TERMS OF REFERENCE – draft version 1.1

Title of Post:CMAM/Assessment and Monitoring Coordinator

Reporting to:Nutrition Cluster Coordinator

Duty Station:

Purpose:To work with Ministry of Health (MSPP) and Nutrition Cluster partner organisations to provide coordination and technical assistance for CMAM, assessment and monitoring.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

CMAM coordination 50%

  1. Work with the MSPP, UNICEF and partner organisations to coordinate the rapid expansion of the CMAM approach for the treatment of acute malnutrition.
  1. Facilitate technical working group meetings on CMAM (CMAM TWG) for partners implementing CMAM and CMAM related activities. These meetings must be short, concise and used for technical information sharing and learning to help facilitate rapid scale up and effective treatment of acute malnutrition.
  1. Monitor donations of use of food or drugs that do not comply with MSPP policies and guidelines. Notify the Cluster Coordinator of any use of inappropriate supplies.
  1. Facilitate CMAM orientation and training for managers in MSPP, national agencies or UN staff as necessary.
  1. Ensure all organisations are adhering to the national CMAM protocols as adapted for local conditions. The protocols will allow for the MSPP and the Nutrition Cluster to assess the effectiveness and impact of the CMAM approach during the emergency.
  1. Provide inputs to a standardized monitoring and reporting system for CMAM developed by UNICEF/MSPP in collaboration with WHO.
  1. Conduct a capacity assessment for CMAM and develop a strategy for capacity development with MSPP and UNICEF
  1. Assist UNICEF/WHO/MSPP in establishing a community outreach system for early detection and referral for acute malnutrition and community involvement.
  1. Strengthen technical coordination of activities amongst partners and sharing of technical information and learning for CMAM.
  1. Ensure partner organisations are supporting local health structures wherever possible.
  1. Ensure implementing organisations maintain focus on community ownership and public health aspects of the programmes.
  1. Maintain a mapping of all CMAM activities and compile all programme data to give an up to date picture of coverage of services.
  1. Facilitate/Establish a national CMAM repository including nutrition analysis that feeds into the nutrition surveillance system (in process)

Assessment and Monitoring coordination 50%

  1. Ensure each implementing partner collects data and lead the process of obtaining data from organisations being it rapid assessments, surveys, active case findings, screenings, data from sentinel sites, etc.
  1. Ensure that data is provided to CDC (when a collaborative partnership is established) and MSPP and provide inputs to maintain a database to enable close monitoring of programmes and response of nutritional services.
  1. Ensure good collaboration with MSPP, HNTS, CDC, IPC and other actors involved in data collection, analysis and reporting.
  1. Facilitate/Participate in the development of a national nutrition surveillance system and contribute to strengthening capacities for assessments and surveillance
  1. Ensure the regular feedback from data obtained from assessments and monitoring to all Nutrition Cluster Partners and present this forum with his/her interpretation concerning gaps, areas of concern and facilitate response accordingly.

Decision Making and Financial Responsibilities:

The CMAM/Assessment & Monitoring Coordinator makes all decisions on a day to day basis in consultation with MSPP counterparts. Any decisions that require a significant change in policy or protocol should be referred to the relevant MSPP official and the Cluster Coordinator.

All staff is responsible for managing their own budgets when applicable and their own finances.

While this is an accurate description of the job at present, because the job may be expected to develop over time, the job holder may be expected to assume different duties. These will be agreed with the jobholder in advance and will be within the scope of the job salary and the jobholder’s capabilities.

Essential /


Ability to communicate fluently in English and French.
Ability to work alongside organisations with different working practices.
Able to work within varying teams and be able to contribute to the overall success of that team.
Computer literate / Ability to conduct and/or write research projects.
Experience in international relief and development.
Experience in Community based health and nutrition programmes.
Primary health care experience.
Emergency nutrition programme experience.
Minimum 4 years post qualification work experience. / NGO experience.
Research experience/or training
Budget management experience.
Qualified health professional and/or nutritionist.
Knowledge of humanitarian and development issues. / Masters or higher degree in Public Health or Public Health Nutrition
Other requirements:
Cultural sensitivity.
Must be able to demonstrate a flexible and adaptable approach to work.
Must be an ‘enabler’ and a good facilitator whilst remaining results oriented