March 2007


Chapter Page


Initial Survey Results – 2003 2

Comments from the 2003 Survey 10

Initial Survey Results – 2004 23

  1. POPULATION 4228
  1. ECONOMY 4329
  1. HOUSING 4733
  1. RECREATION 5541



Proposed Smart Growth Ordinance 86

Proposed Miscellaneous Nuisance Ordinance 92

Chapter1. Introduction

This section presents the results of the two surveys that were distributed to Nobleboro residents by the Comprehensive Planning Committee.

The survey results and comments are included here in Appendices A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, C-1, C-2, and D-1.

Appendix A-1


Resident Voters, Winter of 1991


A.Who am I?

1.I live in Nobleboro: (296) year round, (14) seasonally.

2.My age bracket is: (15) 18-25 years, (122) 26-45 years, (92) 46-65 years, (80) 66 or more years.

3.I am: (147) male, (159) female.

4.I have lived in Nobleboro: (50) all my life, (60) 0-5 years, (53) 6-10 years, (84) 11-20 years, (63) 21-40 years, (49) more than 40 years.

(Questions 5-7 are for non-residents only)

5.If I have moved to Nobleboro from elsewhere, I came from: (75) elsewhere in Lincoln County, (67) elsewhere in Maine, (107) from out of State.

6.I attended: (68) Nobleboro schools, (80) Lincoln Academy, (34) Waldoboro/Medomak Valley High, (192) schools elsewhere.

7.My highest academic level is: (12) less than high school, (86) high school grad, (87) some college, (78) college grad, (39) post-college degree.

8.I (70) served, (219) did not serve in the Armed Forces or Coast Guard.

9.I am presently (59) self-employed, (93) employed full-time, (26) employed part-time, (7) unemployed (seeking work), (8) unemployed(not seeking work), (98) retired, (5) student, (9) other(______)

10.If I am employed or self-employed, I work: (42) at home or on or from my own property, (7) elsewhere in Nobleboro, (85) elsewhere in Lincoln County, (43) outside Lincoln County.

11.If I operate my own business in Nobleboro, I have (10) (number) full time and (66) (number) part time employees from out of Town

12.If I am employed or self-employed, my occupation category is best described as:

(20) Farming/Fishing/Forestry / (13) Retail
(10) Manufacturing / (69) Service Occupation
(18) Construction / (10) Transportation, Utilities,
(8) Finance/Ins./Real Estate / (21) Other ______

13.I (or my immediate family) (281) own, (9) rent our home in Nobleboro.

B.Why am I here?

14.I live in Nobleboro because(of): (Check top 3)

(55) I always have / (98) family nearby
(220) small town/rural atmosphere / (57) close to work
(147) natural environment / (21) good schools
(54) housing costs/taxes / (109) good people

15.Given the opportunity, I (263) do, (40) do not expect to live in Nobleboro indefinitely.

C.How do I like the Town?

My level of satisfaction with the Town is as follows

Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / No
Opinion / Average
Score ------> / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
16. / Primary School / 3.5
17. / Roads (maintenance) / 3.0
18. / Roads (snow plowing) / 2.7
19. / Fire Protection / 3.3
20. / Police Protection / 2.3
21. / Ambulance/Rescue / 3.2
22. / Town Form of Government / 3.1
23. / Town Office Services / 3.4
24. / Transfer Station / 3.1
25. / Regulations about Land Development and Building Codes / 2.7
26. / Affordability of Housing / 2.4
27. / Property Taxes / 2.4

I think that in the future the Town should adjust its expenditures as follows:

I recommend funding:

Increase / Stay the Same / Decrease / No
Opinion / Average
Town Service / Score ------> / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
28. / Primary School / 2.0
29. / Roads (maintenance) / 2.2
30. / Roads (snow plowing) / 2.1
31. / Fire Protection / 2.2
32. / Police Protection / 2.3
33. / Ambulance/Rescue / 2.2
34. / Town Office Services / 2.1
35. / Transfer Station / 2.1
36. / Code Enforcement / 2.2

D.About the Future

I understand that the population of Nobleboro has grown from 654 in 1950, to 679 in 1960, to 850 in 1970, to 1154 in 1980, and to 1449 in 1990. This growth rate is higher than that of Lincoln County as a whole and very much higher than the State average.

37.Assuming that some growth is inevitable, I would prefer that Nobleboro grow: (62) at about the State average, (39) at about the County average, (58) at about its present rate, (153) as little as possible.

38.In the year 2000, I would prefer the population of Nobleboro to be about: 1606 (average all responses).

39.Nobleboro currently has very little commercial or industrial activity. I believe that such activity should be: (45) vigorously encouraged, (65) slightly encouraged, (130) kept about the same level as now, (56) discouraged, (13) prohibited.

