Sponsored by the

Oklahoma Historical Records Advisory Board

Administered through the

Oklahoma Department of Libraries

Funded by the

National Archives - National Historical Records And Publications Commission, A Federal Agency

Deadline: Friday, January 31, 2014 (for projects beginning March 3, 2014)

Award Amount: Up to $6,000

Applications available at

Preservation Assistance Grants for Archival Collections

Preservation Assistance Grants for Archival Collections help libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities improve their ability to preserve and care for their significant archival collections. These may include special collections of books and journals, archives and manuscripts, prints and photographs, moving images, sound recordings, architectural, and cartographic records.
This grant program does not fund the care of decorative and fine art objects, textiles, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, furniture, historical objects, or other types of artifacts.
Applicants WITH Preservation Plans may request funding to:
·  Address a specific recommendation in the Preservation Plan or Assessment. The plan/assessment must have been developed by staff or a consultant specifically knowledgeable about archives and preservation.
·  Purchase of storage furniture and preservation supplies.
·  Purchase of environmental monitoring equipment for archival collections.
·  Applicants may combine two or more elements of the project types listed above in a single application.
Applicants WITHOUT Preservation plans may request a general preservation assessment performed by a professional conservator provided by OHRAB. The consultant will visit the applicant’s institution to assess policies, practices, and conditions affecting the care and preservation of humanities collections and prepare a report that summarizes the findings and contains prioritized recommendations for future action. Please note that no funds are actually awarded to the applicant, but expenses for the consultant are covered and paid for by OHRAB. To apply for this program, use the Oklahoma Collections Assessment Program Application Form available at
Preservation Assistance Grants for Archival Collections may NOT be used for:
·  Projects focusing on collections that are not archival in nature;
·  Projects focusing on collections or materials that are not accessible for research, education, or public programming;
·  Appraisals of collections to determine historical or financial value;
·  Conservation or restoration treatments;
·  Projects that focus on preserving or restoring buildings or other structure;
·  Capital improvements to buildings and building systems, including the purchase of equipment such as air conditioners, lighting systems, and security and fire protection systems.
·  Projects to catalog, index, or arrange and describe collections, or purchase of software related to these activities;
·  The exhibition or display of collections, and the purchase of furniture and display cases intended for this purpose;
·  Reformatting of collections, i.e., digitizing, photocopying, microfilming, or copying to another medium;
·  Development of digitization programs or digital asset management systems;
·  Purchase of computers or scanning equipment;
·  Salaries and fringe benefits for the staff of an institution, including the hiring of student interns (this may be counted toward the required 1:1 match);
·  Debt retirement, political activities, tickets to benefits, telephone solicitations, or to fund retroactive projects;
·  Attendance at regular meetings of museum, library, archives, or preservation organizations; or
·  The recovery of indirect costs.
Grants of up to $6,000 will be awarded, although it is rare that an organization will receive the full amount. A total of $50,000 is available for grant awards and support of Preservation Plan consultations/report development.
All grants are awarded for a period of one year. Projects can begin no earlier than March 1, 2014 and must conclude by February 28, 2015. Extensions will not be granted. If the project is not completed by the end date, the grant may be terminated. Any funds not distributed may then be used by the OHRAB for other educational purposes.
Organizations do not have to provide a cash match, but MUST demonstrate matching in-kind support. Matching funds, whether cash or in-kind, demonstrate the ability of the organization to support and sustain the project, and will be used to justify and seek additional grant funds in future applications to the NHPRC. In-kind support can include the time of staff and volunteers working on the project, overhead, supplies and materials not funded by the grant, and other items.
The Board may award all, part, or none of the funds requested.
All funded organizations must:
1.  Provide a DUNS number, issued by Dun & Bradstreet, as part of their application. Applicants may obtain a DUNS number free of charge by calling 1-866-705-5711.
2.  Enter into a contract agreeing to complete the project as proposed
3.  Submit six-month and final reports;
4.  Participate in OHRAB sponsored surveys; and
5.  Complete or update an Emergency Preparedness/Response plan by April 30, 2015.
Oklahoma-based nonprofit organizations are eligible, as are state and local government agencies and federally recognized Indian tribal governments. Individuals are not eligible to apply.
Only one application may be submitted by an institution, although distinct collecting entities of a larger organization may apply, for example -- a library and archive within a historical society.
Applicants must demonstrate that they:
·  Care for and have custody of the archival collections that are the focus of the application;
·  Have at least one staff member, whether paid or unpaid, who works at least 30 hours a week; and
·  Make their collections open and available for the purpose of education, research, and/or public programming, as evidenced by the number of days on which the institution is open to the public, the capacity to support access and use, and the availability of staff for this purpose.
Prior to preparing and submitting a proposal, applicants are encouraged to look at the list of recently funded projects and examine sample narratives. Links to these documents are available at
Applications are due on or before Friday, January 31, 2014 at 5 PM CST. Late applications will not be considered.
OHRAB staff will provide advance comments and/or guidance on draft applications, if received by January 1, 2014.
All grant applications must be typed. Handwritten applications will not be accepted.
·  By e-mail to [email protected]
·  By postal service to Oklahoma Department of Libraries, ATTN: Susan Feller, 200 Northeast 18th Street; Oklahoma City, OK 73105. If submitting by mail, please enclose 12 copies. Do not fold or staple.
·  Please complete the Application Form, answering the questions thoroughly, but succinctly.
·  Do not include information that is not requested.
·  Completed Application Forms may not exceed five pages.
·  Do not send these instructions with your application.
·  Font size should be no smaller than eleven point type.
·  Keep in mind the review criteria.
All grant submissions will be reviewed initially by OHRAB staff, who may contact applicants if questions arise. Following staff review, eligible applications will be evaluated and scored by OHRAB members.
In determining whether an applicant shall receive a grant, OHRAB considers the following:
·  Does the request reflect a need identified in the applicant’s Preservation Plan or request assistance in developing a plan?
·  How adequately has the applicant described the content of the collections that are the focus of the project?
·  Are the proposed activities clearly described and feasible? Is the organization capable of completing the proposed project within the grant period?
·  How will this project contribute to the institution’s capacity to preserve its collections and make them accessible?
·  Will the project help protect historically significant materials?
·  Will the project institute sound archival practices?
·  Are the proposed activities appropriate and cost effective?
·  Is the financial information submitted realistic and accurate?
Questions may be addressed to Susan Feller at [email protected]

