Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 19th November 2014 at 1.30pm

Venue: St Boniface, St Boniface House, 413 Shirley Road, Shirley, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 3JD

Present: Dr Lorna Duggan (Commission Chair) (LD), Kate Burke (MBE) (KB), Sheila Hughes (SMH), Fiona Matthews (FM), Jackie Rowlands (JR), Abbot Cuthbert Brogan (Abbot CB), Fr David Sillince (Fr DS), Paul Neary (PN) and Paul O’Driscoll (PO’D).

In Attendance:

Angela McGrory (AMcG) & Soraya Ciccarone (Minutes)

LD welcomed everyone to the meeting and Abbot CB led with a prayer.

Apologies – Sister Elizabeth McCormack, Meta Muncaster, Fr John Lee, Canon Dominic Golding and Rev Dr Stephen Morgan.

1)  Minutes of Meeting held on 24th September 2014

Factual Accuracy – No changes to be noted.

2)  Matters Arising (not on Agenda)

3.6) Polish Catholic Mission – AMcG reported that a link person from this group will meet with her in due course to discuss Safeguarding.

3)  DSC Report


3.3 Covenants of Care (COC)

Presently 42 COC.

3.4 Update on Audits

AMcG reported that the dates have slipped with the Audits but in the process of the meetings with moving PP’s of which there are about 20 of these meetings in progress - these have identified practise issues in advance of the Audit that has resulted in 2 parishes halting activities with children and one parish suspending all home visiting for a few weeks whilst DBS checks were put in place for those requiring them.

This Ties in with the Audits – AMcG has agreed with a Large Pastoral Area in the Diocese (5 Churches) that AMcG will meet with them in January to carry-out an Audit in January/February.

4) Draft Strategy Update

This was discussed and it was agreed that the actions/due dates from the agreed Strategy paper could be added to future agenda’s to then be discussed at agreed times.

(Draft Strategy to be circulated separately)


5) New Commission Chair

The recruitment process will need to fully follow the process for recruiting a new Chair.

AMcG added that from the recruitment process it is hoped that we may also gain some other new Commission members. The post would be advertised on the website, in the ENews and in Parish Newsletters around the Diocese.

The panel to interview will be LD, SMH and Joy Neary (As the panel will need to include an independent working professional).

6) Venues for Commission Meetings 2015

It was agreed that the next Commission Meeting to be held on Wednesday 14th January will be held at St Boniface, Southampton and when the new Chair is appointed all other venues for the year will then be decided upon.

7) Chair’s Update

EBulk – LD reported that this will be coming probably after Easter 2015.

ELearning – This is ongoing.

Audit – The Diocese will be assisting on this at a national level.

Code of Conduct – This is about the acceptable conduct of priests.

8) Any Other Business

Commission Retreat – LD reported that this had gone really well.

Safeguarding Information through Church of England Contact – JR reported that she had become aware of some churches in the Southampton area that had been contacting other parishes of all denominations to set-up safeguarding. JR will meet with the relevant contacts to further check on this and stop this practice from advancing any further.

SMH wished to express how much the Trustees and Commission have appreciated LD’s time and dedication given as Commission Chair. LD will be missed and will be a very hard act to follow.

LD thanked everyone for their participation and the meeting ended at 3.45pm with a prayer.

Meeting Dates & Venues (TBC apart from January) for 2015 - All meetings to start @ 1.30pm

Wednesday 14th January – St Boniface, Southampton

Wednesday 11th March – VENUE TBC

Wednesday 13th May – VENUE TBC

July Meeting Date (TBC) – With Bishop’s Council – VENUE TBC

Wednesday 16th September – VENUE TBC

Wednesday 18th November – VENUE TBC

Venues will be confirmed in due course but we expect them to alternate again between Southampton and Basingstoke.