CCPS Workforce Development Event

Monday 18 August 2014

12.45pm – 4.30pm

Norton Park Conference Centre

57 Albion Road




12.45pm / Registration & Workshop Selection Tea, coffee, cakes & fruit available
1.15pm / Welcome and Update on progress with the CCPS Workforce Development Programme / Judith Midgley,
CCPS Workforce Associate
1.50pm / First discussion session (choose one workshop)
  1. Induction in an integrated world - how should it change?
  2. Supporting Leadership through Effective Supervision
  3. The Impact of Welfare Reform on the Workforce
  4. Procuring the Living Wage for the Social Care Workforce

2.45pm / Short break Tea, coffee, cakes & fruit available (please take these into your next discussion session)
3.00pm / Second discussion session (choose one workshop)
  1. Induction in an integrated world - how should it change?
  2. Supporting Leadership through Effective Supervision
  3. The Impact of Welfare Reform on the Workforce
  4. Procuring the Living Wage for the Social Care Workforce

4.00pm / Roundup of discussions
4.30pm / Close

Workshop Choices

Please choose one workshop per session

  1. Induction in an integrated world – is it achieving, should it change?

Facilitators: David Strathearn, CCPS Workforce Associate; Julie Fisk, Project Officer, Workforce Development and Planning, Scottish Social Services Council and Robert Kelman, Workforce Development Adviser, Robert Kelman, Workforce Development Adviser


You will be asked to share your experiences of induction and reflect on what works, what does not and why. Setting these experiences against the backdrop of the SSSC guidance on induction, the workshop will try and answer the following:

  • What standards are applied to induction in different provider settings?
  • Does this induction cover integrated and partnership working?
  • How do organisations know that their induction is effective?
  • To what extent do you ask your staff for feedback on induction?
  • Where does scope lie for improvement in induction across the sectors?
  • What actions will make a difference and who should be taking them?
  1. Supporting Leadership through Effective Supervision

Facilitators : Michelle Nairn, CCPS Workforce Associate and Lorna Dalton,

Adviser, Workforce Development and Planning, Scottish Social Services Council

Content :

Supervision is a process which aims to support, assure and develop the knowledge, skills and values of your workforce. Values, attributes and behaviours are essential to good leadership. This session will explore how enhancements that have been made to the Step into Leadership resource to support supervision can help workers at all levels, and help develop leadership through effective supervision.

  1. The Impact of Welfare Reform on the Workforce

Facilitators: Yvette Burgess, Unit Director, Housing Support Enabling Unit and Kerry Musselbrook, Project Manager, IRISS.


This session will consider the key findings and recommendations from the recent ESRC/IRISS/CCPS research into the impact of welfare reform on the voluntary sector social care and support workforce. We hope to generate a lively discussion and to get reaction from workshop participants to the key recommendations.

  1. Procuring the Living Wage for the Social Care Workforce

Facilitators: Judith Midgley, CCPS Workforce Associate and Des Loughney, Secretary, UNITE Edinburgh Not for Profit branch


This session will look at the opportunities we have to tackle low pay in social care through influencing the drafting of the forthcoming procurement guidance on workforce issues and through influencing local authority commissioning. CCPS work to date on this issue will be presented, together with plans for this year. We will then hear from Des about his work on the Edinburgh City Council Living Wage working group. The ensuing discussion will inform both the CCPS and Unite programmes.