40.Nobleboro does not currently distinguish between residential and commercial/industrial areas of town. I believe that commercial/industrial development should be: (126) restricted to certain sections of the Town, (181) judged on a case-by-case basis wherever it occurs.

41.The State has suggested that towns such as Nobleboro designate certain parts of town as "No Growth" areas, in which further growth and development are discouraged or prohibited, and other parts as "Growth" areas where growth and development are permitted or encouraged. I think that this approach is (166) a good idea, (90) a bad idea, (46) (no opinion).

42.Traffic on Route One can be a serious problem at times, but it also helps support the region's economy. I believe that a Northern by-pass from Bath towards Camden: (153) would, (136) would not, help Nobleboro in the long run.

43.I believe that the Town (188) should, (111) should not have a long range plan for the acceptance of private roads as Town roads.

44.I (140) do, (160) do not, believe that the Town should provide better public access to Damariscotta and Pemaquid Lakes.

45.At the present time there is very little public transportation serving Nobleboro. I find that this is: (25) a serious problem, (98) sometimes a problem, (179) not a problem.

46.If there were railroad service 2 or 3 times a day in each direction, I probably would ride the train: (33) several times a week, (37) about once a week, (55) about once a month, (173) very seldom.

47.In my free time, my favorite Nobleboro outdoor activities are:

(204) walking/hiking / (69) driving around in the car
(46) hunting/trapping / (129) swimming
(139) boating / (98) fishing
(79) cross-country skiing / (62) ice skating/boating
(13) running/jogging / (33) snowmobiling/"ATVing"
(14) I don't go outside much / (69) other(______)

48.The three parts of Town which I personally find most attractive are:

(124) / the top of and view from Eugley Hill in North Nobleboro
(95) / the Vannah Road
(183) / the view from Wriggins' out over Great Salt Bay
(76) / the landing and view at the North end of Pemaquid Lake
(88) / the area around Camp Kieve
(125) / the Icehouse Lot, Mill Pond and Fish Stream in the Mills
(35) / other (Damariscotta lake, in some context)
(19) / other ("My own place”)
(16) / other (Morang Cove/Reed Hill/East Pond Road)

49.I think that the Town (246) should, (50) should not, from time to time consider purchasing or otherwise preserving certain pieces of land for scenic/recreational purposes.

50.In 1990, I (272) did, (34) did not, vote in the Town elections.

51.In 1990, I (120) did, (187) did not attend Town Meeting.

Appendix A-2


Non-Resident Taxpayers, Winter of 1991


A.Who am I?

1.I live in Nobleboro: (4) year round, (98) seasonally, (40) rarely/never

2.My age bracket is: (2) 18-25 years, (27) 26-45 years, (54) 46-65 years, (37) 66 or more years.

("Missing questions" are for residents only.)

4.My personal connection with Nobleboro goes back: (27) all my life, (12) 5 years, (10) 6-10 years, (30) 11-20 years, (36) 21-40 years, (24) more than 40 years

5.My property includes: (85) a summer cottage, (28) a winterized house, (16) no house, (20) other(______)

6.I own Nobleboro land because:

(50) family connections(21) as an investment

(100) vacation home(66) possible future residence

(8) other(______)(Please check all that apply)

7.My permanent residence is: (28) elsewhere in Lincoln County, (21) elsewhere in Maine, (94) out of State.

B.How do I like the Town?

My level of satisfaction with the Town is as follows:

Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / No
Opinion / Average
Score ------> / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
20. / Roads (maintenance) / 3.1
22. / Fire Protection / 3.2
23. / Police Protection / 2.5
24. / Ambulance/Rescue / 3.2
26. / Town Office Services / 3.4
27. / Transfer Station / 3.2
28. / Regulations about Land Development and Building Codes / 2.7
30. / Property Taxes / 2.2

C.About the future

I understand that the resident population of Nobleboro has grown from 654 in 1950, to 679 in 1960, to 850 in 1970, to 1154 in 1980, and to 1449 in 1990. This growth rate is higher than that of Lincoln County as a whole and very much higher than the State average.

40.Assuming that some growth is inevitable, I would prefer that Nobleboro grow: (32) at about the State average, (32) at about the County average, (24) at about its present rate, (47) as little as possible.

41.In the year 2000, I would prefer the population of Nobleboro to be about: (1848) average of responses.

42.Nobleboro currently has very little commercial or industrial activity. I believe that such activity should be: (20) vigorously encouraged, (53) slightly encouraged, (41) kept about the same level as now, (18) discouraged, (9) prohibited.

43.Nobleboro does not currently distinguish between residential and commercial/industrial areas of town. I believe that commercial/industrial development should be: (83) restricted to certain sections of the Town, (58) judged on a case-by-case basis wherever it occurs.

