TennesseeWorks Partnership
“Community Conversation”
Mini-Grants Overview
The purpose of this mini-grant is to support at least three community teams to host “community conversation” events aimed at expanding local employment opportunities for people with disabilities in their area. These two-hour evening events are creative and engaging ways of gathering together a cross-section of community members to generate both ordinary and unique solutions to a key challenge facing their city or county—the limited opportunities people with disabilities have to share their talents in the workplace. In addition to hosting two community conversations (one to be held during the Summer of 2015 and one to be held 12-18 months later), teams will also take steps to implement some of the best ideas shared during the first community conversation. Out of each event, new people will emerge who are willing to help make change in their community. Throughout this process, members of the TennesseeWorks Partnership ( will be available to help each community access the information, resources, and encouragement they need to make real change in their community.
We have already held eight of successful events across Tennessee, including Chattanooga, Greeneville, Franklin, Jackson, Lawrenceburg, Memphis, Murfreesboro, and Nashville. To learn more about community conversations and the TennesseeWorks Partnership, visit the following links:
This article provides an overview of community conversations recently held in Tennessee:
- “Uncovering New Pathways to Employment through Community Conversations”
This video offers a glimpse into what a community conversation might look like:
This guide addresses step-by-step how to put on a community conversation:
- “Launching Inclusive Efforts through Community Conversations”
What is Your Commitment?
We believe a strong, committed team is essential to making change in local communities. As part of this mini-grant, we require each applicant to:
- Name in their application a core community team comprised of at least 8 people. At least one of these individuals must be a person with a disability and at least one must be a city official/county official/legislator. The remaining team members should represent at least four of the following roles: (a) employers, (b) school staff, (c) parents of individuals with disabilities, (d) community group representative (e.g., Civitans, Rotary, Lions), (e) faith community leader, (f) disability service or employment providers, or (g) disability organization (e.g., The Arc, Autism Society, Down syndrome Association).
- The team must identify an organization in their community team willing to handle the grant monies, covering and be reimbursed for expenses (see next section for mini-grant amount).
- Have at least two team members attend (in person or by web video) a short training on how to host a community conversation.
- Commit to hosting two community conversations involving at least 40 attendees: an initial event by August 30, 2015 and a follow-up event 12-18 months later
- Commit to recruiting and working with interested community members to implement some of the best ideas shared at the first event
- Communicate with TennesseeWorks staff throughout the project about your progress
- Assist us in efforts to evaluate the impact of these mini-grants by completing short surveys or interviews about the process
What Support Will We Receive from TennesseeWorks?
We will provide mini-grants to at least three communities—one in each grand division of Tennessee. We commit to providing the following supports:
- We will award each team up to $2,000 to cover expenses such as publicity, postage, meeting space, food, or actions recommended at community conversation events.
- We will provide support to plan and carry out the two events.
- We will help capture the ideas shared at each event and summarize them for your community (for an example of summary briefs, click here).
- We will assist the community in implementing some of the best ideas shared at their first event throughout the following year.
- We will help evaluate the impact of the events and the actions each community by collecting and sharing back helpful data.
- We will showcase your community throughout the state and highlight the great work you are doing.
Critical Dates and Selection Process
- The call for proposals will be disseminated beginning March 6, 2015
- Applications are due to TennesseeWorks on April 3, 2015.
- Applications will be reviewed by members of the TennesseeWorks Partnership.
- Recipients will be announced April 24, 2015.
Submit Application Electronically or by Mail To:
Jennifer Rowan
TennesseeWorks Partnership
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
PMB 40
230 Appleton Place
Nashville, TN 37203
Feel free to contact Jennifer Rowan at (615) 875-9801 with questions about the application process and/or materials.
Mini-Grants Application
Applications should include a written response to the following questions (not to exceed 4 pages total).
Name of Contact Person:Organization:
E-mail address:
1. Which community will be the focus of your efforts (e.g., Nashville, Robertson County)?
2. How would you describe the current employment opportunities for people with disabilities in your community?
3. What specific changes would you like to see in your community in the area of employment of people with disabilities?
4. What help do you anticipate needing from our project related to putting on the “community conversation” event or acting on the ideas that get shared?
5. What initial ideas do you have for recruiting a cross-section of your community to this event?
6. What groups do you think might be especially important to have represented?
7. What are your plans for using the funds?
8. List the community members who have agreed to be on the team that will host the two community conversation events and will be actively involved in implementing ideas generated at the event. At least 8 team members must be named. Required roles have an asterisk (*). At least four of the remaining roles should also be represented.
Role / Name(s) / Phone or EmailIndividuals with disabilities*
City/county officials*
School staff
Parents of individuals with disabilities
Community group representatives (e.g., civic or service clubs, non-profits)
Faith community leaders
Disability service or employment providers
Disability organization (e.g., Arc, Autism Society)
9. What organization will cover and submit reimbursement for expenses (include a contact name, address, and contact information)?
10. What additional questions (if any) do you have about the process?
TennesseeWorks Partnership
Mini-Grant Agreement
As a Mini-Grant Recipient, I agree to:
- Have at least two members of our team attend a training on hosting a community conversation
- Organize and hold an initial community conversation event before August 30, 2015
- Form a team to carry out some of the best recommendations raised at this event
- Organize and hold a follow-up community conversation event 12-18 months later (no later than December, 2016)
- Complete brief surveys or interviews to help us evaluate the project
- Communicate with project staff about the progress of project and any issues that arise
- Provide a summary of how all grant monies were spent and submit for reimbursement
Name of Contact Person:
Organization (if any):
E-mail address: