Associate Professor, Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology


College of Pharmacy

An-Najah National Univ.

Nablus, Palesine

Tel.: (Office):00-972-9-2940475

Mobile: 00-972-599-225906

(Home): 00-972-9-2942021

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Place of Birth: Qalqilia, Palestine

Nationality: Palestinian

Date of Birth: June 26, 1963


1968 – 1981: Study at schools in Qalqilia, Palestine.

1981 – 1986: B. SC Pharmacy, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

1991: A scholarship from AMIDEAST (Fulbright) to continue the M.S study in USA.

1991 – 1993: M.S study by courses, Comprehensive Exam and Research Project (Clinical Pharmacology of Benzodiazpine Abuse), Northeastern University.

Major: Clinical Pharmacology.

1997: A scholarship from the International Arab Association Aid to continue Ph. D in “Pharmacology”.

1997 – 2000: Ph.D study at the Dept. of Pharmacology, Bouve college of Pharmacy, Northeastern Univ., Boston, USA.

Thesis Subject:

Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Nicotine abuse


2005 – Now: Associate professor of clinical pharmacology.

2000 – 2005: Assistant Professor of clinical pharmacology

2004 – 2008: Dean, College of Pharmacy

2004 – 2008: Chairman, Clinical Pharmacy graduate Program

1996 – 1997: Lecturer, College of Pharmacy, An-Najah Univ.

1993 – 1995: Research and Development Department.

Pharmacare Pharmaceuticals, Ramallah, Palestine.

1986 – 1990: Dispensing Pharmacist. Al-Rahma Pharmacy, Qalqilia, Palestine.


As a Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, I accomplished the following:

1. Improved the quality of pharmacy training

2. Improved the quality of research at the college

3. Introduced the concepts of pharmaceutical care to the undergraduate curriculum.

4. Introduced the Pharm. D program to the college.

5. Introduced and encouraged the concept of clinical research and publication

6. Helped introduced the concept of departments in the college.

7. Changed the undergraduate and graduate pharmacy curriculum to meet the international standards.

8. Introduced a computer laboratory to support the teaching process

9. Launched several seminar days in medical and pharmacy topics in coordination with other medical colleges.

10. Part of the team who introduced the M.SC clinical Pharmacy.

11. Part of the team who launched the first national pharmacy museum.

12. Part of the team who launched the first clinical trials regarding post-operative analgesia.



Therapeutics I, II

Drug Information

Hospital, Clinical Clerkships

Research Methodology

Computer Skills in Pharmacy


Pharmacology, Basic and Clinical

Pharmaceutical Care

Research Methodology


1.  Drug Compliance. By “Ola Aker”.

2.  Prevalence of Juvenile Hypertension. By “Nemaat Al-Khayyat”.

3.  Drug Abuse in Tulkaram Area. By “Mohammad Al-Jayoosi”.

4.  Antibiotic Self medication and Misuse. By “ Maram Hajaj”.


1.  Rational and irrational drug use.

2.  Pharmaco-epidemiology and drug safety.

3.  Pharmaceutical Care.

Conferences attended:

1.  مؤتمر اتحاد الصيادلة العرب ونقابة الصيادلة الأردنيين (2007) ببحث علمي في مجال علم الأدوية السريري.

2.  المؤتمر الصيدلاني الدولي الثاني في جامعة الزيتونة (2008) – مشاركه ببحث علمي

  1. American Society for Pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (ASPET Conference): LA. California, USA. Oct. 1998.
  2. New England Pharmacology Conference. Boston, USA/Feb. 1999.
  3. American Society for Pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (ASPET Conference). Miami. Florida, USA. Nov. 1999.
  4. New England Pharmacology Conference. Providence, RI. USA. Feb. 2000.
  5. American Society for Pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (ASPET Conference), Boston, MA, USA. June 2000.


1.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ansam F. Sawalha, Sa’ed H. Zyoud, Samah W. Al-Jabi & Eman J. Tameem. Patterns of Antihypertensive Therapy in Diabetic Patients with and without Reduced Renal Function. [Accepted]. Saudi Journal of Kidney Disease and Transplantation. Sep. 2008.

2.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ansam F. Sawalha, Sa’ed H. Zyoud, Samah W. Al-Jabi, Nasr Y. Shraim Prevalence of Reduced Renal Function among Diabetic Hypertensive Patient.

3.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ansam F. Sawalha, Sana M. Al-Aqad, Sa’ed H Zyoud, Samah W. Al-Jabi. Predictors of in-Hospital Mortality after Acute Stroke: Impact of Gender.

4.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ansam F. Sawalha, Sana M. Al-Aqad, Sa’ed H. Zyoud, Samah W. Al-Jabi. The Epidemiology of Stroke in Northern Palestine: A One-Year, Hospital-Based Study. [Accepted]. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease. June 2008.

5.  Zaid AN, Alhaique F, Kort J, Sweileh W. Comparative bioavailability of two cefdinir suspension formulations in Middle Eastern healthy volunteers after single oral administration. Arzneimittelforschung. 2008;58(3):149-53.

6.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ansam F. Sawalha, Sa'ed H. Zyoud, Samah W. Al-Jabi & Majd A. Abaas. Discharge Medications among Ischemic Stroke Survivors. [Accepted]. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease. August 2008.

7.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Predictors of In-Hospital Mortality after Acute Stroke: Impact of Renal Dysfunction. [Accepted]. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. August 2008.

8.  Ansam F. Sawalha, Waleed M. Sweileh, Sa'ed H. Zyoud, Samah W. Al-Jabi Self-Therapy Practices among University Students in Palestine: Focus on Herbal Remedies. Complementary therapies in Medicine. 2008

9.  Ansam F. Sawalha, Waleed M. Sweileh, Sa'ed H. Zyoud, Samah W. Al-Jabi. Comparative Analysis of Patient Package Inserts of local and imported Anti-Infective Agents in Palestine. Lybia Journal of Medicine. 2008

10.  Sweileh, WM. Potential Adverse Effects of Low Dose Aspirin and Diuretic Drug Combination on Kidney Function. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2007.

11.  Sweileh WM. Gender Differences in Pharmacological and Clinical Associates of Kidney Disease. Medical Principles and Practice, Feb 2008.

12.  Ansam F. Sawalha, Waleed M. Sweileh, Sa'ed H. Zyoud, Samah W. Al-Jabi. Antidote Stocking at Hospitals in North Palestine. (short communication) OJHAS: Vol. 5, Issue 4: (2006 Oct-Dec).

13.  Sweileh Waleed M, Sawalha Ansam F, Salfeete Suha A, Zyoud Sa'ed H, Abu-Taha Adham S, Al-jabi Samah W, Jaradat Nidal A, Zaid Abed Al-Naser M. Admission blood glucose level as a potential indicator for short-term mortality and morbidity after myocardial infarction. IJDDC, 2006, 26,3,116-121.

14.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Samah A. Janem, Ansam F. Sawalha, Adham S. Abu-Taha, Sa'ed H. Zyoud, Iyad A. Sabri, Samah W. Al-jabi, Nidal A. Jaradat, Abed Al-Naser M. Zaid. Medication dosing errors in hospitalized patients with renal impairment: a study in Palestine. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 26 Apr 2007.

15.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Effect of Combined Treatment of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Diuretics on Serum Creatinine Levels among Elderly Patients. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. Nov, 2006.