2014-2015 Preservation Assistance for Archival Collections Grants

APPLICATION FORM (Due on or before January 31, 2014)

Organization Name:
Parent Organization
(if applicable):
City: / Zip:
Project Coordinator and Title:
Year Founded:
Federal Employer
Identification Number:
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS).
Project Summary:
Provide a one paragraph summary describing the nature of the collections that are the focus of the project, their significance to Oklahoma, and the specific goal(s) and activities that the grant is to support.
Institution Type:
Please check one: / Archives Library Historical Society/Genealogical Society
Historic Site/House Museum Other; please describe:
Type of material included in your archival collection: (Please check all that apply) / Personal papers, diaries, ledgers, correspondence or letters
Government documents
Photographic prints/negatives/slides
Drawings/2-dimensional works of art
Image recordings
Sound recordings
Magnetic storage tapes
CDs or other computer media
Electronic Records
Administrative Records
Rare books (must be related to Oklahoma)
Other; please describe:
How would you assess the overall condition of your collections? (check one) / Good Fair Poor Very Poor
What percentage of your collection is arranged and described or cataloged? / %
What percentage of your collection has finding aids and/or inventory lists? / %
What percentage of your collection is accessible online? / %
What percentage of your collection needs immediate preservation/conservation action? / %
Using the list below, with 1 being the most important, and 6 being the least important, please prioritize the topics for which you would like assistance. Do not use a number more than once.
General care of collections (handling, storage)
Accessibility: Preparation of finding aids/cataloging
Accessions and Acquisitions
Disaster Preparedness
If the above selections do not represent your most pressing need, please describe your first priority relating to the care and management of this collection:
Total amount requested cannot exceed $6,000 and must be matched 1:1 or greater:
Grant funds requested:
$ / Applicant Match (must equal or exceed request):
$ / Total Project Budget:


The narrative should be no more than five (5) pages in length, 11 point type or larger, single spaced. Address the following, keeping all responses in the same order. You may delete the special instructions (in italics) under each question before submitting your proposal.

A.  For which recommendation(s) from your Preservation Assessment Plan are you requesting support?

State the specific activity or activities that grant funds would support and the goals of the proposed project.

Provide the date of the assessment, the name(s) of the assessor(s), and explain how the assessment relates to or supports the proposed project activity. Please attach a copy of the executive summary of the assessment.

B.  What are the content and size of the archival collection(s) that are the focus of the project?

Describe the collections that are the focus of the project, emphasizing their significance to Oklahoma. Identify the categories of materials and indicate, where pertinent, the date ranges, quantities, and intellectual content. Describe condition, how materials are stored, and any known threats. Indicate if your collections are accessible to the public and how frequently they are accessed. Highlight specific examples of important items in the collections.

C.  How are these archival collections used?

Explain in detail the use of the collections on which the project focuses and provide evidence of how the collections are, or might be, used in publications, educational activities, exhibitions, or media programming. By discussing the use of collections, you will help the grant reviewers understand their importance to Oklahoma and to your institution’s mission.

D.  What is the nature and mission of your Institution?

Describe the history and mission of your institution and discuss specific budget or staffing considerations that characterize it as a small or mid-sized institution. Demonstrate your institutional commitment to making your collection accessible for education, research, and public programming, as evidenced by the following information:

·  The annual number of visitors to your institution;

·  Sources of funding for your institution;

·  The number of full-time, part-time, and volunteer staff;

·  The number of days per year on which the institution is open to the public; and

·  The size of the institutional and/or departmental budget.

E.  What is the plan of work for the project?

Outline the steps of the project, the sequence in which they will occur, the amount of time they will take, and indicate who is responsible for which activities.

F.  Budget

Provide an itemized budget showing the project’s expenses rounded to the nearest dollar. It is important that your budget be correct and realistic.

Expenses / Category / Grant Funds / Match / Total
1. / Personnel
2. / Consultant Services
3. / Contract Services
4. / Travel
5. / Training
6. / Supplies and Materials
7. / Equipment
8. / Other (must be explained)

2.  BUDGET NOTES. This optional area may be used to provide details on how budget figures were derived.

CERTIFICATION. This application is authorized by appropriate authorities of the organization. If awarded funds, we assure that we will carry out the grant project according to the approved grant proposal.

Name: / Title:

Oklahoma Historical Records Advisory Board

Preservation Assistance Grants for Archival Collections – Due Friday, January 31, 2014