/ Parbrook Cub Pack
Trainee seconder /

You have been selected to be a trainee seconder.

Why a trainee?
Sometimes we aren’t sure if an individual is ready to take on the extra responsibility that comes with being a seconder. It is difficult to take a badge away once it has been presented so we use the trainee system to help us see if you are ready.

Over the next few weeks you will need to demonstrate that you have the qualities we need. At the end of the trial period we will decide whether you should be appointed as a seconder or not. The selection of seconders is carried out by the leaders in discussion with the Sixers. It is not based just on age or experience although these are factors. Becoming a Seconder (or a Sixer) is not an automatic right for our older members - the selection is based on who we think would be best for the Six and the pack as a whole.

If you would like to know more about any aspect of this scheme please ask Akela

Name: ______

Can you tick the boxes?

  • Has some experience as a Cub Scout...... 
  • Is aged 9 or 10...... 
  • Mixes well with other Cub Scouts...... 
  • Sets a good example to younger Cub Scouts...... 
  • Attends regularly and is reliable...... 
  • Helps the Sixer keep the Six to order...... 
  • Is quiet when the leaders are waiting to speak...... 
  • Is one of the first in line when asked to get into sixes...... 
  • Enjoys Cub Scouting and is a keen Member...... 
  • Knows how to lead the Grand Howl
    (we will ask you to stand in for your sixer during your trial period)...... 
  • Knows how to fold the flag for flag break and what to do if you are asked to perform that ceremony

What don't we expect:

  • As a seconder we are looking to you to help your Sixer in the organisation of your Six. Therefore it follows that you should not be the person who needs to be organised or the person that we have to wait for when you are supposed to be in your six.
  • We are trying to get more activities into our pack meetings. People who won’t be quiet when we are waiting cause the other cubs to miss out. We would not expect to have to wait for a seconder.
  • Should your behaviour be so bad that you are sent out of the hall more than once in the trial period you will have demonstrated that you are not yet suitable to become a seconder

So, the next bit of this process is in your hands.

Over the next few weeks you need to show the leaders that you can deliver the things on this list. We will make our decision after a period of not more than 4 weeks.

Your trial period will end by Tuesday ______