44.The State has suggested that towns such as Nobleboro designate certain parts of town as "No Growth" areas in which further growth and development are prohibited or discouraged, and "Growth" areas where growth and development are permitted or encouraged. I think that this approach is (98) a good idea, (23) a bad idea, (20) (no opinion).

45.Traffic on Route One can be a serious problem at times, but it also helps support the region's economy. I believe that a Northern by-pass from Bath towards Camden: (60) would, (72) would not, help Nobleboro.

47.I (46) do, (86) do not, believe that the Town should provide better public access to Damariscotta and Pemaquid Lakes.

50.In my free time, my favorite Nobleboro outdoors activities are:

(107) walking/hiking / (51) driving around in the car
(13) hunting/trapping / (108) swimming
(109) boating / (71) fishing
(15) cross-country skiing / (28) ice fishing/boating/skating
(17) running/jogging / (12) snowmobiling/"ATVing"
(4) I don't go outside much / (26) other(______)

51.The three parts of Town which I find most attractive to me personally are:

(58) / the top of and view from Eugley Hill in North Nobleboro
(39) / the Vannah Road
(57) / the view from Wriggins' out over Great Salt Bay
(36) / the landing area and view at the North end of Pemaquid Lake
(46) / the area around Camp Kieve
(53) / the Icehouse Lot, Mill Pond and Fish Stream in the Mills
(7) / other(_Damariscotta Lake, in some context__)
(5) / other(_East Pond Road/Morang Cove______)
(4) / other(_Pemaquid Lake, is some context______)

52.I think that the Town: (130) should, (12) should not, from time to time consider purchasing or otherwise preserving certain pieces of land for scenic/recreational purposes.

Appendix A-3


Comments on 1991 Voter Survey

We had returned 312 surveys from registered voters and 146 from non-residents. All of the returned forms have been entered into a computer data base.

Comments on individual questions from the voter survey

1.Virtually everybody who votes actually lives in Town.

2.This age distribution does not match that estimated by the State.

3.This male/female ratio is probably pretty close to the ratio in the population as a whole.

8.249/312 or 80% had moved into Town from elsewhere. Most were from within the State, but many from outside.

9.Interesting, But I am not sure how this guides us.

10.Good scores here, but probably the more educated are more likely to respond.

12.Only 7/300 checked "Unemployed/seeking work.” This is below the State average.

12.Over half of the respondents are working.

13.Many work at home. 134/178 work in Lincoln County.

14.So far, not many out-of-towners employed in town. Camp Kieve accounts for most of these.

15.Obviously, service occupations predominate, but good broad split.

16.Virtually all (97%) families own their homes.

17.Top scorers here were predictable. More interesting is that only 21/312 checked "good schools,” 57/312 checked housing costs.

18.87% expect to stay here. We are not a transient community.

19.Many left this line blank. Most of these, judging by their ages, had no kids in school. Of those who replied, score was better than "good.”

20.Everyone had an opinion here. "Good.”

21.Not like #20 above. Many answers, less than "good.”

22.Better than "good.”

23.Slightly more than "fair.” Many with no opinion, due, no doubt, to lack of visible police coverage.

24.Good scores. People seem to think it is effective.

25.Just slightly better than "good.”

26.High score. Would have been even higher except for lack of Saturday hours.

27.Better than "good.”

28.Less than "good.”



31.Big swings of opinion on this one. Many did not vote. Average score is to remain the same.

32.Add a little.

33.Don't add much.

34, 35, 36, 37, 38.Add a little.

39.Add some. (It does no good to have codes and ordinances if they are not enforced.)

40.The last option ("as little as possible") may be added to the first ("same as the State") to get 215/312 or 69% wanting less than 10% growth in the coming decade.

41.This is much the same as Q 40 above, but quantified. The average suggestion of 1606 is 11% growth in the decade.

42.The largest group would keep commercial/industrial activity at its present level. Of those favoring change, the nod goes 110 to 69 toward some degree of encouragement.

43.This suggests site-specific ordinances rather than zoning to deal with such activity.

44.This question, which is not the same as Q 43, suggests that growth/no growth zones (which would include residential development) might be OK.

45.If Route One traffic went away, it probably would not hurt Nobleboro.

46.Let's look this issue over seriously.

47.Very interesting. Slightly over 50% do not favor increased access.

48.For most, transportation is not a problem.

49.Nobleboro citizens would ride the train some, but not a lot.

50.We do lots of stuff outside. Big write-ins were gardening, working around the property, bird-watching and bicycling.

51.We will tally this one by hand. Big write-ins were East Pond Road/Morang Cove/Reed Hill area. Also many for "my back yard,” etc. People like their personal vistas.