16.  Waleed Sweileh. Influence of Disease and Drug Risk Factors on Metformin Dose Adjustment: A Retrospective Study of Outpatients in Nablus. Journal of Islamic University Gaza. 2006

17.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Nidal A. Jaradat, Moueen M. Elawee, Asaad M. Al-Shakhsheer, Ansam F. Sawalha, Rawa J. Al-Ramahi, and Abed Al-Naser M. Zaid. Drug Interactions and Risk of Bleeding among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Discharged with Warfarin. [Accepted], An-najah Univ. 2006

18.  Ansam F. Sawalha, Ghada O. Al-Bishtawi, Laila S. Al-Khayyat, Waleed M. Sweileh, Rowa J. Al-Ramahi and Nidal A. Jaradat. Pattern of Parenteral Antimicrobial Prescription among Pediatric Patients in Al-Watani Government Hospital in Palestine. An-najah University Journal, 2006

19.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Contraindications to Metformin Therapy among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Pharmacy World and Science, 2007.

20.  Waleed M. Sweileh & Reem T. Arafat. Attitudes toward medications: A pilot study in Palestine. The Islamic University Journal (Series of Natural Studies and Engineering) Vol.14, No.2, P.21-30, 2006, ISSN 1726-6807, http//

21.  Waleed M. Sweileh & Nidal A. Jaradat. Sex difference and disease factors affecting monotherapy choice for hypertension.The Islamic University Journal (Series of Natural Studies and Engineering). Vol.14, No.1, P.51-61, 2006, ISSN 1726-6807, http//

22.  Waleed Sweileh, Asaad Al-Shakshair, Nidal Jaradat, Karam Abu-Rabie & Wafa Sabah. Prevalence & treatment of patients with epilepsy associated with intellectual disability: A pilot study in Palestine.The Islamic University Journal (Series of Natural Studies and Engineering). Vol.14, No.1, P.183-189, 2006, ISSN 1726-6807, http//

23.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Audit of Prescribing Practices of Topical Corticosteroids in Out-Patient Dermatology (OPD) Clinics in North Palestine. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 2006.

24.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Treatment of Complicated and Uncomplicated Hypertension with Nifedipine in Palestine. Saudi Medical Journal.2005, 26(1), p: 447 – 452.

25.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ansam F. Sawalha, Rami M. AL-Haj Abed, &

Abdullah K. Rabba. Utilization of Anti-infective Agents Measured in “Defined. Daily Dose” (DDD): A Study in Palestine. The Islamic University Journal (Series of Natural Studies and Engineering) Vol.15, No. 2, pp 59-66, 2007, ISSN 1726-6807.

26.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Reem T. Arafat, Lila Al-Khyat, Dana M. Al-Masri & Nidal A. Jaradat. A pilot study to investigate over the counter (OTC) drug abuse and misuse in Palestine. (Short Communication). Saudi Medical Journal, 2004, 25(12). p: 447- 449.

27.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Pharmacotherapeutic Analysis of Non-Steroidal Antinflammatory Drugs Prescribed at Rheumatology / Orthopedic Clinics. J. Al Azhar Univ. – Gaza, 2002, Vol. 6, No. 2, P47-56.

28.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ola Aker and Saed Hamooz. Rate of Compliance among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension. [accepted]. An-najah National University. Natural Sciences.

29.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ola A. Aker & Nidal A. Jaradat. Aspirin Therapy Among Diabetic Hypertensive Patients. [accepted]. Journal of the Islamic University of Gaza (Natural Sciences Series).

30.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Nidal A. Jaradat & Mai Marmash. Pharmacological Evaluation of 5-Flurouracil (5-FU) Utilization among Patients with Gastro-Intestinal Tract (GIT) Cancers. [accepted]. An-najah National University. Natural Sciences.

31.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Nidal A. Jaradat and Abeer A. Mustafa. Antibiotics Drug Cost Variations in Palestine: Physicians and Patients Dilemma. An-Najah Univ. J. res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 18(1), 2004.

32.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Anti-sense oligodeoxynucleotides: A Review. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N. Sc), Vol. 18 (1), 2004.

