Rapid Gender Analysis: Assessment Tools

Sex & Age Disaggregated Data

Purpose: Assess the numbers of women, men, boys and girls affected by a humanitarian crisis.

Tool Notes: It is important to make use of proxy information especially in the early stages of an emergency. This tool provides a framework for collecting sex and age disaggregated data at the immediate onset of an emergency, but sex and age disaggregated data should become more available over time.

During this phase, secondary data is used. The data collected for this will act as a baseline for comparative analysis as the crisis unfolds. Community estimates may be available during the first weeks of a crisis, but later on, a range of tools may be used to collect SADD from other sources. Taken together, the different sources of SADD should be triangulated and analysed to identify the numbers of women, men, boys and girls affected by a crisis.

Geographic Location: Team: Date:

1. Baseline Data[i]: Before going to the field, complete this snapshot of pre-existing sex and age data in order to develop a profile of the pre-crisis affected population. A more complete population sex and age pyramid should be developed from the same secondary sources.

Source: Common sources for this information include National Census Data (<2 years old), Demographic and Health Surveys, UN Population Prospects, and World Report on Disability. This data will be used as a proxy for SADD in the initial stages of a crisis.

Partial Population Sex and Age Pyramid:

Age / Female / Male / Total
0-4 yrs
15-49 yrs
60+ yrs


Average household size: ______

Percentage of female-headed households: ______

Crude Birth Rate: ___ per 1000

Crude Death Rate: ___ per 1000

Under-Five Mortality: ______

Percentage of people with functional disability: ______


2. Community Estimates[ii]: In the initial phase of an emergency, community leaders and local authorities may be able to provide estimates of the affected population. Ask more than one source for this information. Complete the table below for each location and interview that you conduct. Modify the age categories to reflect the information available.

Source: Community leaders and local authorities

Age / Female / Male / Total
0-4 yrs
5-9 yrs
10-18 yrs
19-59 yrs
60+ yrs

Number of households: ______

Number of Female-Headed households: ______

3. Collect Health Data: Visit health centres to fill in the health data below. Mortality rates are rarely sex and age disaggregated, nevertheless the raw data may provide an indication about whether the existing demographic profile is likely to have altered.

Source: Health centres

·  Crude mortality rate (deaths per 10,000, per day): ______

·  Under five mortality rate (deaths per child under five years per 10,000 per day): ______

·  Crude Birth Rate[iii]: ______

·  Sex ratio at birth: ______


4. Direct Observation[iv]: Careful observation is an important tool that can be used with other data sources to triangulate information. For the purposes of assessing sex and age data, take a mental note of what individuals are in what spaces: at markets, water points, latrines, distributions, schools, community buildings, health centres, etc. Consider doing a transect walk[v]. Think about who is missing: young, old, women, men, etc.

Record your observations:

5. Registration at Distributions: At the early stages of a crisis, a complete registration is rarely available and initial distributions verify the numbers of people by household, by sex and by age at a specific location. Use the Master Recipient (Beneficiary) List template and the distribution section[vi] of the CARE Emergency Toolkit for more information.

6. Household Sampling Surveys: Sample surveys allow generalizations about a whole population by interviewing or observing a part. A household survey (with probability sampling design and adequate sample size) can provide more precise estimates of household size, age and sex composition[vii]

7. Other Sources of Primary SADD: The following data collection methods should also provide SADD but are conducted at the cluster level: Humanitarian Profiles; Displacement Tracking Matrix; Refugee Registrations Database; Local and National Authorities.


[i] For more information refer to ACAPs Technical Brief Demographic Profile: Using Secondary Data http://www.acaps.org/img/documents/d-140805-tb-demographic-profile.pdf

[ii] http://parkdatabase.org/files/documents/2003_Demographic-Methods-In-Emergency-Assessment_A-Guide-for-Practitioners_CIEDRS_Johns-Hopkins-Univ.pdf

[iii]Refer to the detailed CARE guidance (2014) Emergencies: Calculating the number of pregnant and breastfeeding women

[iv] http://www.acaps.org/img/disasters/kido-pocket-version.pdf


[vi] http://careemergencytoolkit.org/distribution/#a022

[vii] https://www.acaps.org/search?search_query=rapid+assessment+of+affected+populations