Environment, Transport & Development Department

Minutes of Meeting

A47 Alliance

Held on:21 September 2012Time: 10.00am

Venue:Cranworth Room, County Hall

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Graham Plant / - / Norfolk County Council (Chair)
Paul Claussen / - / Breckland District Council
David Cumming / - / Norfolk County Council
Tim East / - / Norfolk County Council and South Norfolk Council
Sandra Eastaugh / - / Norfolk County Council
Tom Fitzpatrick / - / North Norfolk District Council
Roger Foulger / - / Broadland District Council
David Glason / - / Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Chris Hewitt / - / South Norfolk Council
Mike Jackson / - / Norfolk County Council
Peter Jermany / - / Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk
Alan Kirkdale / - / Highways Agency
Richard Rockliffe / - / Norfolk County Council
Michael Selfe / - / RAC Foundation
Bob Tuckwell / - / Cambridgeshire County Council
John Walchester / - / Broadland District Council
Vivienne Spikings / - / Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk (Vice Chair)
John Birchall / - / Norfolk County Council
Henry Bellingham / - / MP
Jonathan Cage / - / Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
David Dukes / - / Norfolk County Council
Tim Edmunds / - / Norfolk County Council
George Freeman / - / MP
Brandon Lewis / - / MP
Wendy Otter / - / Fenland Council
Paul Rice / - / Norfolk County Council
Keith Simpson / - / MP
Chloe Smith / - / MP
Robert Sturdy / - / MEP
Simon Wright / - / MP


1.0 / Apologies
Noted above.
2.0 / Minutes of Meeting – 25 May 2012.
Agreed, although Bob Tuckwell clarified that Chesterton Station (item 4) would not receive LEP funding.
3.0 / A47 Alliance Update
  • TEN-T
  • Economic Benefits Study
  • Member Refresh
  • Web Page

David Cumming introduced the item by summarising the main points from the briefing note (see attached Item3_A47Update).
On TEN-T, Mike Jackson noted the help of Vicky Ford, MEP, in her contribution to the EU Transport Committee debate. He stated that it was really helpful that she would be tabling an amendment to allow the funding to be directed towards comprehensive, as well as core, routes. He noted that it was unrealistic to expect to convince the EU Parliament that the A47 should be a core route, but that our ultimate aim was to secure investment into the route. In this respect, Vicky Ford had identified a possible means of securing funding for the A47, which has some potential to be supported by EU Parliament.
Tim East asked whether we had sought the assistance of any other MEPs. Mike Jackson replied that we had liaised with MEPs on the transport committee.
On the Economic Benefits Study David Cumming noted that the final report has been completed and can be found on the website.
David Cumming informed the group that the A47 Alliance member refresh had been put underway, with over 100 businesses written to, asking them to sign up to the Alliance. However, to date fewer responses than anticipated had been received.
There was ageneral discussion including the following:
  • Tim Eastmade the suggestion of contacting Chambers of Commerce/Trade and LEPs to see how they can stimulate interest from businesses further.
  • Graham Plantsuggested using word of mouth to connect with these businesses to get ‘buy in’ rather than brochures
  • Paul Claussen wanted to know if districts are included in these discussions. As this would have a positive effect.

David Cumming drew the group’s attention to the website. A short group discussion followed where the group agreed it would be better to have a separate site rather than it being hosted on the county council’s site.
David confirmed that there may be a cost involved to a separate website. It was agreed that David would investigate this and let the group know. Graham Plant suggested thatapproaches could be made to steering group members and others to help with financial support for this site’s upkeep for at least the first two years.
Tim East added that he felt that both Peterborough and Cambridgeshire councils, and the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough LEP, should be involved. it was agreed that David would draft a letter for the chairman to sign to these bodies
4.0 / Business Case Prospectus
Mike Jackson presented the Business Case prospectus (previously circulated to the group).
Mike highlighted that the prospectus has not formally been launched. The meeting with the Minister had been postponed followingthe Cabinet reshuffle. (The meeting with the new Minister has subsequently been arranged for 26 November.)
The group’sconsensus for the brochure was complimentary, with comments on how impressed they were with the both layout and content.
There were discussions about potential future iterations of the brochure including emphasising the links with Europe, adding details about potential schemes in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and getting quotes from businesses (including about loss of business investment in the region due to the quality of the A47). However, it was agreed not to make any substantive changes to the brochure at this time.
5.0 / Discussion / Next steps
This was covered in the initial presentation and also in the brochure.
6.0 / Programme Update
Alan Kirkdale updated the meeting. He outlined that the Highways Agency had identified a small number of routes for Pilot Route Strategies. The A12 was included, but the A47 was not. Alan outlined the reasons for this. However, he did set out that the methodology appeared to be very similar to what the A47 Alliance had been doing for the Business Case.
Mike Jackson stated that although the A47 hadn’t been included as a pilot, the Alliance could still engage with government and the HA with a view of either getting it added as a pilot or, possibly, it being undertaken by the Alliance to the HA methodology in tandem with the HA pilots.
Alan updated the meeting on the pinch point programme. He outlined that there would be an announcement imminently, with a further one probably in the New Year. The earlier announcement would probably be included the Honingham expressway. The further schemes on the A47 would be considered for the New Year announcement.
6.0 / AOB
Date and Venue of Next Meeting: TBC
Signed: …………………… (Chairperson)Dated: …………………

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