History of Health Care

1.  Name one ancient herbal medicine that is still used today.

2.  What role did religion play in health care in ancient times?

3.  Who were the first people to keep health records?

4.  What are holistic health methods?

5.  Why was Hippocrates called the “Father of Medicine”?

6.  Who developed the first sewer and aqueduct systems?

7.  What is the process of trepanation used for?

8.  Who was given credit for creating the early hospitals in their homes?

9.  When was the major epidemic of the plague that killed ¾ of Europe & Asia?

10.  What two famous artists used dissection to help draw the body more accurately?

11.  How were most diseases treated during the dark ages?

12.  What period is known as the rebirth of the science of medicine?

13.  When was the printing press developed?

14.  Who described the circulation of blood in 1628?

15.  Who invented the microscope in 1666?

16.  Who developed the first mercury thermometer in1714?

17.  Who invented bifocals?

18.  Who developed a vaccination for smallpox in 1796?

19.  Who established sanitary nursing care units during the Crimean War?

20.  Who invented the stethoscope in 1816?

21.  Who became the first female physician in the U.S. in 1849?

22.  Who began the professional education of nurses?

23.  Who started using disinfectants and antiseptics for surgery in 1865?

24.  Who founded the Red Cross in 1881?

25.  Who developed the culture plate method for identifying pathogens in 1882?

26.  Who proved that microorganisms caused disease and developed a rabies vaccine?

27.  Who discovered x-rays in 1895?

28.  What period of history saw the most rapid growth in health care?

29.  What 2 men described the structure of DNA and how it carries genetic information in 1953?

30.  When did health care plans to pay the costs of care start?

31.  Who isolated radium in 1910?

32.  Whose studies formed the basis for psychology and psychiatry?

33.  Who discovered penicillin?

34.  Who developed the dead polio vaccine in 1952?

35.  When was the first successful kidney transplant performed and by who?

36.  When were birth control pills approved by the FDA?

37.  When were the first liver and lung transplants performed?

38.  When was the first “test tube baby” born?

39.  When was AIDS identified?

40.  What is the purpose of the OBRA Act of 1987?

41.  What is the WHO?

42.  When were vaccines for cervical cancer and shingles approved by the FDA?

43.  List 6 methods of cost containment.

44.  What is the purpose of DRGs?

45.  What is the purpose of telemedicine?

46.  List five ways to promote physical wellness?

47.  List six ways to promote mental and intellectual wellness?

48.  Who is responsible for choosing a patient’s health care?

49.  What is the most common system of health care in the U.S.?

50.  What is the difference between complementary and alternative therapies?

51.  What is the purpose of integrated health care?

52.  What do Chinese medicine practitioners do?

53.  What is acupressure?

54.  What are antioxidants?

55.  What is ionization therapy?

56.  How does meditation work?

57.  What happens when a pandemic occurs?

58.  Why is the WHO concerned about a pandemic influenza?

59.  What is H5N1 virus called?

60.  What is Hantavirus?

61.  What is SARS?

62.  Name seven viruses that are a major concern for the WHO.