33.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ola A. Aker & Nidal A.Jradat Pharmacological and Therapeutic Analysis of Anti-Diabetic and Anti-hypertensive Drugs Among Diabetic Hypertensive Patients in Palestine. Journal of the Islamic University of Gaza (Natural Sciences Series), Vol 12, No. 2, PP. 35-57, 2004.

34.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Utilization of Acetaminophen in Palestine: Toxicity and Therapeutic Implications. Journal of the Islamic University of Gaza (Natural Sciences Series) Vol 12, No. 1, PP. 25-36 2004.

35.  Nidal A. Jaradat, Waleed M. Sweileh & Samah D. Kerki. Pharmacological Investigation of Plant-Derived Pharmaceuticals in Palestine. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 18(1), 2004.

36.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Nidal A. Jaradat, Abedalraheem M. Barham and Ali S. Barakat. Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Factors Affecting Physician’s and Pharmacist’s Selection of Drugs. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 18(1), 2004

37.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Nidal A. Jaradat and Abed Alsalam S. Al-Khayyat. Typical and Atypical Antipsychotic Drug Utilization in a Psychiatric Clinic in Palestine: Pharmacological and Therapeutic Analysis. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 18(1), 2004.

38.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Abed-Al-Naser Zeid and Nidal A. Jaradat. Drug Informational Value of Patient Package Insert (PPI): A Sample Study in Palestine. Journal of the Islamic University of Gaza (Natural Sciences Series) Vol 12, No. 2, PP. 59-68 2004.

39.  Waleed M. Sweileh & Nidal A. Jaradat. Pharmacotherapeutic Implications and Prescribing Pattern of Benzodiazepines (BZD) by Psychiatrists and Neurologists. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 18(1), 2004.

40.  Nidal A. Jraradat & Waleed M. Sweileh. Drug Information for Community Pharmacies: Survey on Needs and Use of Drug Information with Special Focus on New Information Technology. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 17(2), 2003.

41.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Pharmacotherapeutic Analysis and Prescription Pattern of Antihypertensive Drugs Dispensed at Community Pharmacies in Palestine. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 17(2), 2003.

42.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ola A. Aker and Saed Hamouz. Effect of “Polypharmacy” and “Frequency of Drug Dosing” on Rate of Compliance among Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients: A Survey Study in Palestine. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 17(2), 2003.

43.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Substitution of Foreign Prescribed Medicines by Community Pharmacies in Palestine: A Legal and Pharmaco-Economic Analysis. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 17(1), 2003.

44.  Nidal A. Jaradat and Waleed M. Sweileh. A Descriptive Study of Community Pharmacy Practice in Palestine. Analysis and Future Look. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 17(2), 2003.

45.  Waleed M. Sweileh and Abdelrahim M. Barham Contraceptive Methods: Cost/Effectiveness ratio from a customer’s Perspective in Palestine. An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (N.Sc.), Vol. 17(2), 2003.

46.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Nidal A. Jaradat and Lyla Al-Khyyat. Community Pharmacy Practice Training Manual. [accepted], An-Najah National University, 2005.

47.  Waleed M. Sweileh, Ansam F. Sawalha & Nidal A. Jaradat. Extent of Potential “Drug Interactions” Among Patients Receiving Anti-Hypertensive Medications. [Accepted] Saudi Medical Journal.

48.  Waleed M. Sweileh and Ola F. Abu-Dhair. The influence of Medical Insurance and Cost of Prescribed Medicines on Patient’s Decision-Making in Palestine. [accepted]. مجلة جامعة الأقصى – العلوم الطبيعية.

49.  Waleed M. Sweileh. Self – Medication and Over-the-Counter Practices: A Study in Palestine. [accepted].مجلة جامعة الأقصى – العلوم الطبيعية.

50.  Sweileh W. Wenberg K, Xu J. Forsayeth J., Hardy S., and Loring RH (2000): Multiple expression and assembly of neuronal nicotinic receptor subunits is both host cell and receptor subtype dependent. Mol. Brain Research. 754: 293-302. [Extracted from the PhD thesis]