
Administrative Manual


Table of Contents

General Policy...... 1

Terms...... 1

Recruitment Process...... 1

Appointment Process...... 1 – 3

Rosters...... 3

Appendix A - List of Boards & Commissions of Commissioners...... 3

Issue Date: April 15, 1994Board and Commission Appointments

Revised: February 28, 2011, March 19, 2012, September 11, 20121


Administrative Manual

Board and Commission Appointments

  1. General Policy

The Board of County Commissioners appoints members to over 25 boards and commissions. Some appointments are made jointly with other agencies. The boards and commissions are listed in Appendix A.

  1. Terms


"Board" with a capital "B" shall mean the Board of County Commissioners.

Clerk of the Board

"Clerk" shall mean Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners.


“Staff” shall mean those individuals staffing a board or commission.

  1. Recruitment Process

The Boardis responsible for recruiting citizens to serve on boards and commissions. Staff or board and commission members are encouraged to forward names of potential applicants to the Board or request that potential applicants submit applications to the Board. However, ultimate appointment decisions are made by the Board.

  1. Appointment Process
  1. Vacancies

A vacancy generally occurs when a term ends, a member is removed or resigns, or the member is no longer able to serve or qualified for the position.

Staff will keep the Board apprised of upcoming vacancies and term expirations.

Staff will inform the clerk and commissioners’ assistants of upcoming vacancies and term expirations at least two months prior to the occurrence.

For term expirations, staff will inquire whether the incumbent is interested in continuing to serve. If the citizen expresses an interest, he or she will write a letter requesting reappointment to the Board (this does not guarantee reappointment; the Board will consider their letter and make a decision at a subsequent meeting).

  1. Notice of Vacancy

Where appropriate, the Board, through the clerk and in conjunction with staff, will solicit additional interest in an appointment by notification in the following:

  • Local newspapers and media outlets
  • County website
  • County social media outlets
  • Through Board announcement during televised meeting

In addition, the Board will solicit appointment recommendations from current members on the advisory board or commission on which the vacancy occurs.

For the Thurston County Veterans’ Advisory Board, an email list of local branches of nationally recognized veterans’ service organizations and other local community stakeholders will be maintained for the purpose of soliciting applications when vacancies occur.

  1. Application

An application to be considered for a current or future board or commission appointment may be forwarded to the clerk or solicited by a County Commissioner at any time.

If staff receives an application, he or she will forward it to the clerk for processing.

  1. Application Processing

Once an application is received, the clerk will scan the application and place it in the Applications → Pending folder in Sharepoint.

The clerk forwards the application to the commissioners’ assistants for presentation to the County Commissioners at the next agenda setting session.

Once the applicant has been appointed, the clerk will move the application to the Applications → Appointed folder in Sharepoint.

Issue Date: April 15, 1994Board and Commission Appointments

Revised: February 28, 2011, March 19, 2012, September 11, 20121


Administrative Manual

  1. Appointment by Board

Once the Board reviews an application and/or letter of interest and makes a decision to appoint, a commissioners’ assistant will draft an Agenda Item Summary (AIS) and submit it to the clerk.

  1. Notice of Appointment

The clerk is responsible for:

  • Mailing out signed appointment letters
  • Notifying other applicants of appointment, if applicable
  • Notifying staff person of appointment

Staff is responsible for:

  • Notifying the appointee, by phone, of appointment
  • Stating that a letter will be sent confirming the appointment
  • Providing appointee with board/commission materials and meeting information
  1. Alternative Appointment Process

This appointment process is intended to provide the general process for board and commission appointments. The Board may alter this process for any appointment as it sees fit.

  1. Rosters and Descriptions

Staff will be responsible for updating the roster and description in Sharepoint.

If changes are made to a description, staff will notify the commissioners’ assistants so the revised document can be loaded to the county website.

Rosters should be updated within one or two days after notice that a change or addition has been made to the board.



Board of County Commissioners

  • Agriculture Advisory Committee
  • Alliance for a Healthy South Sound
  • Board of Appeals
  • Board of Equalization
  • Boundary Review Board
  • Chemical Dependency Action Committee
  • Citizens’ Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials
  • Civil Service Commission
  • Community Network Advisory Board
  • Current Use Advisory Committee (Agriculture)
  • Emergency Medical Services Council
  • Thurston County Fair Board
  • Historic Commission
  • Housing Authority Commission
  • Human Services Review Council
  • Lewis/Mason/Thurston Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council
  • Noxious Weed Control Board
  • Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council
  • Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
  • Planning Commission
  • Public Facilities District
  • Solid Waste Advisory Committee
  • Storm & Surface Water Advisory Board
  • Thurston/Mason RSN Mental Health Advisory Board
  • Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustees
  • Veterans’ Advisory Board
  • Water Conservancy Board

Issue Date: April 15, 1994Board and Commission Appointments

Revised: February 28, 2011, March 19, 2012, September 11, 20121