“Cuando yo era niño (a)…” Project

Spanish 2B

Imperfect Tense Project

Ø  Project Description:

Since we have been reviewing the imperfect tense in class and discussing childhood pastimes, you will be assigned to complete a “Cuando yo era niño/a…”/ “When I was a child…” project. The purpose of this project is so that you can continue to practice and gain competency in using the imperfect tense. You will be expected to apply the use of the imperfect tense within the context of your childhood. You will also be expected to present the finished product to the teacher and to your classmates in Spanish on the designated due date.

Ideas: What you use to: watch, eat, play, visit, collect, etc. Childhood favorites.

Ø  Project Requirements:

·  You must choose 1 of the following mediums to present your project:
1.  You may choose to create an album or a book with construction paper or other craft materials.
2. You must include images of your childhood and pastime activities in your album/book.
You can draw images, use actual photos (which I LOVE and will be returned when the project
Is graded), print images from the internet, or cut out images from magazines.

You must use the imperfect tense at least 10 times to discuss your childhood pastime activities throughout your entire project. The project consists of 3 components:

·  1. In order to discuss your childhood, each image must be accompanied by a sentence written in the IMPERFECT TENSE. The sentences should describe childhood pastimes that are relevant to the images you have decided to include in your project.
2.  You must have at least 10 written sentences total in your presentation and vary your verb usage, expressions, and use 15 vocabulary words from chapters 4A & 4B.
·  1. You will memorize and present your project to the class completely in Spanish. Points will be deducted if English is used at any point in the project or presentation.

Ø  Project Due Date:

·  This project is due Thursday Feb. 4th. NO EXCUSES.