, Medical Surveillance, Personal Protective Equipment, Role of the Supervisor, Project Layout, and Abatement Procedures.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Supervisor Refresher / Length of Course: 8 Hours
Commercial Price: $150.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $128.36 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $115.52 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This includes a review of those items covered in the basic course and new developments in techniques, processes, and laws.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Inspector Basic / Length of Course: 24 Hours
Commercial Price: $425.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $360.38 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $324.34 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This is a course for individuals who will be involved in asbestos inspections and includes the following topics: Background on Asbestos, Potential Health Hazards, Medical Surveillance, Personal Protective Equipment, Building Systems, Potential Asbestos Locations, Inspection Techniques, Sample Collection, Physical Assessment of Asbestos, Categories of Asbestos, and Report Preparation.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Inspector Refresher / Length of Course: 4 ours
Commercial Price: $130.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $128.36 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $115.52 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This includes a review of those items covered in the basic course and new developments in techniques, processes, and laws.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Management Planner Basic / Length of Course: 16 Hours
Commercial Price: $275.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $271.52 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $244.37 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This is a course for individuals who will be involved in writing Asbestos Management Plans and builds on the Inspector Course which is a prerequisite. It includes the following topics: Background on Asbestos, Potential Health Hazards, Medical Surveillance, Personal Protective Equipment, Building Systems, Potential Asbestos Locations, Hazard Assessment, the Five Control Options – Repair, Removal, Encapsulation, Enclosure, Operations and Maintenance Program, and Writing a Management Plan.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Management Planner Refresher / Length of Course: 4 Hours
Commercial Price: $130.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $128.36 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $115.52 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This includes a review of those items covered in the basic course and new developments in techniques, processes, and laws.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Project Designer Basic / Length of Course: 16 Hours
Commercial Price: $425.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $394.94 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $355.45 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This is a course for individuals who will be involved in designing abatement plans. The prerequisites include the inspector and management planner courses. This course includes: A review of the Background on Asbestos, Potential Health Hazards, Medical Surveillance, Personal Protective Equipment, Building Systems, Potential Asbestos Locations, Inspection Techniques, Sample Collection, Physical Assessment of Asbestos, Categories of Asbestos, and Report Preparation. It focuses on Abatement Methodologies; Protection of the Environment, Worker, and Tenants, and Clearance Requirements.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Project Designer Refresher / Length of Course: 8 Hours
Commercial Price: $150.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $148.10 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $133.29 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This includes a review of those items covered in the basic course and new developments in techniques, processes, and laws.
This course is offered under EPA's Model Accreditation Program.
Title of Course: Asbestos Awareness / Length of Course: 4 Hours
Commercial Price: $100.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $98.74 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $88.86 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
Covers a quick discussion on the Background of Asbestos, Potential Health Hazards, Medical Surveillance, Personal Protective Equipment, and how to avoid exposure.
Title of Course: Asbestos Air Monitoring Technician Basic / Length of Course: 24 Hours
Commercial Price: $425.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $340.64 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $306.57 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This course reviews Background on Asbestos, Potential Health Hazards, Medical Surveillance, Personal Protective Equipment, Sampling Methods, Pump Operation, Pump Calibration, and Collection of Samples.
Title of Course: Asbestos Air Monitoring Technician Refresher / Length of Course: 4Hours
Commercial Price: $130.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $128.36 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $115.52 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This includes a review of those items covered in the basic course and new developments in techniques, processes, and laws.
Title of Course: Asbestos Custodial / Length of Course: 2 Hours
Commercial Price: $50.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $49.39 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $44.43 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This two-hour asbestos awareness course is directed towards individuals who perform custodial work in schools or other buildings where asbestos has been identified. The course focuses on avoidance of contact and what to do is there is an incident. The course meets the Mold Accreditation Program requirements as well as OSHA Class IV Activity.
Title of Course: Asbestos Operations and Maintenance / Length of Course: 16 Hours
Commercial Price: $250.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $246.84 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $222.15 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This 16-hour course focuses on Operations and Maintenance Programs for schools and other institutions that have an Asbestos Management Plan in place. The course teacher student how to handle situations where asbestos is likely to be disturbed as defined by OSHA Class III Activity.
Title of Course: RFCI Floor Covering Removal Worker / Length of Course: 8 Hours
Commercial Price: $225.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $148.10 per person / Government Discount: 1.26%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $133.29 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This is a special course for workers concerning the removal of floor covering using the RFCI method.
Title of Course: RFCI Floor Covering Removal Supervisor / Length of Course: 16 Hours
Commercial Price: $400.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $246.84 per person / Government Discount: 1.27%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $222.15 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This is a special course for supervisors concerning the removal of floor covering using the RFCI method.
Title of Course: Lead Worker Basic / Length of Course: 16 Hours
Commercial Price: $300.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A
Government Rate up to 10 Students: $296.21 per person / Government Discount: 1.26%
Government Rate for 11 or More Students: $266.58 per person / Government Discount: 11.14%
Description of Class
This course is designed to teach a worker about lead abatement. It covers the following: Background, Health Hazards, PPE, Medical Surveillance, and Safe Work Practices.
Title of Course: Lead Worker Refresher / Length of Course: 8 Hours
Commercial Price: $150.00 per person / Maximum No. of Participants: N/A