Critical Care Transfer Training

Transferring Level 2 (HDU) and 3 (ITU) Adult Patients

Tuesday6th November 2012

8.30am – 5pm

1 day course

Venue: Education Centre

Charing CrossHospital

Fulham Palace Road

W6 8RF

  • 5 CPD points awarded by the Royal College of Anaesthetists – with Network certificate provided
  • This course is FREE OF CHARGE to staff from Network organisations (including all acute Trusts in North West London).
  • To attend this course YOU NEED TO REGISTER (by completing the booking form) and be awarded a place
  • Return the completed Booking Form ASAP and by 5thOctober at the latest
  • Should you have any questions, please email or ring 020 331 39436

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Critical Care Transfer Training

Who is the course for?

This 1 day multi disciplinary course is for clinical staff who are called upon to transfer critical care patients. These include: junior doctors F1 &F2, SpRs, A&E and critical care nurses and ODAs. A multidisciplinary approach and the need for team working are key features of the course.

What does the course cover?
You will learn about:-
  • The importance of speed and pre-transfer stabilisation
  • The most likely problems that occur during transfers in London and how to respond both before, during and after transfer
  • How Network transfer documentation is “your new best friend” and how it will take you systematically through a transfer from start to finish helping you avoid the legal nasties and common transfer pitfalls.
The course is delivered by critical care transfer experts and specialists from hospitals in West London. This highly interactive day includes:-
  • A comprehensive introduction to transfer standards and local transfer documentation in use within hospitals in North West London
  • Detailed presentations from clinical experts
  • Top “tips” for transfers and how to avoid communication problems
  • Workshops covering the neuro transfer, the intra hospital transfer and an equipment session.


You also get a free North West London transfer hand book to get you thinking before the course, and a handy pocket sized aide-memoire at the end of the course to take with you on future transfers.

The course has been awarded 5 CPD points by the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

Should you have any questions, please email

or ring 020 331 39436

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