Graphs – Assessment Tasks

For the following data, what type of graph would you produce? Sketch what would it look like?

a) Snacks eaten by school children (survey of 1300 primary school children) (%)
Crisps / Fruit / Sweets / Sandwiches / Cakes
60% / 5% / 15% / 10% / 10%

b) Recovery rate of marathon runner. Pulse Rate / Time

Time (s) / 0 / 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60+
Rate (bpm) / 120 / 115 / 110 / 95 / 80 / 70 / 70

c) Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease in North Wales

Year / Gwynedd / Anglesey
Males / Females / Males / Females
1996 / 170.5 / 52.2 / 132.8 / 44.3
1997 / 142.8 / 52.8 / 119.3 / 45.5
1998 / 144.4 / 48 / 111.1 / 47.9
1999 / 138.6 / 46.4 / 111.8 / 49.1
2000 / 124.8 / 36.5 / 98.5 / 34.9
2001 / 102.4 / 35.6 / 92.8 / 36.4
2002 / 113.1 / 35.1 / 87.4 / 31.6
2003 / 78.7 / 35.8 / 85.7 / 22.7
2004 / 87.4 / 33.6 / 74.8 / 29
2005 / 98.8 / 21.1 / 73.4 / 18.7

1.  In the UK in 2005, there were 153, 491 deaths from cancer.

a)  What percentages of deaths were from Bowel Cancer?

b)  What percentage of deaths occurred from Prostrate Cancer?

c)  How many deaths occurred from other forms of cancer?

2.  What was the patients temperature at the following times:

a)  15 minutes after operation =

b)  45 minutes after operation =

c)  120 minutes after operation =

d)  210 minutes after operation =

e)  What is the normal temperature? –

3.  Shown below is an ovulation chart for a IVF patient.

What was the patient’s temperature on the following dates:

a)  7th August = 17th August = 9th August =

4.  From the graph above, which age group had the highest number of smokers in:

a)  1984 = b) 2004 = c) 1994 =

Drawing a line graph

To draw a line graph we first need to look at the data we are going to use to draw the graph, where do the variables begin and end.

Remember that a line graph is made up of the following elements:

5.  Look at the following set of data which are the average daily temperatures for Wales in March 2009.

Date / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Temp(oC) / -4 / -8 / -3 / 5 / 12 / 14 / 10 / 13 / 10 / 12 / 6 / -4 / -3 / 5 / 8

Draw the graph on the grid below

6.  To be able to draw a bar chart, histogram or pie chart, a frequency table must be completed. The following are the marks gained by a class of 20 students in a test.

Complete the frequency column and create a Pie Chart of the results.

Marks / Tally / Frequency
0 -10 / || / 2 (two learners got 0-10 marks)
11 - 20 / |||
21 - 30 / |||| ||
31 - 40 / ||||
41 - 50 / |||

7.  Use a pie chart to illustrate the data given below:

180 sixth form students were asked what they intended to do next year.

24 / going to university
staying at college
going into employment
no firm intention

8.  At a concert, the ages of 120 people were recorded as:

Under 20
20 – 29
30 – 39
40 – 59
60 and over / 15

Draw a pie chart using this data.

9.  Thirty people were surveyed in a shopping centre and asked their ages. These are displayed below.

54 41 65 46 66 37

32 71 34 73 15 26

64 22 54 8 58 43

14 57 43 52 24 68

43 39 59 35 48 49

a) Draw a tally-frequency table.

b) Using the data in your frequency table, construct a table to calculate the angles in a pie chart.

c) Draw and fully label a pie chart to show the percentage values.