52.83% favor considering land for preservation.

53.People who return surveys are people who vote.

54.Poorer turnout at Town Meeting. What does this tell us?

We did two cross-tabs. First, we checked out the Retirees. Of these (98 in total):

13 had always lived in Nobleboro,

18 were from elsewhere in Lincoln County,

18 were from elsewhere in the State, and

49 were from out of State.

or, 50% Mainers, 50% Out-of-Staters.

Next, we looked at all those of any age who had moved into Nobleboro in the past 10 years. The following Table developed:

When moved in?

Where From? / 0 – 5 yrs. / 6 – 10 yrs. / Total
Elsewhere in Lincoln County / 12 / 19 / 31
Elsewhere in State / 15 / 8 / 23
Out of State / 29 / 25 / 54
Total / 56 / 52 / 108

Again, a 50/50 tie between those from out of State, and those from within Maine.

Your suggestions are invited for other ways we can look at the data. Now that the info has punched in, it is pretty easy to extract whatever we want.

Responses from Questionnaire to # 51,

“The ….parts of Town which I personally find most attractive are:”

(Listed in order of responses)

The three below received far more mentions than any other spots, 183, 125 and 124 respectively.

The view from Wriggens' out over Great Salt Bay

The Ice House Lot, Fish Stream, and Mill Pond in Damariscota Mills

The top of and view from Eugley Hill in North Nobleboro

These next three each received 76 to 95 votes.

The Vannah Road

The area around Camp Kieve

The landing and view from the North end of Pemaquid Lake

The following are also worth noting.

Damariscotta Lake in various other settings received 35 votes

"My Place" received 19 votes

The Morang Cove/Reed Hill/East Pond Road area received 16 votes.

For the top six vote getters plus Morang Cove, etc. we have panoramic photos which may be keyed into our new maps.

Appendix B-1


Resident Voters, Winter of 1992


1.I (1000) did, (18) did not, (19) can't remember, respond(ing) to last year's Planning Questionnaire.

2.Referring to the rough map on the back of this questionnaire, I live in the neighborhood shown by the letter ___ (A to H).

A-22 / Damariscotta Mills
B-4 / Belvedere to Route One
C-21 / West Neck, Lower Cross Road
D-29 / East Neck, Vannah Road
E-18 / Nobleboro Center
F-3 / West of Pemaquid Lake
G-18 / East of Pemaquid Lake
H-21 / North Nobleboro

3.Nobleboro currently has very little commercial/ industrial activity. I believe that such activity should be: (15) vigorously encouraged, (41) slightly encouraged, (61) kept about the same, (13) discouraged, (7) prohibited, (0) (no opinion).

4.Nobleboro does not currently distinguish between residential and commercial/industrial areas of Town. I believe that commercial/industrial development should be: (62) restricted to certain parts of Town, (72) judged on a case-by-case basis wherever it occurs, (4) (no opinion).

5.The State has suggested that towns such as Nobleboro designate certain parts of town as "Low Growth" areas where growth and development are discouraged, and other parts as "Growth" areas where growth is permitted or encouraged. I think that this approach is: (98) a good idea, (31) a bad idea, (8) (no opinion).

6.One way to distinguish "Low Growth" and "Growth" areas is to prohibit certain types of development or business usage in the "Low Growth" areas. I feel that this approach is: (96) a good idea, (27) a poor idea, (13) (no opinion).

7.Another approach is to permit any usage in any area (perhaps subject to site plan review), but to modify the land use ordinances so that designated "Low Growth" areas have tighter restrictions on lot sizes, set-backs, noise generation, building height, etc. I think that this approach is: (67) a good idea, (51) a poor idea, (12) (no opinion).

8.Last year's questionnaire indicated that the Town was interested in some form of "Low Growth" and "Growth" approach. If this is done, I would rank the neighborhoods' need for protection as follows:

Neighborhood (see map) / Need for Protection
1 is highest, 8 is least
A. (Damariscotta Mills) / 3.55
B. (Belvedere to Route One) / 4.17
C. (West Neck, Lower Cross Road) / 3.49
D. (East Neck, Vannah Road) / 3.22
E. (Nobleboro Center) / 5.23
F. (West of Pemaquid Lake / 3.94
G. (East of Pemaquid Lake) / 3.60
H. (North Nobleboro) / 5.11

9.As the various land use and development ordinances become tighter and more complicated, the "power" of the Planning Board increases. Some argue that a Board appointed by the Selectmen, as is the present Board, is best as it is free of direct political influence. Others argue that the Board should be elected so it is more representative. I believe that the Planning Board should be (47) appointed, (77) elected, (11) (no opinion).