Town of Embarrass

Regular & Reorganizational Meeting

January 4, 2017

Present: Zane Beaton, Joe Scherer, Mary Novak, Jennifer Boese

Visitors: Rodney & Chris Dale, Roger Davies Jr., David & Roberta Pike, Gene Wright, Alvin & Sandy Hanson, Mickey White, Darin Alto, Bill Wright

The meeting was called to order at 6:13 by Zane Beaton with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Reorganizational Items:

  • Oath of Office was given by the Elected Board Members.
  • Motion by Joe to appoint Mary Novak to continue as Town Treasurer. Zane second. Carried 2-0.
  • Motion by Joe to select Zane Beaton as Town Board Chair, motion by Zane to select Joe as Town Board Vice Chair. Carried 2-0.
  • Motion by Joe to move regular meetings to the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Time to remain the same at 6 p.m. Second by Zane. Carried 3-0.
  • Motion by Joe, second by Zane to increase the hourly rates for the following positions as indicated. Clerk ($15 -> $15.38), Deputy Clerk ($11.60 -> $11.89), Treasurer ($291.30 -> $298.58) Lead Maintenance ($12.60 -> $12.92), Maintenance Workers ($11 -> $11.28), Lead Tour Guide ($9-> $10.45), Tour Guide Sub ($9 -> $9.50), Grader Operator ($16.50 -> $16.91), Training Hourly Rate will remain the same for all. Carried 2-0.
  • Designate Supervisor positions was tabled until next meeting when Roy will be present.
  • Motion by Joe to keep The Timberjay as the official publishing newspaper. Second by Zane. Carried 2-0.
  • Embarrass Vermillion Federal Credit Union, Trapline Liquor/Convenience Store and the Embarrass Town Hall were designated as the official posting places. Motion by Joe to keep the same posting places. Second by Zane. Carried 2-0.
  • Motion by Zane to keep the Embarrass Federal Credit Union and Northern State Bank as the designated banking and financial institutions. Motion by Joe to add Mary Novak and Roy Worsham to the Embarrass Vermillion Federal Credit Union accounts. Motion by Joe, second by Zane. Add Mary Novak and Roy Worsham on the Northern State Bank savings account, Northern State Bank checking account and the Northern State Bank 2 CD’s. The names to be put on signature cards at Northern State Bank are Jennifer Boese, Sandy Gibson, Mary Novak, Zane Beaton, Roy Worsham and Joe Scherer.Gene Wright and Roberta Pike are to be removed from all accounts at the Northern State Bank and Embarrass Vermilion Credit Union.Carried 2-0.
  • Ice Candle Celebration for 2017 will be held on Saturday December 16th.
  • The Board reviewed and signed the Code of Ethics and Open Meeting Law Policy.
  • Motion by Joe to allow clerk to attend training in St. Michael on January 18th. Hotel room to be covered for the previous night. Second by Zane. Carried 2-0. Roy and Joe will both need to take the local board of appeal training at a later date.

Zane motions to approve the December7th and December 20th minutes. Second by Joe. Carried 2-0.

Reports: Maintenance report: Preparing Ice Candles, opening the rink, plenty of snow plowing, regular maintenance at the hall.

Old Business: Post office special town meeting was discussed to be set up. (Meeting has since been scheduled on January 24th at 6 p.m.) Meeting will be held for Embarrass residents to vote on spending the money to purchase building. Joe read the corrected contract from John Fedo. Visitor would like to have the building inspected before it is moved. This was discussed at previous meeting. The clerk will be contacting and hiring an inspector.Motion by Zane to approve for the building get inspected and receive any recommendations for any corrective measures. Second by Joe. Carried 2-0. Joe or Zane will go along with inspector.

New Business: Motion by Joe to set a spending limit of $10,000 to purchase a plow truck. Joe to also go along to look at truck. Second by Zane. Carried 2-0.

Consent Agenda:Motion by Joe, second by Zane to approve claims (16326-16352, $6,136.57) Payroll ($4,710.92) Carried 2-0. Motion by Joe to approve the Treasures report. Second by Zane. Carried 2-0. An audit was done and all claims to be found in order and correct.

The next meeting will be a Special Town Meeting for the Embarrass residents to vote on the spending of money for the building purchase for post office on January 24th @ 6p.m.

The next regular board meeting will be February 8th at 6 p.m.

Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer Boese, Embarrass Town Clerk